
A loader that converts pug mixin blocks into custom elements for web components.

MIT License



A loader that converts pug mixin blocks into custom elements for web components.

⚠ Caution ⚠

This is an experimental implementation and should not be used in a production environment. I accept no liability whatsoever.


$ npm i pug-element-loader

It's not packaged yet, so if you want to try it out, clone this repository and use it.

For use with webpack.

The following is an example of webpack.config.js.

module: {
    rules: [
            test: /\.ce\.pug$/,
            use: ["pug-element-loader"],

The ***.ce.pug file will then export a class object that inherits from HTMLElement, so all you have to do is define it as a custom element.

mixin sample-element(align)
    div.el-heading-lv2(style = `text-align: ${align};`)
            // block is the slot element.
        p This is Sample.

All you have to do is register it as a custom element and write it in your HTML.

// The class name is exported with the mixin converted to Pascal case.
import SampleElement from './sample-element.ce.pug';

// ex. <sample-element align="center">Sample Text</sample-element>
customElements.define('sample-element', SampleElement);

Support list

I lack verification on everything, so if you find a bug, please report it to me and I will be very happy.

Pug Docks Support
Attributes Support *1
Case Support
Code To be supported
Comments Support
Conditionals Support
Doctype Not Support
Filters Plans for support
Includes Pre Support *2
Template Inheritance Plans for support
Interpolation Pre Support *3
Iteration To be supported
Mixins Plans for support *4
Plain Text Support *5
Tags Support *6

*1. Support for "Unescaped Attributes" and "Quoted Attributes" excluded. *2 A simple pug file can probably be read, but is not fully validated. *3 Only "String Interpolation, Escaped" is supported, but other features will be supported. *4 Support will be promoted for use as multiple blocks, i.e. named slot elements. *5 Support for "Literal HTML" excluded. *6 "Self-Closing Tags", i.e. void elements, cannot be controlled by JavaScript, so it seems impossible to implement.

To do

  • From those that are "To be supported".
  • Verification of the functions you say you support ... What is support? 🤔