
Aureolin is a fast and powerful MVC Framework

MIT License



Aureolin is a simple, fast, and powerful MVC framework for Node.js with a focus on simplicity and performance. Built With Koa


npm install aureolin

Getting Started

To get started with Aureolin, you need to create a config file named aureolin.config.js in the root of your project.

/** @filename aureolin.config.js */

const { join } = require('path')

/** @type {import('aureolin').Config} */
module.exports = {
    root: join(process.cwd(), process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'dist' : 'src'),
    port: 4000,
    public: {
        path: '/public',
        dir: './public',
        index: 'index.html'
    views: {
        path: 'views',
        extension: 'hbs',
        map: { 
            hbs: 'handlebars' 

Then, use the create function to create the app.

/** @filename src/main.ts */

import { create } from 'aureolin'
// import create from 'aureolin'
// const { create } from require('aureolin')

const main = async () => {
    const app = await create()


To create a controller you need to import the Controller decorator from Aureolin.

Decorators for all Http methods are provided

The return value of the methods prefixed with an Http Decorator in a controller are sent as the response Response can be a string, number, object, array, or even a JSX Element (YES! JSX See Here)

Use the provided Parameter Decorators to let Aureolin to know what parameters pass to the to the controller methods.

/** @filename src/controllers/hello.tsx */
import { Controller, Context, Get, Ctx, Param } from 'aureolin'

export class HelloController {
    async hello() {
        return (
                <h1>Hello World!</h1>
                <p>This is a simple example of Aureolin</p>

    async helloName(@Ctx() { params: { name } }: Context) {
        return `Hello ${name}!`

    async helloNameAge(@Param('name') name: string, @Param('age') age: string) {
        return `Hello ${name}! You are Probably ${age} years old.`


Providers are a way to inject dependencies into your controllers. Use the provider decorator to decalre a class as a provider. Use the inject decorator to inject provider into your controllers.

@Provider(provide: string)

/** @filename src/providers/time.ts */
import { Provider } from 'aureolin'

export default class TimeProvider {
    async getTime() {
        return new Date().toLocaleTimeString()

@Inject(provide: string)

/** @filename src/controllers/time.ts */
import { Controller, Context, Get, Inject } from 'aureolin'
import type TimeProvider from 'providers/time.ts'

export class TimeController {

    constructor(@Inject('time') private timeProvider: TimeProvider) {}

    async getTime() {
        return timeProvider.getTime()


Use the @Middleware and @ControllerMiddleware Decorator factories

import { Middleware, Controller, ControllerMiddleware, Context, Get, Ctx, Param, NextFunction } from 'aureolin'

    (ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
        console.log('Controller Middleware 1')
        return next()
export default class CakesController {

    public cheesecake() {
        return {
            name: 'Cheesecake',
            ingredients: ['cheese', 'flour', 'sugar']

    public redvelvel() {
        return {
            name: 'Red Velvet',
            ingredients: ['cheese', 'flour', 'sugar', 'red stuff']

Error Handling

Aureolin takes care of error handling for you. Use the exported Exception or Prebuilt classes to throw error dircetly in your code and aureolin will handle it.

/** @filename src/controllers/error.ts */
import { Controller, Context, Get, Exception, BadRequestException } from 'aureolin'

export class ErrorController {
    async error(): never {
        throw new Exception('Something went wrong!', 500)

    async errorName(@Ctx() { params: { name } }: Context): never {
        if (!name) throw new BadRequestException(`${name} is not a valid name!`)

And finally you can call create() to start your app.

/** @filename src/main.ts */

import { create } from 'aureolin'
const main = async () => {
    const app = await create()


After you have created the application, Visit http://localhost:3000/hello to see the output of the hello controller.

Check out the Docs Folder for more information.

Key Features

  • Decorator based routing
  • Highly configurable & scalable
  • Server Side Rendering
  • Strongly Typed


Thank you for using Aureolin!


Extracted from project README
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