
A Clojure library designed to send analytics to the analytics service

EPL-1.0 License



A Clojure library designed to send analytics to the analytics service.


Analytics are broken up into two types:

  • Snapshots
  • Events

Snapshots describe the state of a system at a given time, while events describe a discrete event. Events can be reported to the analytics service immedately as they occcur, while snapshots are more often reported periodically.

Two functions are supplied for sending these analytics are store-snapshot and store-event.

If the analytics-client is being called from within a Trapperkeeper application, the config argument can be derived from Trapperkeeper's default service config via:

(select-keys config [:analytics])

Sending Snapshots

To send a snapshot to the analytics service, use the store-snapshot function. Its arguments are:

  1. An object, keys:
    -- :ssl-opts: An object with keys :ssl-cert, :ssl-key, and :ssl-ca-cert.
    -- :url: A string representing the URL where the analytics service
    is running.
  2. An object, keys:
    -- :fields: An object with unique keyword keys representing the
    various metrics being collected. Each keyword should be
    namespaced accordingly, typically using periods between
    namespaces. The corresponding values for each key can be:
    - strings/numbers/booleans,
    - arrays of strings/numbers/booleans, or
    - objects from keywords to strings/numbers/booleans.

A valid call to this function might look like this:

(let [config {:analytics {:url analytics-url
                          :ssl-opts ssl-opts}}
      analytics {:fields {:puppetserver.metric1 "value"
                          :puppetserver.metric2 1337
                          :puppetserver.metric3 ["123" "456"]
                          :puppetserver.metric4 {:something "extra"}}}]
  (analytics-client/store-snapshot config analytics))

Sending Events

To send an event to the analytics service, use the store-event function. Its arguments are:

  1. An object, keys:
    -- :ssl-opts: An object with keys :ssl-cert, :ssl-key, and :ssl-ca-cert.
    -- :url: A string representing the URL where the analytics service
    is running.
  2. An object, keys:
    -- :event: A string representing the name of the event. Note that this
    should be namespaced with periods, and match what exists
    in the server's whitelist.
    -- :metadata: An optional map representing any associated metadata
    to further define the nature of the event. Keys for this
    must be keywords and values can be:
    - strings/numbers/booleans,
    - arrays of strings/numbers/booleans, or
    - objects from keywords to strings/numbers/booleans.

A valid call to this function might look like this:

(let [ssl-opts {:ssl-cert ssl-cert
                :ssl-key ssl-key
                :ssl-ca-cert ssl-ca-cert}
      config {:analytics {:url analytics-url
                          :ssl-opts ssl-opts}}
      analytics {:event "puppetserver.some-event"
                 :metadata {:property1 "value"
                            :property2 1337
                            :property3 ["123" "456"]
                            :property4 {:some "value"}}}
  (analytics-client/store-event config analytics))


To try out the analytics-client repo, perform the following:

  1. Checkout the analytics repo and run lein tk.
  2. Run lein repl in this repo.
  3. Send commands to the service, e.g.: (store-snapshot {:fields {:hello "world"}})


Copyright © 2017 Puppet

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.