
App for recording and tracking prayer requests


Prayer Partner

A place to edit and store your prayer requests, and to see which ones have been answered.


  • Node.js version used: v16.16.0
  • Browsers used for testing: Safari Version 16.5 (18615., Google Chrome Version 116.0.5845.96
  • PostgreSQL version used: PostgreSQL 15.3


  • Create a new directory
  • Unzip into the directory and navigate to it
  • Run 'npm install' to install dependencies


  • Create a PostgreSQL database named 'prayer-partner' by entering 'createdb prayer-partner' from the terminal
  • Connect to the database from the terminal using 'psql -d prayer-partner'
  • Import the tables using the command '\i (insert path of the schema.sql file here)'
    • For example: '\i /Users/johndoe/Documents/projects/prayer-partner/schema.sql'
  • To load seed data for testing, import 'lib/users.sql', then 'seed-data.sql' using the same method described above

Usernames and passwords for seed users

  • Matt: launchschool
  • Victoria: secret
  • Taylor: Swift

Running the Application

  • To start the application, run 'npm start'
  • The application will be accessible at: http://localhost:3000

Additional Details

  • Prayer requests are topics that the user wishes to keep track of while praying for them.
  • Prayer requests belong to various categories that the user can edit.
  • Clicking on a category brings up prayer requests which the user can reference to make sure they remember to pray for them.
  • Once a request is answered, the user can mark it as answered and it will be moved to a seprate page.
  • The page containing answered prayer requests for each category can be used as a reminder of answered prayers.
  • Each user's account is private, and they can create categories with the same name as other users, but each user's categories must be unique for that user.