
Ensure you know if systems don't work like they should - with Operational Verification and Validation resources

APACHE-2.0 License


Operational Verification and Validation

  • Ensure you know if systems don't work like they should

  • Integrate system readiness feedback into your puppet run

  • Increase confidence in you deployment health

  • Integrate system monitoring into your puppet reporting pipeline

[This README is partially aspirational. Not everything described in here is or will be implemented. Please direct any feedback to the Discussions tab]

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with opv
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


This module provides resources to verify the operational status of the things you're managing. This can be basic things like "is this port reachable" to in-depth checks like "does this service return a healthy status". Check out the "Operational Verification" talk at the Become a better Puppet developer Puppet Camp; Slides.

Further reading:


Beginning with opv

The resources in this module work stand-alone and straight out of the box. If anything has special needs, it will be described in the resource's reference section.


# Check whether SSH on localhost is reachable
check_tcp_port { '': }
# Check whether HTTP requests to 'https://www.example.com' work within three tries and a timeout of 10 seconds
check_http {
    retries => 3,
    timeout => 10,
# Check the exit code of a command
check_command {
  "custom health check":
    command => ['/usr/local/bin/healthy', $app_root],
    acceptable_exit_codes => [17, 42],
    retries => 3,
    timeout => 10,
# Check the status of a windows service
check_windows_service {
    timeout => 10,
# Check the status of a systemd service
check_systemd {
    timeout => 10,
# Check the status of a systemd service
check_systemd {
    expected_status => 'stopped',
# Check the result of a bolt task (e.g. as part of a plan run)
opv::check_task('service', $targets, 'name' => 'docker') |result| {
  return result['status'] == 'running'
# Check a local certificate file
check_certificate {
    allowed_remaining_validity_days => 10;


See the current enhancements for immediate next plans.

PRs for new checks, new check params, and other improvements are always appreciated.

Post and discuss feedback in Discussions.