
EXEConverter is a simple tool that allows you to convert any .exe file into various encoded formats (Base64, Hex, and Binary) and back.

GPL-3.0 License




EXEConverter is a simple tool that allows you to convert any .exe file into various encoded formats (Base64, Hex, and Binary) and back. This project includes two main scripts: EXEConverter.bat for encoding and EXEDecoder.bat for decoding.

How to Use

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone https://github.com/zZan54/EXEConverter.git
  2. To convert an .exe file to an encoded format:

    • Run the EXEConverter.bat script.
    • Select the desired encoding type:
      1. Base64
      2. Hex
      3. Binary
    • Enter the path to your .exe file.
    • The encoded output will be saved in the output folder.
  3. To decode an encoded file back to an .exe:

    • Run the EXEDecoder.bat script.
    • Select the desired decoding type:
      1. Base64
      2. Hex
      3. Binary
    • Enter the path to your encoded file.
    • The decoded .exe file will be saved in the output folder with the original name and .exe extension.


  • EXEConverter.bat: Main script to convert .exe files to various encoded formats.
  • EXEDecoder.bat: Script to decode encoded files back to .exe.
  • scripts/: Folder containing PowerShell scripts for encoding and decoding:
    • ConvertToBase64.ps1
    • ConvertToHex.ps1
    • ConvertToBinary.ps1
    • DecodeFromBase64.ps1
    • DecodeFromHex.ps1
    • DecodeFromBinary.ps1
  • examples/: Folder containing example encoded files and a sample .exe file:
    • output_base64.txt
    • output_hex.txt
    • output_binary.txt
    • sample.exe
  • output/: Folder where the encoded and decoded files are saved. This folder will be created automatically if it does not exist.
  • src/: Source code folder:
    • sample.c: A simple C program that prints "Hello, World!" to demonstrate the conversion process.

Sample Files

  • sample.c: This is a simple C program that prints "Hello, World!". It's provided as an example to demonstrate the conversion process.
  • sample.exe: This is the compiled version of sample.c. You can use this file to test the encoding and decoding scripts.


We welcome all contributions! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

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