
Puppet module for managing the BIND DNS server and DNS zones

AGPL-3.0 License



Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with bind
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  5. Development - Guide for contributing to the module
  6. Alternatives
  7. BIND documentation
  8. License


This module manages the BIND DNS server and associated DNS zones.


What bind affects

  • the BIND package, service, configuration, and zone files
  • a resolvconf package, by default
    openresolv, is installed if
    resolvconf_service_enable is true. This causes the localhost's BIND to be used in
  • if configured to install the backported package, also affects
    APT sources by ensuring that backports are available.

Setup requirements

See metadata.json for supported operating systems, supported Puppet versions, and Puppet module dependencies.

Beginning with bind

For a default configuration that provides recursive, caching name resolution service:

include bind

On Debian, install the bind9 package from the backports repository (ensures that the $facts['os']['distro']['codename']-backports apt source is configured using the puppetlabs-apt module, but will fail if a backported package does not exist for your particular $facts['os']['distro']['codename']-backports repo; check on the Debian package tracker):

class { 'bind':
  package_backport => true,


See the reference for available class parameters and defaults. For platform-specific defaults, see the data directory, which is organized according to hiera.yaml.

The test suite in the spec directory is a good source for usage examples.

To manage the resource records of a zone with this module, the zone must be dynamically updatable by the host being managed, via either the allow-update or update-policy configuration options.

Recursive, caching only

Using a minimal configuration with BIND defaults:

include bind

TODO: provide more examples.

Authoritative only

Note that support for authoritative servers is incomplete in this module.

When creating a new zone with BIND, the zone file must have a $TTL, a SOA record, an NS record, and an address record for that host used in the NS record. All of these have defaults (see the zone_default_* parameters of init.pp and the initial zone template) so you don't have to specify them. The default initial zone creates A and AAAA records based on the host's facts. Those default NS records are only used if no NS records are provided for the zone's origin. You should specify your own SOA and NS records unless you happen to want those defaults. Note that if you want to provide your own NS records at the zone origin, you also have to provide your own SOA record.

class { 'bind':
  authoritative => true,
  # TODO: add settings to disable recursive query support

TODO: provide more examples.

Authoritative and caching

class { 'bind':
  authoritative => true,

TODO: provide more examples.

The resource_record type

DNS resource records can be created with the resource_record Puppet type.

Equivalent examples:

resource_record { 'www.example.com. AAAA':
  data => '2001:db8::1',
resource_record { 'my record':
  zone   => 'example.com.',
  record => 'www',
  type   => 'AAAA',
  data   => '2001:db8::1',

The title of resource_record resources can be in one of the following formats:

  1. Name, zone, type: www.example.com. AAAA (AAAA record www in the example.com. zone)
  2. Name and zone: www.example.com. (record www in the example.com. zone with type specified as a parameter)
  3. Name and type: www AAAA (AAAA record www in a zone specified as a parameter)
  4. Name: www (record www with zone and type specified as parameters)
  5. Any other format means all of the required parameters need to be specified in the resource definition.

The bind::key defined type

TSIG keys for dynamic zone updates used by clients can be added to the configuration as follows.

bind::key { 'key_name':
  algorithm => 'hmac-sha512',
  secret    => 'ZlfCDgP7d3g7LjV4YMLg62EbpLZRCt9BMh3MyqiZfPX5Y2IcTyx/la6PMsfAqLMM9QDadZiNiLVzD4IPoI/4hg==',

The key's secret needs to be generated using the BIND tool tsig-keygen; example:

tsig-keygen -a $algorithm [$key_name]


See metadata.json for supported operating systems, supported Puppet versions, and Puppet module dependencies.

Downgrading the package by setting package_backport => false (after it had been true) is not supported by this module, but you can of course do such a downgrade manually outside of Puppet.

Changing the value provided for a zone's $TTL directive after initial zone creation is not supported by this module (because the zone file is only created initially from a template and then never replaced, only updated dynamically using the RFC 2136 method), but you can do this manually outside of Puppet.


The development of this module attempts to be test-driven as much as possible. Therefore, changes should generally be accompanied by tests. The test suite is located in the spec directory. Acceptance tests (in the acceptance directory) use Serverspec, while unit tests (everything else) use rspec-puppet.

Running tests

PDK and Docker must be installed and working. GNU Parallel is used to run acceptance tests in parallel by default. This can be disabled with the --no-parallel option.


Generating documentation

pdk bundle exec rake strings:generate:reference

See also:

Release process

  1. git checkout main
  2. Update the version in metadata.json to the to-be-released version.
  3. pdk bundle exec rake changelog
  4. git commit --all
  5. git tag -a <version>
  6. pdk build
  7. git push (I have git config --global push.followTags true so that the tag will also be
    pushed. This also causes the publish.yaml GitHub workflow to build and publish a release to the
    Puppet Forge.)
  8. gh release create <version> pkg/kenyon-bind-<version>.tar.gz (using GitHub CLI)


Other BIND modules on Puppet Forge

BIND documentation


The following files came from the Debian package and are licensed under the MPL-2.0.


Copyright 2021 Kenyon Ralph

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.