
An ultra fast & flexible URL shortener using PostgreSQL database


Support Server

Important notes and thank ❤️

First of all, thanks for using this Source Code, it was and is a ton of work to create and maintain it! That's why I'm asking everyone to donate a little bit of money (via Paypal through ko-fi) or if that's not possible, then join my Discord Server!

Installation Guide 🔥

✅ Hosting Requirements

  • nodejs version 20 or higher, I recommend the latest STABLE version
  • A VPS would be advised, so you don't need to keep your PC/Laptop/RasPi 24/7 online!
  • At least 256MB of RAM & 0.5vCPU with at least 2GB storage.

🤖 Website Requirements

  1. Download the Source Code
    • Either by: git clone https://github.com/vuthanhtrung2010/url-shortener
    • Or by downloading it as a zip from a branch

🤖 Configuration and Starting

NOTE: You can do the exact same configuration inside of the .env.example file, just make sure to rename it to .env or use environment variables!

  1. Ensure that you have installed all node modules by running npm i
  2. Ensure that you have renamed .env.example to .env and added environment variables
  3. Now run npm run build then run npm start or npm start or pm2 start npm --name URL-Shortener -- start if you using a VPS to run the website as production mode. You can also run the website as developer mode by npm run dev or pm2 start "npm run dev" --name URL-Shortener. Might add npx to the prefix of pm2 if you are not using the runtime version!
  4. Now go to the /login route and login to your Spotify Account!
  5. Enjoy!

❓ Where to get which Api-Key(s)

NOTE: You can do the exact same configuration inside of the .env.example file, just make sure to rename it to .env or use environment variables!

  1. ./.env

    • DATABASE_URL get from your self hosted database. See full list of supported database by prisma ORM here.
    • PASSWORD_HASH your hased desired password for /dashboard to create/update/delete URLs, do npm run hash or pnpm hash and type your password, fill in the variable to the variable named PASSWORD_HASH in .env file.
    • PORT is your port number the website listening to. Default listening port will be 3000.
    • SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN (optional for who want to track errors/performance): Get it from Sentry Dashboard.
    • SENTRY_DSN_ADDRESS (optional for who want to track errors/performance): Get it from your Sentry project.
  2. ./src/config.tsx

    • name fill your name. Make sure it is sort.
    • profilePicture the link to your profile picture, default profile picture is in ./public/assets/pfp.webp. If you have different file name/extension after uploading, replace it.
    • links is all your links with the image, image located at ./public/assets/links. Put your files there and replace the sub variable.
    • baseURL your base URL. Must be filled in to prevent error. You could use ShareX to shorten your URL too! Put it as your main route. Eg: https://links.devtrung.tech, https://links.devtrung.tech/ NOT https://yourdomain.com/sth.

Want to use ShareX to Shorten URLs?

  1. Get ShareX from https://getsharex.com/
  2. Change the line have variable RequestURL your real URL. Eg: https://links.devtrung.tech/api/create.
  3. Open the file and choose yes when it asks you to use default URL Shortener is your URL Shortener.


If you want to help improve the code, fix spelling or design Errors or if possible even code errors, you may create PULL REQUESTS. Please create pull request compare to beta branch, else you will get instant close! Please consider, that Vũ Thành Trung is the main Developer of this project!