
A set of tools for working with the Toml configuration file format.

MIT License




This mono-repo contains a set of tools for working with the Toml configuration file format.


The common Toml related tooling are Toml -> Json compilers. But compiling to Json is just one scenario of many, lets consider some other potential use cases:

  • Building a Toml Syntax Highlighter.
  • Converting Toml to Yaml.
  • Building a Toml Beautifier.
  • Validating Toml versus a given schema.
  • Providing content assist in a Toml file.

These scenarios cannot be implemented (well) using most existing Toml to Json compilers, for example:

  • Lost comments information.
    • How can we beautify or convert Toml to Yaml if we don't possess the comments information?
  • Lack of Token type & positioning information.
    • How could we syntax highlight(paint) parts of a Toml file if we do not know
      where every single Token starts and ends (Commas/Parenthesis/Literals/...)?
  • Failing on the first error
    • How would we implement content assist on a Toml file currently being edited
      if our parser fails on the first error?
  • Lack of full position information
    • How will we provide useful Schema validation errors if we lack full position information?
    • Full position information would also be needed for the content assist scenario.


This mono repo will contain two types of packages.

  • Low level Infrastructure (Toml Lexer & Parser implemented using Chevrotain)
    with advanced capabilities to support the complex scenarios described above.
  • Toml (end user) Tooling (Beautifier/Compiler/Schema Validator/...) that would be implemented using
    the advanced low level infrastructure packages mentioned above.

Status (Alpha)

Infrastructure packages:

Tooling Packages: