
My PowerShell profile for an efficient CLI.



My PowerShell configuration for an efficient CLI. Compatible with any operating system.


Required programs

Clone the profile

  • open the previously installed PowerShell
  • mkdir $PROFILE/..: create the folder that will contain this PowerShell profile
  • cd $PROFILE/..: move to the folder you just created
  • git clone https://github.com/Bluzzi/PowerShell-Profile.git .: clone this repo in the current directory
  • reload your PowerShell

Everything should work! 🎉


  • Zoxide: efficient file navigation
  • Posh-Git: git support
  • Auto-completion
  • Base64 encode/decode functions (btoa, atob)
  • Command line environment variable for every OS we PORT=3000 pnpm run dev
  • Git utils (get-branchs, get-commits)
  • NPM & PNPM support
  • Load the .env (next to $PROFILE)

Unit tests

Pester is used for unit testing. Here are the commands for running the tests.

  • Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -AllowClobber
  • Invoke-Pester or Invoke-Pester -Path $PROFILE/..