
MIT License


ms.date: 06/27-2024


Get-WhatsNew is a cmdlet that provides information about changes and new features for a version of PowerShell, delivered to the local terminal experience.


Customers are unaware of benefits, new features and changes, that could impact their automation, performance and security. Today, this useful information is provided through Microsoft Docs and the PowerShell GitHub repository. PowerShell customers would benefit from being able to get this information in the terminal as they expect.

  • Customers expect to learn about available features that may enable new solutions
  • Customers expect version specific information available from within PowerShell to make upgrade

As an admin, I can list the new features released in my current version of PowerShell, similar to webview so that I can discover and implement new features in managing my products.

As a developer, I can list the new features released in my current version of PowerShell, similar to webview so that I can discover and implement new features to develop automation solutions.

Code of Conduct

Please see our Code of Conduct before participating in this project.

Security Policy

For any security issues, please see our Security Policy.


This is a prototype for the draft RFC #317. We welcome your feedback in this repository.

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