
Client libraries for the PCP protocol

APACHE-2.0 License



cpp-pcp-client is a C++ client library for the PCP protocol. It includes a collection of abstractions which can be used to initiate connections to a PCP broker, wrapping the PCP message format and performing schema validation for message bodies.

cpp-pcp-client implements PCP by layering it upon WebSocket; it uses WebSocket++ for that.

A tutorial on how to create a PCP agent / controller pair with cpp-pcp-client is here.


  • a C++11 compiler (clang/gcc 4.7)
  • CMake (3.2 or newer)
  • Boost (1.55 or newer)
  • OpenSSL
  • leatherman, installed as a standalone library (0.5.1 or newer)

Initial Setup

Setup on Fedora 23

The following will install all required tools and libraries:

yum install boost-devel openssl-devel gcc-c++ make wget tar cmake

Setup on Mac OSX El Capitan (homebrew)

This assumes Clang is installed and the system OpenSSL libraries will be used.

The following will install all required libraries:

brew install cmake boost

Setup on Ubuntu 15.10 (Trusty)

The following will install most required tools and libraries:

apt-get install build-essential libboost-all-dev libssl-dev wget tar cmake

Setup on Windows

MinGW-w64 is used for full C++11 support, and Chocolatey can be used to install. You should have at least 2GB of memory for compilation.

  • install CMake & 7zip

      choco install cmake 7zip.commandline
  • install MinGW-w64

      choco install mingw --params "/threads:win32"

For the remaining tasks, build commands can be executed in the shell from

Start > MinGW-w64 project > Run Terminal
  • select an install location for dependencies, such as C:\tools or cmake\release\ext; we'll refer to it as $install

  • build Boost

      .\bootstrap mingw
      .\b2 toolset=gcc --build-type=minimal install --prefix=$install --with-program_options --with-system --with-filesystem --with-date_time --with-thread --with-regex --with-log --with-locale --with-chrono boost.locale.iconv=off

In Powershell:

choco install cmake 7zip.commandline -y
choco install mingw --params "/threads:win32" -y
$env:PATH = "C:\tools\mingw64\bin;$env:PATH"
$install = "C:\tools"

(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("https://downloads.sourceforge.net/boost/boost_1_54_0.7z", "$pwd/boost_1_54_0.7z")
7za x boost_1_54_0.7z
pushd boost_1_54_0
.\bootstrap mingw
.\b2 toolset=gcc --build-type=minimal install --prefix=$install --with-program_options --with-system --with-filesystem --with-date_time --with-thread --with-regex --with-log --with-locale --with-chrono boost.locale.iconv=off

Build and install

  • build & install leatherman

  • build and install cpp-pcp-client

    Thanks to the CMake, the project can be built out-of-source tree, which allows for multiple independent builds.

    example release build:

    mkdir release
    cd release
    cmake ..
    sudo make install

    example debug/test build:

    mkdir debug
    cd debug
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
    sudo make install


Table of Contents

Before we start to look at creating connections and sending/receiving messages, it is important to look at some of the data structures used by cpp-pcp-client.


The JsonContainer class is used frequently by the cpp-pcp-client library as a simplified abstraction around complex JSON c++ libraries.


The Parsed_Chunks struct is a simplification of a parsed PCP message. It allows for direct access of a message's Envelope, Data and Debug chunks as JsonContainer or string objects.

The ParsedChunks struct is defined as:

    struct ParsedChunks {
        // Envelope
        JsonContainer envelope;

        // Data
        bool got_data;
        ContentType data_type;
        JsonContainer data;
        std::string binary_data;

        // Debug
        std::vector<JsonContainer> debug;

The first step to interacting with a PCP broker is creating a connection. To achieve this we must first create an instance of the Connector object.

The constructor of the Connector class is defined as:

    Connector(std::string broker_ws_uri,
              std::string client_type,
              std::string ca_crt_path,
              std::string client_crt_path,
              std::string client_key_path,
              std::string client_crl_path,
              std::string proxy,
              long ws_connection_timeout_ms = 5000,
              uint32_t association_timeout_s = 15,
              uint32_t association_request_ttl_s = 10,
              uint32_t pong_timeouts_before_retry = 3,
              long ws_pong_timeout_ms = 30000);

The parameters are described as:

  • client_type - The PCP client type. The only value that you cannot use is "server",
    which is reserved for PCP brokers (please refer to the URI section in the
    PCP specifications).
  • broker_ws_uri - The WebSocket URL of the PCP broker. For example, wss://localhost:8142/pcp/.
  • ca_crt_path - The path to your CA certificate file.
  • client_crt_path - The path to a client certificate file generated by your CA.
  • client_key_path - The path to a client public key file generated by you CA.
  • client_crl_path - The path to a certificate revocation list file.
  • proxy - The proxy URI you wish to connect to PCP-broker over. ex: http://localhost:3128
  • ws_connection_timeout_ms - The timeout for initiating the WebSocket handshake (in milliseconds). Defaults to 5000 ms.
  • association_timeout_s - The timeout for the completion of the PCP Association. Defaults to 3 s.
  • association_request_ttl_s - The TTL of the PCP Association Request (in seconds). Defaults to 10 s.

This means that you can instantiate a Connector object as follows:

    Connector connector { "wss://localhost:8142/pcp/", 
                          "", // no proxy
                          4000,  // WebSocket connection timeout
                          5 };   // PCP Association timeout

An alternate constructor for Connector also exists that takes a list of brokers, as in:

    Connector connector { {"wss://broker1.example.com:8142/pcp/", "wss://broker2.example.com:8142/pcp/"},
                          "", // no proxy
                          4000,  // WebSocket connection timeout
                          5 };   // PCP Association timeout

When multiple brokers are specified, if one is unavailable it will attempt to connect to another in the list, rotating through them with a delay between repeated attempts.

When you have created a Connector object you are ready to connect. To do that, you'll use Connector's connect that will establish the WebSocket connection and perform the PCP Association with the broker. Such method is defined as:

    void connect(int max_connect_attempts = 0) throws (connection_config_error,

The parameters are described as:

  • max_connect_attempts - The amount of times the Connector will try and establish
    a connection to the PCP broker if a problem occurs. It will try to connect
    indefinately when set to 0. Defaults to 0.

The connect method can throw the following exceptions:

    class connection_config_error : public connection_error

This exception will be thrown if a Connector is misconfigured. Misconfiguration includes specifying an invalid broker WebSocket URL or a path to a file that doesn't exist. Note that, if this exception has been thrown, no attempt at creating a network connection has yet been made.

    class connection_fatal_error : public connection_error

This exception wil be thrown if the connection cannot be established after the Connector has tried max_connect_attempts times.

    class connection_association_error : public connection_error

This exception wil be thrown in case of a problem during the PCP Association:

  • an invalid message is received;
  • a PCP Error message is received;
  • a TTL Expired message is received;
  • the association_timeout_s timeout expires.
    class connection_association_response_error : public connection_error

This exception wil be thrown after a PCP Asssociate Session response indicating a failure.

A connection can be established as follows:

    try {
    } catch (connection_config_error e) {
    } catch (connection_fatal_error) {

If no exceptions are thrown it means that a connection has been sucessfuly established. You can check on the status of a connection with the Connector's isConnected method.

The isConnected method is defined as:

    bool isConnected()

And it can be used as follows:

    if (connector.isConnected()) {
    } else {

By default a connection is non persistent. For instance, in case WebSocket is used as the underlying transport layer, ping messages must be sent periodically to keep the connection alive. Also, the connection may drop due to communication errors. You can enable connection persistence by starting the Monitoring Task with the monitorConnection method; it will periodically check the state of the underlying connection and send keepalive messages to the broker. In case the connection is not open, it will attempt to re-establish it.

monitorConnection is defined as:

    void monitorConnection(int max_connect_attempts = 0
                          const uint32_t connection_check_interval_s = 15)

The parameters are described as:

  • max_connect_attemps - The number of times the Connector will try to reconnect
    a connection to the PCP broker if a problem occurs. It will try to connect
    indefinately when set to 0. Defaults to 0;
  • connection_check_interval_s - The time interval between ping messages.
    Defaults to 15 s.

Note that if the Connector fails to re-establish the connection after the specified number of attempts, a connection_fatal_error will be thrown. Also, a possible connection_association_response_error will be propagated (see the description of the connect method above).

Calling monitorConnection will block the execution thread as the Monitoring Task will not be executed on a separate thread. On the other hand, the caller can safely execute monitorConnection on a separate thread since the function returns once the Connector destructor is invoked.

In alternative, to keep alive the connection, you can use the non-blocking startMonitoring; it will start the Monitoring Task in a separate thread. Its signature is equivalent to the monitorConnection one:

    void monitorConnection(int max_connect_attempts = 0,
                           const uint32_t connection_check_interval_s = 15)

To stop the Monitoring Task spawned by startMonitoring you call stopMonitoring:

    void stopMonitoring()

Note that stopMonitoring may throw an exception. In fact, when using startMonitoring, if a connection_fatal_error or connection_association_response_error exception is thrown, the Monitoring Task thread will catch and store such exception; it will be then re-thrown by a subsequent call to stopMonitoring.

Every message sent over the PCP broker has to specify a value for the data_schema field in the message envelope. These data schema's determine how a message's data section is validated. To process messages received from a PCP broker you must first create a schema object for a specific data_schema value.

The constructor for the Schema class is defined as:

    Schema(std::string name, ContentType content_type)

The parameters are described as:

  • name - The name of the schema. This should be the same as the value found in
    a message's data_schema field.
  • content_type - Defines the content type of the schema. Valid options are
    ContentType::Binary and ContentType::Json

A Schema object can be created as follows:

    Schema cnc_request_schema { "cnc_request", ContentType::Json};

You can now start to add constraints to the Schema. Consider the following JSON-schema:

    "title": "cnc_request",
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "module": {
        "type": "string"
      "action": {
        "type": "string"
    "required": ["module"]

You can reproduce its constraints by using the addConstraint method which is defined as follows:

    void addConstraint(std::string field, TypeConstraint type, bool required)

The parameters are described as follows:

  • field - The name of the field you wish to add the constraint to.
  • type - The type constraint to put on the field. Valid types are TypeConstraint::Bool,
    TypeConstraint::Int, TypeConstraint::Bool, TypeConstraint::Double, TypeConstraint::Array,
    TypeConstraint::Object, TypeConstraint::Null and TypeConstraint::Any
  • required - Specify whether the field is required to be present or not. If not specified
    it will default to false.
    cnc_request_schema.addConstraint("module", TypeConstraint::String, true);
    cnc_request_schema.addConstraint("action", TypeConstraint::String);

With a schema defined we can now start to process messages of that type by registering message specific callbacks. This is done with the Connector's registerMessageCallback method which is defined as follows:

    void registerMessageCallback(const Schema& schema, MessageCallback callback)

The parameters are described as follows:

  • schema - A previously created schema object
  • callback - A callback function with the signature void(const ParsedChunks& msg_content)

For example:

    void cnc_requestCallback(const ParsedChunks& msg_content) {
      std::cout << "Message envelope: " << msg_content.envelope.toString() << std::endl;

      if (msg_content.has_data()) {
        if (msg_content.data_type == ContentType::Json) {
          std::cout << "Content Type: JSON" << std::endl;
          std::cout << msg_content.data.toString() << std::endl;
        } else {
          std::cout << "Content Type: Binary" << std::endl;
          std::cout << msg_content.binary_data << std::endl;

      for (const auto& debug_chunk : msg_content) {
        std::cout << "Data Chunk: " << debug_chunk << std::endl;

    connector.registerMessageCallback(cnc_request_schema, cnc_requestCallback);

Now that the callback has been regsitered, every time a message is received where the data_schema field is cnc_request, the content of the Data chunk will be validated against the schema and if it passes, the above defined function will be called. If a message is received which doesn't have a registered data_schema the message will be ignored.

Using this method of registering schema/callback pairs we can handle each message in a unique manner,

    connector.registerMessageCallback(cnc_request_schema, cnc_requestCallback);
    connector.registerMessageCallback(puppet_request_schema, puppet_requestCallback);
    connector.registerMessageCallback(puppet_db_request_schema, puppet_db_requestCallback);

or you can assign one callback to a lot of different schemas,

    connector.registerMessageCallback(schema_1, genericCallback);
    connector.registerMessageCallback(schema_n, genericCallback);
    connector.registerMessageCallback(schema_n1, genericCallback);

Once you have established a connection to the PCP broker you can send messages using the send method. There are two main overloads for this function that are defined as (please check connector.hpp for the other overloads):

    void send(std::vector<std::string> targets,
              std::string data_schema,
              unsigned int timeout,
              JsonContainer data_json,
              std::vector<JsonContainer> debug = std::vector<JsonContainer> {})
                        throws (connection_processing_error, connection_not_init_error)

With the parameters are described as follows:

  • targets - A vector of the destinations the message will be sent to
  • data_schema - The Schema that identifies the message type
  • timeout - Duration the message will be valid on the fabric, in seconds
  • data_json - A JsonContainer representing the data chunk of the message
  • debug - A vector of strings representing the debug chunks of the message (defaults to empty)
    std::string send(std::vector<std::string> targets,
                     std::string data_schema,
                     unsigned int timeout,
                     bool destination_report,
                     std::string data_binary,
                     std::vector<JsonContainer> debug = std::vector<JsonContainer> {})
                              throws (connection_processing_error, connection_not_init_error)

The above overload returns the ID of the sent message and accepts the following parameters:

  • targets - A vector of the destinations the message will be sent to
  • data_schema - The Schema that identifies the message type
  • timeout - Duration the message will be valid on the fabric, in seconds
  • destination_report - A boolean indicating whether or not requesting a destination report
  • data_binary - A string representing the data chunk of the message
  • debug - A vector of strings representing the debug chunks of the message (defaults to empty)

The send methods can throw the following exceptions:

    class connection_processing_error : public connection_error

This exception is thrown when an error occurs during at the underlying WebSocket layer.

    class connection_not_init_error : public connection_error

This exception is thrown when trying to send a message when there is no active connection to the broker.

Example usage:

    JsonContainer data {};
    data.set<std::string>("foo", "bar");
    try {
      auto id = connector.send({"pcp://*/potato"}, "potato_schema", 42, data);
      std::cout << "Sent potato message to all potato clients, with ID=" << id << std::endl;
    } catch (connection_not_init_error e) {
      std::cout << "Cannot send message without being connected to the broker" << std::endl;
    } catch (connection_processing_error e) {
      std::cout << "An error occured at the WebSocket layer: " << e.what() << std::endl;

As mentioned in the Message Schemas and Callbacks, messages received from the PCP broker will be matched against a Schema that you defined. The Connector object achieves this functionality by using an instance of the Validator class. It is possible to instantiate your own instance of the Validator class and use schema's to validate other, non message, data structures.

The Validator is limited to a no-args constructor:


You can register a Schema by using the registerSchema method, defined as:

    void registerSchema(const Schema& schema) throws (schema_redefinition_error)

The parameters are described as follows:

  • schema - A schema object that desribes a set of constraints.

When a Schema has been registered you can use the validate method to validate a JsonContainer object. The validate method is defined as follows:

    void validate(JsonContainer& data, std::string schema_name) const throws (validation_error)

The parameters are described as follows:

  • data - A JsonContainer you want to validate.
  • schema_name - The name of the schema you want to validate against.

Example usage:

    Validator validator {};
    Schema s {"test-schema", ContentType::Json };
    s.addConstraint("foo", TypeConstraint::Int);

    JsonContainer d {};
    d.set<int>("foo", 42);

    try {
      Validator.validate(d, "test-schema");
    } catch (validation_error) {
      std::cout << "Validation failed" << std::endl;


Please refer to this document.