
Terraform-managed Azure Service Connection


Terraform-managed Azure Service Connection

Azure DevOps uses service connections to access services that are targets for cloud infrastructure provisioning and application deployment. The most commonly used service connection is the Azure Resource Manager service connection. By default, this creates an object in Azure DevOps, an identity in Entra ID and a role assignment in Azure.

Many Enterprise customers have requirements around the management of Entra workload identities (applications, service principals, managed identities) as well as the permissions identities are granted.

Here are a few common requirements and constraints:

  • Creation of app registrations is restricted in the Entra ID tenant and/or
    the use of Managed Identities for Azure access is mandated
  • Specific secret expiration and auto-rotation control
  • ITSM metadata is required on Entra ID objects (service management reference, naming convention, notes)
  • Co-owners are required to exist on Entra ID apps
  • Access is managed through Entra ID group membership, access control lists should not include individual principals
  • Custom role assignments are needed for Azure data plane access e.g. Key Vault, Kusto, Storage
  • Access needs to be granted to multiple Azure subscriptions that are not part of the same management group
  • An IT fulfillment process exists where identities are automatically provisioned based on a service request

Why Terraform?

Terraform employs a plugable provider model which enables all changes to be made by a single tool and configuration:

Service Provider API
Azure azurerm Azure Resource Manager REST API
Azure DevOps azuredevops Azure DevOps REST API
Entra ID azuread Microsoft Graph API

HCL, the language used, is declarative and the tool is capable if inferring dependencies to create resources in order. For the most part, dependencies do not have to be declared explicitly. This is the output generated by terraform graph: Terraform graph

More information:


Provisioning is a matter of specifying Terraform variables (see inputs below) and running terraform apply. To set variables, you can create a .auto.tfvars file, see sample. To understand how the Terraform configuration can be created in automation, review deploy.ps1 and the CI pipeline.


Below are common configurations. You can mix & match these to meet specific requirements.

Default configuration

This creates an App registration with Federated Identity Credential and Contributor role on the Azure subscription used by the Terraform azurerm provider.

azdo_organization_url          = ""
azdo_project_name              = "my-project"


  • The user can create app registrations i.e.:
  • The user is an owner of the Azure subscription (so role assignment can be performed)

App registration with FIC and ITSM metadata

This creates an Entra ID app registration with IT service reference and notes fields populated as well as specifying co-owners:

azdo_organization_url          = ""
azdo_project_name              = "my-project"
create_managed_identity        = false
credential_type                = "FederatedIdentity"
entra_app_notes                = "Service connection for business application ABC deployment to XYZ environment"
entra_app_owner_object_ids     = ["00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"]
entra_service_management_reference = "11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111"


  • The user can create app registrations i.e.:
  • The user is an owner of the Azure subscription (so role assignment can be performed)

App registration with short-lived secret and constrained access

This creates an Entra ID app registration with secret that expires after 1 hour:

azdo_organization_url          = ""
azdo_project_name              = "my-project"
azure_role_assignments         = [
        scope                  = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg"
        role                   = "Reader"
create_managed_identity        = false
credential_type                = "Secret"
entra_secret_expiration_days   = 0 # secret lasts 1 hour


  • The user can create app registrations i.e.:
  • The user is an owner of the Azure resource group (so role assignment can be performed)

Managed Identity with FIC and custom RBAC

This creates a Managed Identity with Federated Identity Credential and custom Azure RBAC (role-based access control) role assignments:

azdo_organization_url          = ""
azdo_project_name              = "my-project"
azure_role_assignments         = [
        scope                  = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
        role                   = "Contributor"
        scope                  = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg"
        role                   = "Storage Blob Data Contributor"
        scope                  = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg"
        role                   = "Key Vault Secrets User"
credential_type                = "FederatedIdentity"
create_managed_identity        = true
managed_identity_resource_group_id = "/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/msi-rg"


  • A resource group to hold the Managed Identity has been pre-created
  • The user is an owner of the Azure scopes to create role assignments on

Managed Identity with FIC for Azure Container Registry Service Connection

This creates a Managed Identity with Federated Identity Credential and custom Azure RBAC (role-based access control) role assignments:

azdo_organization_url          = ""
azdo_project_name              = "my-project"
azdo_service_connection_type   = "ACR"
azure_container_registry_name  = "myregistry"
azure_role_assignments         = [
        scope                  = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg/providers/Microsoft.ContainerRegistry/registries/myregistry"
        role                   = "AcrPush"
credential_type                = "FederatedIdentity"
create_managed_identity        = true
managed_identity_resource_group_id = "/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/msi-rg"


  • A resource group to hold the Managed Identity has been pre-created
  • The user is an owner of the Azure scopes to create role assignments on

Managed Identity assigned to Entra ID security group

This creates a Managed Identity with Federated Identity Credential and custom Azure RBAC (role-based access control) role assignments:

azdo_organization_url          = ""
azdo_project_name              = "my-project"
azure_role_assignments         = [] # No direct assignments
create_managed_identity        = true
credential_type                = "FederatedIdentity"
entra_security_group_names     = ["my-security-group"]
managed_identity_resource_group_id = "/subscriptions/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111/resourceGroups/msi-rg"


  • A resource group to hold the Managed Identity has been pre-created
  • The user is an owner of the Entra ID security group to add the Managed Identity to

Terraform Configuration

The (required) variables and output are listed below. Sensitive outputs are masked by default. Generated with terraform-docs.


Name Version
azuread 2.53.1
azurerm 3.113.0
external 2.3.3
random 3.6.2
terraform n/a


Name Source Version
acr_service_connection ./modules/azure-devops-acr-service-connection n/a
azure_role_assignments ./modules/azure-access n/a
azure_service_connection ./modules/azure-devops-azure-service-connection n/a
entra_app ./modules/entra-application n/a
managed_identity ./modules/azure-managed-identity n/a


Name Description Type Default Required
azdo_organization_url The Azure DevOps organization URL (e.g. string n/a yes
azdo_project_name The Azure DevOps project name to create the service connection in string n/a yes
azdo_creates_identity Let Azure DevOps create identity for service connection bool false no
azdo_service_connection_type The type of service connection to create. Valid values are 'Azure' and 'ACR'. string "Azure" no
azure_container_registry_name The Azure Container Registry name string null no
azure_role_assignments Role assignments to create for the service connection's identity. If this is empty, the Contributor role will be assigned on the azurerm provider subscription. set(object({scope=string, role=string})) null no
create_managed_identity Creates a Managed Identity instead of a App Registration bool false no
credential_type The type of credential to use for the service connection. Valid values are 'FederatedIdentity' and 'Secret'. string "FederatedIdentity" no
entra_app_notes Description to put in the Entra ID app registration notes field string null no
entra_app_owner_object_ids Object ids of the users that will be co-owners of the Entra ID app registration list(string) null no
entra_secret_expiration_days Secret expiration in days number 90 no
entra_security_group_names Names of the security groups to add the service connection identity to list(string) [] no
entra_service_management_reference IT Service Management Reference to add to the App Registration string null no
managed_identity_resource_group_id The resource group to create the Managed Identity in string null no
resource_prefix The prefix to put in front of resource names created string "demo" no
resource_suffix The suffix to append to resource names created string "" no
run_id The ID that identifies the pipeline / workflow that invoked Terraform (used in CI/CD) number null no


Name Description
azdo_project_id The Azure DevOps project id the service connection was created in
azdo_service_connection_id The Azure DevOps service connection id
azdo_service_connection_name The Azure DevOps service connection name
azdo_service_connection_url The Azure DevOps service connection portal URL
azure_role_assignments Role assignments created for the service connection's identity
azure_subscription_id The Azure subscription id the service connection was granted access to
azure_subscription_name The Azure subscription name the service connection was granted access to
entra_app_notes Description provided in the app registration notes field
identity_application_id The app/client id of the service connection's identity
identity_application_name The name of the service connection's identity
identity_federation_subject The federation subject
identity_issuer The federation issuer
identity_object_id The object id of the service connection's identity
identity_principal_id The service principal id of the service connection's identity
identity_principal_name The service principal name of the service connection's identity
identity_principal_url The service principal portal url of the service connection's identity
identity_secret The secret of the service connection's identity
identity_secret_end_date The secret expiration date of the service connection's identity
identity_url The portal url of the service connection's identity
Extracted from project README
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