
Pug templating provider for AdonisJs

MIT License


Adonis Pug

Pug templating provider for AdonisJs framework version 4.


In order to use adonis-pug

npm install adonis-pug --save

Once you have installed the provider from npm, make sure that the ViewProvider is registered as a provider inside start/app.js file.

const providers = [

Make sure the default edge provider (@adonisjs/framework/providers/ViewProvider) is not registered as they will conflict with each other.


This package has been rebuilt for Adonis 4 and is incompatible with Adonis 3 and earlier. For Adonis v3 install the previous version (3.01) with :

npm install adonis-pug@<4.x --save


Pug options can be added to config/pug.js, these will be passed to the pug engine:

  module.exports = {
    pretty: false,
    cache: false, // Recommend setting this to true for 10x big performance boost
    doctype: undefined,
    filters: undefined,
    self: false,
    compileDebug: false,
    debug: false

See the Pug API documentation for more info on these options.

Basic Usage

Let’s start with the basic example of saying Hello world by rendering a pug template. All of the views are stored inside resources/views directory and end with .pug extension.

Create a pug template at resources/views/hello.pug. You can use an adonis/ace command to create the view.

adonis make:pug home

    βœ” create  resources/views/home.pug

Now let's create a route that renders it:

Route.get('/', ({ view }) => {
  return view.render('home')

The view.render method takes the relative path to the view file. There is no need to type .pug extension.

View Methods

These methods are available on the view context object in controllers and middleware.


Share variables as a local with this template context.

Param Type Description
locals Object Key value pairs

Quite often you want to share request specific values with your views, this can be done in middleware or controllers by passing an object to the share method.

class SomeMiddleware {
  async handle ({ view }, next) {
      apiVersion: request.input('version')

    await next()

Inside your views, you can access it like any other variable

p= apiVersion

view.render(template, locals) β‡’ String

Render a pug template

Returns: String - HTML rendered output

Param Type Description
template String View file (.pug extension not required)
locals Object Variables to be passed to the view

view.renderString(string, locals) β‡’ String

Render a string of pug

Returns: String - HTML rendered output

Param Type Description
string String String to be rendered
locals Object Variables to be passed to the view

View Helpers

A number of global methods and contextual helpers are injected into all views.


All views have access to the current request object, and you can call request methods inside your templates as well.

p The request URL is #{request.url()}

Also, there is a direct helper to get the URL.

p The request URL is #{url}

style - formerly css (deprecated)

Add link tag to a CSS file. The file name should be relative from the public directory. Absolute links are left alone (for external CDNs etc)

!= style('style')
// Renders <link rel='stylesheet' href="/style.css">


Similar to css, adds a script tag to the document

!= script('my-script')
// Renders <script type="text/javascript" src="/my-script.js"></script>'


Returns path of a file relative from the public directory.

// Renders <img src='/logo.png' />


Get actual URL for a route

Expecting the route to be registered as following

Route.get('users/:id', '').as('profile')
a(href=route('profile', { id: 1 })) View Profile
// Renders <a href="/users/1">View Profile</a>

Also, you can use the controller method name.

a(href="route('', { id: 1 }) View profile


If you are using the auth provider, then you can access the current logged in user using the auth.user object.


If you are using the shield middleware, you can access the csrfToken and field using one of the following methods.

!= csrfField()
// Renders <input type="hidden" name="_csrf" value="..." />


When using shield middleware, the CSP headers are set automatically. However can also set them using HTML meta tags.

  != cspMeta()

Extending views

You can also extend views by adding your own view globals. Globals should only be added once, so make sure to use the start/hooks.js file and add them using the after providersBooted hook.


const { hooks } = require('@adonisjs/ignitor')

hooks.after.providersBooted(() => {
  const View = use('View')'currentTime', function () {
    return new Date().getTime()

Above global returns the current time when you reference it inside the views.

p The time is #{currentTime()}

You can extract the code inside providersBooted to a different file and require it.

Globals scope

The value of this inside globals closure is bound to the template context so that you can access runtime values from it.

To use other global methods or values, make use of the this.globals object.'messages', {
  success: 'This is a success message',
  warning: 'This is a warning message'
})'getMessage', function (type) {
  return this.globals.messages[type]
p= getMessage('success')
// Renders <p>This is a success message</p>