
🌈 Write plain CSS while reaping benefits of CSS-in-JS


🌈 Nyan CSS

Best of both worlds. Nyan CSS lets you write plain CSS while reaping benefits of CSS-in-JS.

Write a universal design system. You can reuse the same code anywhere starting from static HTML+CSS and ending with React and Vue.js without actually changing the CSS.

Minimalistic. BEM-inspired Nyan CSS convention consists just of 3 rules but it as bulletproof as BEM.

Use modern CSS. CoffeeScript long gone from the radars, yet we all loved it ;-) Stick to the platform to ensure the longevity of your code.

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See installation instructions for webpack.



.Text {
  font-family: monospace;

.Header {
  font-size: 2rem;

.Header-size-large {
  font-size: 2.2rem;

.Text-italic {
  font-style: italic;

React code

See other options:

import React from 'react'
import { Header, Text } from './style.css'

function Announcement() {
  return (
      <Header tag="h1" size="large">
        Welcome Nyan CSS!
      <Text tag="marquee" italic>
        Please, welcome Nyan CSS!


Other options

Plain HTML

<h1 class="Header Header-size-large">
  Welcome Nyan CSS!

<marquee class="Text Text-italic">
  Please, welcome Nyan CSS!


import Vue from 'vue'
import { Header, Text } from './style.css'

const Announcement = {
  components: {
    'custom-header': Header,
    'custom-text': Text

  template: `
      <custom-header tag='h1' size='large'>Welcome Nyan CSS!!</custom-header>
      <custom-text tag='marquee' italic='true'>Please, welcome Nyan CSS!</custom-text>


import { h } from 'preact'
import { Header, Text } from './style.css'

function Announcement() {
  return (
      <Header tag="h1" size="large">
        Welcome Nyan CSS!
      <Text tag="marquee" italic>
        Please, welcome Nyan CSS!

Class names

import { Header, Text } from './style.css'

function Announcement() {
  return `
<h1 class='${Header({ size: 'large' })}'>Welcome Nyan CSS!</h1>
<marquee class='${Text({
    italic: true
  })}'>Please, welcome Nyan CSS!</marquee>



.Component is a component class.

The name must be in ClassCase, e.g. .FormInput or .UI.

In this example, .Button represents <Button />.

.Button {
  color: white;

Boolean prop

.Component-disabled is a boolean prop class.

The name extension must be in camelCase, e.g. .FormInput-autoFocus or .UI-dev.

.Button-disabled {
  opacity: 0.5;

In the example, .Button-disabled is applied to the component when its disabled prop is truthy:

<Button tag="button" disabled>

Enum prop

.ComponentName-color-gray is an enum prop class.

The name extensions must be in camelCase, e.g. .FormInput-borderColor-lightGray or .UI-env-dev.

.Button-color-red {
  background: red;

.Button-color-green {
  background: green;

.Button-color-red is applied to the component when its color prop equals "red":

<Button tag="button" color="red">
  Click Me

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See the changelog.


MIT © Sasha Koss

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