
Powershell module for Elasticsearch

MIT License



Elastico is a Powershell module that allows to perform some operations with an Elasticsearch cluster. The module can run on both Windows and Linux and runs on both legacy Desktop Powershell 5.1 and Powershell core 6+


You can install the module from the powershell gallery from the command line by running the following command:

Install-Module Elastico


The current version of the module supports the following functionalities:

  • get cluster health
  • get cluster info
  • search
  • get/set index settings
  • list/add/remove indices
  • list/add/remove repositories (for backup)
  • list/add/remove snapshots (for backup)


Documentation is available on github pages

Elasticsearch Versions(s) Compatibility

The module supports versions 2, 5, 6 and 7 of elasticsearch.

Because the server API can change between versions, for compatibility reasons, the cmdlets are specific to each single version of elasticsearch supported.

So for example, instead of having a single Get-ElasticClusterHealt cmdlet, there are 3 cmdlets, more specifically:

  • Get-ElasticV2ClusterHealth
  • Get-ElasticV5ClusterHealth
  • Get-ElasticV6ClusterHealth
  • Get-ElasticV7ClusterHealth

In order to avoid compatibility issues, you will need to know in advance the version of elasticsearch that you are dealing with, and use the relevant cmdlet.

Support for version 1 of Elasticsearch has been dropped, but you can still download an older version of the module (0.6.x) if you need to connect to an elasticsearch v1.


When using the module in powershell core, once you start using a version of the cmdlets, you cannot switch to another version as you will get an error (ex if you use V6 cmdlet and then start using a V7 cmdlets). You will need to close the current powershell session or start a new session.
This is a know issue and there is no planned fix as this is by design of powershell core.

Usage Examples

To get a cluster health status

Get-ElasticV2ClusterHealth -Node "http://localhost:9200"

ActivePrimaryShards  : 0
ActiveShards         : 0
Name                 : elasticsearch
InitializingShards   : 0
NumberOfDataNodes    : 1
NumberOfNodes        : 1
NumberOfPendingTasks : 0
RelocatingShards     : 0
UnassignedShards     : 0
Status               : green

To get the list of indices available in a cluster

Get-ElasticV2Index -Node "http://localhost:9200" | Format-Table -Property Name,Status

Name      Status
----      ------
testindex open

To create a new index

New-ElasticV2Index -Node "http://localhost:9200" -Index "testindex"

DocsCount        : 0
DocsDeleted      : 0
Health           : red
Name             : testindex
Primary          : 5
PrimaryStoreSize :
Replica          : 1
Status           : open
StoreSize        :
TotalMemory      :

To list all command supported by the module

Get-Command -Module Elastico