
Front-end - web project build tool - Using {SASS/LESS}/PUG/ES2015

MIT License



A modern front-end template development recipe with automated tasks using gulp for the build process.


  • Use future JS now! ES6/2015 enabled.
  • ES6/2015 transpiled using Babel for support in all browsers.
  • Forget about CSS browser prefixes! Autoprefixing included.
  • Built-in preview server with BrowserSync
  • Sharing preview server on internet over tunnels using ngrok
  • Bundling all of your JavaScript files into one with Browserify
  • HTML templating with Pug (former Jade)
  • Seeding of templates with data from JSON or YAML files
  • Write modular CSS with lesscss or sass
  • Automagically lint your scripts with ESLint
  • Automagically compile {LESS|SASS}/ES6/PUG into CSS/JS/HTML
  • Map compiled CSS and JS with sourcemaps
  • Configurable build dirs for each resource via config
  • Awesome image optimization
  • NEW Copy fonts defined in config from node_modules into build dir.



Create a clean project directory, navigate to it in terminal and run the following command:

npm i scffld


  • Download this project from github or run the following command in your terminal:
curl -L | tar -xzv --strip-components 1 --exclude={,,,,}

and install dependencies: npm install.


  • Run gulp serve to preview and watch for changes
  • Run gulp build to compile production version

Getting Started

Scffld utilizes npm and Gulp to automate tasks, and manage front-end dependencies respectively. If this is your first time here, it is recommended you read about these tools before proceeding.


There are a few dependencies that this project relies on:


Check to see if you already have Node installed. Do this by bringing up a terminal/command prompt and type node -v. If the response shows a version at or above v4.3.2, you are all set and can proceed to installing Gulp and dependencies. If you see an error and/or your version is too low, navigate to the Node.js website and install Node from there.

npm & Gulp

Once you have Node installed, make sure you have these tools by opening up a terminal/command prompt and entering following commands:

Command Response
npm -v at or above v3.0.x
gulp -v gulp-cli at or above v3.9.x

NOTE: npm v2 is supported but it doesn't create flatened dependency tree by default, which seriously impacts performance with babel. You can still use npm v2 but run the dedupe command after dependency install: npm install && npm dedupe.

If you get any errors or Gulp version is too low, you should run npm install -g gulp. This will install and update gulp to its' latest version.


Once your system is setup you'll need to run npm install in your project folder for tasks to work.


Scffld has a predefined folder structure, but you can customize the build destinations for all resources.

├── dist/                      # Folder for build output
├── gulp/                      # Folder for gulp tasks
├── src
|   ├── _images                # Images
|   ├── _layouts               # Layout structure for app
|   |   └── base.pug
|   ├── _modules               # Reusable modules
|   |   └── module
|   |       ├── module.js
|   |       ├── module.less
|   |       ├── module.sass
|   |       └── module.pug
|   ├── _seeds                # JSON/YAML files that add data to templates
|   ├── _styles               # Global styles, mixins, variables, etc
|   |   └── main.less         # Main stylesheet (import everything to this file if using less)
|   |   └── main.sass         # Main stylesheet (import everything to this file if using sass)
|   ├── _scripts              # Global scripts, base classes, etc
|   |   └── main.js           # JavaScript entry file
|   └── index.pug             # Homepage template
├── gulpfile.babel.js         # Gulp task configuration
├── package.json              # Dependencies and site/folder configuration
└──                 # Hey! This file!

Congratulations! You are ready to start building something awesome.

Now you can run the following gulp tasks:

  • gulp build: Default task. Same as gulp compiles preprocessors, minifies files and images, creates sourcemaps.
  • gulp serve: Compiles preprocessors and boots up development server
  • gulp test: Lints all *.js file in the source folder using eslint

You can learn more about what tasks are available in the gulp tasks section.


In the package.json file, within the root of the project, you have the ability to configure some project settings:


Setting Description
port Port of the development server (browserSync)
baseUrl Root directory of your site
cssPreprocessor values: "less" or "sass"; default: "less"

Main Directories

Setting Description
source Source folder for all development files
destination Build folder where compiled files are generated

Source Directories

Folders relative to the source configured directory

Setting Description
scripts Scripts folder where all .js files are located (main.js must be in root of this folder)
seeds Data folder where JSON/YAML files are loaded into templates
styles Styles folder where all stylesheet files are located (main stylesheet must be in root of this folder)
modules Modules folder where all reusable code should live
layouts Layouts folder where all layout templates should live
images Images folder where all .png, .jpeg, .jpg, .svg, .gif files should live

Entry files

Files that should be searched for and created by build tasks. File strings and Globs can be used to process desired file(s). Ex: main**.js will process all files that start with main and end with .js

Setting Description
js Tells browserify what file(s) to bundle and generate at your desired build target
css Tells your less/sass preprocessor what file(s) to generate at your desired build target

Default configuration:

"scffld": {
  "//": "Local Server Settings",
  "cssPreprocessor": "less",
  "port": "3000",
  "baseUrl": "./",
  "//": "Gulp Task Directories",
  "directories": {
    "source": "src",
    "destination": "dist",
    "//": "Directories relative to `source` directory",
    "modules": "_modules",
    "layouts": "_layouts",
    "images": "_images",
    "styles": "_styles",
    "scripts": "_scripts",
    "data": "_seeds"
  "//": "Entry files",
  "entries": {
    "js": "main**.js",
    "css": "main**"

You can replace config keys images, styles and scripts with object ie: "styles": {"src":"_styles", "dist":"css"} to change the destination location.

Gulp Workflow

gulp build

Builds out an optimized site through compilation of preprocessors (Pug, Less/Sass, etc), minification of CSS and HTML, uglification of Javascript, and optimization of images.

Extra Task Option(s)

Tasks Description
gulp build --dev runs gulp build without file optimization and minification.

gulp serve

Starts up a development server that watches files and automatically reloads them to the browser when a change is detected.

Extra Task Option(s)

Tasks Description
gulp serve --share starts up a server and sets up a tunnel to serve it online
gulp serve --open starts up a server and opens it within your default browser

gulp test

Runs ESLint to lint all your JavaScript files.

gulp clean

Cleans up build directory.

gulp imagemin

Minifies images and copies them to build directory.

gulp browserify

Compiles and minifies JavaScripts for production.

Tasks Description
gulp browserify --dev Compiles JavaScript files without minification.

gulp styles

Compiles and minifies CSS for production. If using sass preprocessor it will look for a "main**.+(sass|scss)" file in the styles source directory, otherwise it will load "main**.less" file.

Tasks Description
gulp styles --dev Compiles LESS/SASS files without minification.

gulp pug

Compiles Pug templates into HTML.

Adding the --debug option to any gulp task displays extra debugging information (ex. data being loaded into your templates or css analysis using Parker)

Seed Files

If you want to load global data into your pug templates, you can add JSON/YAML files in src/_seeds folder.

For example, add menu.json in src/_data folder:

  "name": "Home",
  "link": "/",
  "category": "Page",
  "status": "Development"

And it will be added to the object so it can be used like so:


Which outputs to:



Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing and code of conduct.


  • Prepare examples
  • Add module generator
  • Make a terminal help command
  • Write tests

Why ?

Because I couldn't find a tailormade generator and I needed something that suits my current workflow and helps me jump start a project. This template is heavily inspired by yeoman webapp and yeougurt generators.


The demo image is from amazing Unsplash. Thanks to DLMousey for helping out with the hardest part - naming.

Release History

See Changelog


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information - © Matej Svajger

Scffld, because it's 2017 fuck vowels!

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