
A simpler alternative to Nextcloud and ownCloud, built with TypeScript and Deno using Fresh. πŸ¦• πŸ‹

AGPL-3.0 License



This is the bewCloud app built using Fresh and deployed using docker compose.

If you're looking for the desktop sync app, it's at bewcloud-desktop.

If you're looking for the mobile app, it's at bewcloud-mobile.

Self-host it!

Or on your own machine:

Download/copy docker-compose.yml and .env.sample as .env.

$ docker compose up # makes the app available at http://localhost:8000
$ docker compose run website bash -c "cd /app && make migrate-db" # initializes/updates the database (only needs to be executed the first time and on any updates)

Alternatively, check the Development section below.

[!IMPORTANT] Even with signups disabled (CONFIG_ALLOW_SIGNUPS="false"), the first signup will work and become an admin.



  • Don't forget to set up your .env file based on .env.sample.
  • This was tested with Deno's version stated in the .dvmrc file, though other versions may work.
  • For the postgres dependency (used when running locally or in CI), you should have Docker and docker compose installed.


$ docker compose -f up # (optional) runs docker with postgres, locally
$ make migrate-db # runs any missing database migrations
$ make start # runs the app
$ make format # formats the code
$ make test # runs tests

Other less-used commands

$ make exec-db # runs psql inside the postgres container, useful for running direct development queries like `DROP DATABASE "bewcloud"; CREATE DATABASE "bewcloud";`
$ make build # generates all static files for production deploy


  • Routes defined at routes/.
  • Static files are defined at static/.
  • Frontend-only components are defined at components/.
  • Isomorphic components are defined at islands/.
  • Cron jobs are defined at crons/.
  • Reusable bits of code are defined at lib/.
  • Database migrations are defined at db-migrations/.


Just push to the main branch.

Where's Contacts/Calendar (CardDav/CalDav)?! Wasn't this supposed to be a core Nextcloud replacement?

Check this tag/release for more info and the code where/when that was being done. Contacts/CardDav worked and Calendar/CalDav mostly worked as well at that point.

My focus was to get me to replace Nextcloud for me and my family ASAP, and it turns out it's not easy to do it all in a single, installable thing, so I focused on the Files UI, sync, and sharing, since Radicale solved my other issues better than my own solution (and it's already very efficient).

How does file sharing work?

Check this PR for advanced sharing with internal and external users, with read and write access that was being done and almost working. I ditched all that complexity for simply using symlinks, as it served my use case (I have multiple data backups and trust the people I provide accounts to, with the symlinks).

You can simply ln -s /<absolute-path-to-data-files>/<owner-user-id>/<directory-to-share> /<absolute-path-to-data-files>/<user-id-to-share-with>/ to create a shared directory between two users, and the same directory can have different names, now.

[!NOTE] If you're running the app with docker, the symlink needs to point to the container's directory, usually starting with /app if you didn't change the Dockerfile, otherwise the container will fail to load the linked directory.

How does it look?

Check the website for screenshots or the YouTube channel for 1-minute demos.

Extracted from project README
Deploy to DigitalOcean Deploy to Render
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