
Sample monorepo with pnpm + workspaces + typescript + eslint + prettier + remark + husky + lint-staged + commitlint + changesets + syncpack

MIT License


Monorepo | 2023

This is sample monorepo with pnpm + typescript + eslint + prettier + remark + husky + lintstaged + commitlint + changesets + syncpack.


Monorepo configured in accordance with Monorepo Configuration | 2023 and consist out of the followinig packages:

└─ monorepo # <- monorepo root package
   ├─ apps
     └─ foo # <- typescript next application
   └─ packages
      ├─ bar # <- typescript utils libarary
      └─ baz # <- react components libarary

All packages ensure strict coding standards and facilitate coding experience with code hints and navigation. Lib package baz and react lib package bar has jest tests and are integrated into app next package foo


Here are steps that where undertook with corresponded commits:


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MIT © Sergey Muravjev

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