
Far Manager framework for .NET modules and scripts in PowerShell, F#, JavaScript.

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



Far Manager platform for .NET modules and scripts in PowerShell, F#, JavaScript

  • Wiki - framework, modules, libraries
  • Issues - bug reports and problems
  • Discussions - questions and ideas


.NET 8.0

Download and install .NET 8.0 SDK or runtime, x64 or x86 depending on Far Manager. SDK is needed for developing FarNet modules but recommended in any case.

Check for existing installations by these commands:

dotnet --version
dotnet --info

Visual C++ Redistributable

Look at the installed programs and find entries like:

  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64)
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x86)

If they are missing, then install the required. Links are not provided, they keep changing.

Far Manager

Choose the required from downloads. Normally the stable build is recommended.

Install using PowerShell

This way avoids manual steps and allows updates later.

Close Far Manager and start the PowerShell console.

Change to the Far Manager directory

Set-Location "C:\Program Files\Far Manager"

Import Far package functions

iex (iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightroman/FarNet/main/web.ps1)

If it fails on older systems, try

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls11,Tls12,$([Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol)"
iex (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightroman/FarNet/main/web.ps1')

Install FarNet

Install-FarPackage FarNet

Install modules

Install-FarPackage FarNet.CopyColor
Install-FarPackage FarNet.Drawer
Install-FarPackage FarNet.EditorKit
Install-FarPackage FarNet.Explore
Install-FarPackage FarNet.FolderChart
Install-FarPackage FarNet.FSharpFar
Install-FarPackage FarNet.GitKit
Install-FarPackage FarNet.JavaScriptFar
Install-FarPackage FarNet.PowerShellFar
Install-FarPackage FarNet.RedisKit
Install-FarPackage FarNet.RightControl
Install-FarPackage FarNet.RightWords
Install-FarPackage FarNet.Vessel

Install libraries

Install-FarPackage FarNet.FSharp.Charting
Install-FarPackage FarNet.FSharp.Data
Install-FarPackage FarNet.FSharp.PowerShell
Install-FarPackage FarNet.FSharp.Unquote
Install-FarPackage FarNet.Redis
Install-FarPackage FarNet.ScottPlot
Install-FarPackage FarNet.Stateless
Install-FarPackage FarNet.SQLite

You may start Far Manager after this. Modules are installed in %FARHOME%\FarNet\Modules. Libraries are installed in %FARHOME%\FarNet\Lib.

Update using PowerShell

FarNet packages installed by Install-FarPackage may be updated in the same way.

Close Far Manager, open PowerShell console, and invoke

Set-Location "C:\Program Files\Far Manager"
iex (iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightroman/FarNet/main/web.ps1)

To update all packages, use


To update one package, use Install-FarPackage

Install-FarPackage FarNet.PowerShellFar

To remove one package, use Uninstall-FarPackage

Uninstall-FarPackage FarNet.PowerShellFar

Install packages manually

Given a package Bar, download it as https://nuget.org/api/v2/package/Bar

The downloaded file name is Bar.<version>.nupkg. This is a zip archive, you may save it with the zip extension for easier unpacking.

All needed files are in the folder tools. This folder contains FarHome and may contain FarHome.x64 and FarHome.x86 folders.

Copy FarHome items to the Far Manager home directory preserving the folder structure. For example, by this command in Far Manager:

robocopy FarHome "%FARHOME%" /s

If FarHome.x64 and FarHome.x86 exist then, depending on x64 or x86, copy items of FarHome.x64 or FarHome.x86 to Far Manager:

robocopy FarHome.x64 "%FARHOME%" /s
robocopy FarHome.x86 "%FARHOME%" /s
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