
Compile Pug/Jade templates with internationalization support based on JS/JSON/YAML files using Grunt

MIT License


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Compile Pug (previously Jade) templates with internationalization support based on JS/JSON/YAML files using Grunt

Getting started

This plugin is exactly the same like grunt-contrib-pug, but it adds high level support for Pug template internationalization based on JSON/YAML/JS files

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

$ npm install grunt-pug-i18n --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile:


This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

The "pug" task

Run this task with the grunt pug command.

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide

This plugin provides a localization mechanism for Pug templates. Since localization is done once during the build process, there is no performance hit on the application, opposed to dynamic translation on the client side

Usage example

Gruntfile configuration
  pug: {
    templates: {
      options: {
        // Pug i18n specific options
        i18n: {
          locales: 'locales/*.json',
          namespace: '$i18n'
        // Pug specific options
        pretty: true
      files: {
        "path/to/dest.html": ["path/to/templates/*.pug", "another/path/tmpl.pug"]

See Gruntfile for more configuration examples

Example JSON locale file (es_ES.json)
  "hello": {
    "world": "Hola Mundo"
Example Pug template
  h1 #{$}!
  p Using locale #{$localeName}


Only pug-i18n specific options are listed below

To see all the available options available, please see grunt-contrib-pug


Type: string|array

Path to localization files. Please check the examples in tests. Glob patterns can be used

JSON, YAML and JS formats are supported for the translation templates


Type: string Default: $i18n

Namespace to expose translation keys in Pug template


Type: boolean Default: false

Generate the HTML output files with the extension prefix with the current language. By default it will create different folders for each language

Setting this option into true, the generated HTML files will look like this:

├── view.en-en.html

... instead of:

├── en-EN/
│   └── view.html
└── es-ES/
    └── view.html

See test for more examples


Instead of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style.

Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality


Clone the repository

$ git clone && cd grunt-pug-i18n

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Run tests

$ npm test

Release History

  • 1.0.0 2016.05.10
    • Rename to grunt-pug-i18n
  • 0.3.4 2015.02.18
    • Fix error in multiple running tasks (#22, #23)
  • 0.3.3 2015.02.08
    • Maintance release
  • 0.3.2 2015.01.02
    • Bump grunt-contrib-jade version
  • 0.3.1 2014.12.03
    • Fix #18
  • 0.3.0 2014.09.16
    • Uninstall grunt-newer
    • Adds compatibility with external tasks like grunt-newer
  • 0.2.1 2014.08.04
    • Fix #14
  • 0.2.0 2014.06.26
    • Installs and uses grunt-newer
  • 0.1.7 2014.04.22
    • Replace caret (^) with tilde (~) for grunt-contrib-jade version
  • 0.1.5 2013.01.07
    • Fix #4
  • 0.1.4 2013.01.03
    • Upgrade grunt-contrib-jade task dependency to 0.9.0
  • 0.1.3 2013.12.19
    • Fix #2
    • Fix #3
  • 0.1.2 2013.12.11
    • Fix locale bad formed name
  • 0.1.1 2013.12.10
    • Minor refactor
    • Improvements: avoid possible configuration issues with output file extensions
  • 0.1.0 2013.12.09
    • Initial release


Did you miss something? Open an issue or make a PR!



Copyright (c) Adesis Netlife S.L

Released under MIT license