
This website was made to be a simple but fast visualizer of examples, allowing users to view, copy or download local examples or GitHub examples that are included and organized in the project, but users can also provide a GitHub URL to see any other example or repository on their own.

MIT License



Disclaimer: This website was made with educational purposes, the project is under the MIT License.

This website was made to be a simple but fast visualizer of examples, allowing users to view, copy or download local examples or github examples that are included and organized in the app but users can also provide a github url to see any other example or repository on their own.


The project is live here!

How can I added an example?

To add en example go to the file src/utils/examples.ts and add your example on the list of examples, make sure that all tags exists or create them if neccesary, also make sure that the example title is unique.

Adittionally, if you want to add a local example, make sure to provide the folder property with the name of the folder that contains your example code in the examples folder and be sure that the tabs names correspond to each tab on you code example.

How to contribute?

If you are willing to contribute I highly appreciated, as I'd probably not have many contributors, you can simple fork the project and make me a pull request. You can also raised an issue if you identify any problems or if you have a suggestion that will make this project better any contribution is well received :)


This project is under the MIT License.

Don't forget to leave a star 🌟