
This repository contains the minor tasks and details of the ELTE Computer systems



This repository contains the minor tasks and details of the ELTE Computer systems


ELTE server

  • Server:
  • Login: The neptun code in lowercase and then the password (infes azonosító)


Take homes will be available here in the lecture's Canvas course and must be submitted here as well.

Some basic definition

Unix is a commercial operating system built by Bell Labs in 1969. Many modern day OSes and parts of OSes are based on concepts and standards that came from Unix.

Linux is an operating system (technically a kernel, but that’s for a more technical discussion) that is similar to Unix in its design. It is compliant with many of the same standards as Unix. Unlike Unix, it is free and open-source.

Bash and zsh are shells. A shell is a command-line interface (CLI). Before computers had graphical user interfaces (GUI), you had to communicate with them by entering words on a keyboard. For example, to make a new directory/folder, one might enter "mkdir foldername" and hit enter. The reason there are different shells, like bash and zsh, is that the original Unix shell 'sh' was very limited. People created new shells that met their needs better. Multiple shells exist today because some meet specific needs better than others.

Shell scripting is simply taking all the commands you would type in to do something and putting them in a text file so you don't have to type them in every time. The shell executes the commands in the text file just like you had typed them in. As shells became more advanced, more complex programming became available in shell scripts, but it is still basically executing commands like you had typed them in.

PowerShell is a cross-platform task automation solution made up of a command-line shell, a scripting language, and a configuration management framework. PowerShell runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.