
Automatic PowerShell Function Documenting

MIT License


Automatic PowerShell Script Documentor

This Script can be used to document all Custom PowerShell Functions inside of a Script or a Script Directory. I just created this script and I am testing it to multiple use cases. This whole project could be a PowerShell module in the future.

For now I just want to have it sitting here and enhance it.

An example documentation generated for this script can be found inside the Output folder.


See the New-ScriptDocumentation function below for how to use this Script. You Basically have two options:

  • Create one documentation file for all functions in all provided script files or one documentation for a single script file provided
  • Create multiple documentation files for each script file provided




New-ScriptDocumentation -Folder <string> -FileTypes <string[]> [-Output <string>] [-Assemblies <string[]>] [-Destination <string>] [<CommonParameters>]
New-ScriptDocumentation -File <string> [-Assemblies <string[]>] [-Destination <string>] [<CommonParameters>]


Script that automatically creates Markdown Documentations for all functions inside a script file or inside of multiple scripts in a folder.


Script that automatically creates Markdown Documentations for all functions inside a script file or inside of multiple scripts in a folder. This works by parsing the script files and just exporting all functions. The temporary function file can then be dot-sourced to make all functions available to the console. In the console this script can use Get-Help and Get-Command to get all details to each function.


Example 1

New-ScriptDocumentation -File 'C:\Scripts\ProjectOne\Script.ps1'

Creates a Markdown Documentation for all functions inside one Scriptfile.

Example 2

New-ScriptDocumentation -File 'C:\Scripts\ProjectOne\Script.ps1' -Destination 'C:\Temp\'

Creates a Markdown Documentation for all functions inside one Scriptfile. The documentation will be saved inside C:\Temp.

Example 3

New-ScriptDocumentation -Folder 'C:\Scripts\ProjectOne' -FileTypes '.ps1','.psm' -Destination 'C:\Temp\'

Creates a Markdown Documentation for each script files inside of a folder. The documentations will be saved inside C:\Temp.

Example 4

New-ScriptDocumentation -Folder 'C:\Scripts\ProjectOne' -FileTypes '.ps1','.psm' -Output 'Single' -Assemblies 'System.Windows.Forms', 'System.Drawing' -Destination 'C:\Temp\'

Creates one Markdown Documentation for all script files inside of a folder. The Script uses two Assemblies that are loaded while processing each script file. The single documentation will be saved inside C:\Temp.



The path to the folder containing multiple script files that needs to be documented.


An array of extensions to select which files should be documented recursively.


Single or Multi - Defines whether only one documentation should be created or one per script file.


Defines where the documentation files are beeing saved.


The path to the script file that needs to be documented.


An array of assemblies needed by the script

Development Roadmap

  • Possibility to add Assembly Names
  • Possibility to create multiple documentation files for each Script or a single documentation containing all of them
  • Add Description and Synopsis to Documentation
  • Export defined examples
  • Print relative path to script file instead of absolute path
  • Figure out how to deal with duplicate attributes beeing documented when using multiple parameter sets
  • Find a way to automatically parse script files to find all assemblies