
configure dump scripts for mysql, postgres and ldap

AGPL-3.0 License



Table of Contents


This is a module for deploying a backup solution for mysql,postgresql and LDAP databases.

It configures two things, the dump_databases script in /usr/local/bin/, and a sytemd timer+service to start it. multiple parameters are exposed to configure the history you want to keep and also the backup interval. All parameters have puppet-strings documentation in the REFERENCE.md. Dependingon the database you backup, multiple CLI tools are required:

  • psql
  • pg_dumpall
  • mysql
  • mysqldump
  • slapcat
  • pigz

The script always assumes that it's executed on the same machine that runs the database. The dependencies aren't managed by this module.

Example configuration

You can simply include the class and it will do dumps every 1 hour and never delete them:

include dbbackup

you can also configure parameter via Hiera or Puppet DSL. An example:

dbbackup::backuphistory: 730
dbbackup::destination: '/var/dumps'
dbbackup::interval: '2h'


This module has several unit tests and linters configured. You can execute them by running:

bundle exec rake test

Detailed instructions are in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.


Contribution is fairly easy:

  • Fork the module into your namespace
  • Create a new branch
  • Commit your bugfix or enhancement
  • Write a test for it (maybe start with the test first)
  • Create a pull request

Detailed instructions are in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

License and Author

This module was originally written by Tim Meusel. It's licensed with AGPL version 3.