
Consul MSI installer to install a Consul agent as a Windows service

MIT License


consul-agent Build status

Consul MSI installer to install a Consul agent as a Windows service.


The MSI installer will install:

  1. The consul.exe in Program Files\HashiCorp\Consul\consul-agent
  2. nssm.exe in Program Files\HashiCorp\Consul\consul-agent
  3. The consul.json in ProgramData\HashiCorp\Consul\consul-agent
  4. Register nssm + consul as a Windows service


The MSI is built at AppVeyor CI, so have a look at the appveyor.yml for details.


AppVeyor builds the MSI, but deploys it only if is a tag push.

So releasing a new MSI looks like this.

  1. Editing the source tree,
  2. git push to build (and test in the future)
  3. git tag 0.6.3
  4. git push --tags

AppVeyor then builds the MSI again and creates a GitHub release.

Future work

  • Add integration tests by installing the MSI and running eg. serverspec tests
  • Add example for code signing the nssm.exe, consul.exe and as well the MSI package
  • Add better banner images and logos


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.