
A puppet-lint plugin to detect deprecated, removed and non names-paced puppetlabs-stdlib functions.

APACHE-2.0 License



A puppet-lint plugin to detect puppetlabs/stdlib deprecations including removed and non-namespaced functions and datatypes.


Add this line to your modules's Gemfile:

gem 'puppet-lint-stdlib_deprecations'

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it with:

gem install puppet-lint-stdlib_deprecations


This plugin includes two checks.


Scans your puppet code for instances of removed and non-namespaced functions in puppetlabs/stdlib v9.0.0+. The plugin will only flag functions removed, that do not have an exact replcacement in core Puppet (for example, upcase or chomp).

class example_module::agent (
  String $ipaddress = ''
) {
  $chomped = chomp('hello\n')

  if is_ip_address($ipaddress) {
    notice("${ipaddress} is an ipaddress!")

  $size = size('hello')

  $escaped = batch_escape('echo "hello world"')

The above manifest will result in this console output:

puppet-lint path/to/file.pp

ERROR: Deprecated function found: 'is_ip_address' on line 6 (check: stdlib_deprecated_functions)
ERROR: Deprecated function found: 'size'. Use length() instead. on line 10 (check: stdlib_deprecated_functions)
WARNING: Deprecated function found: 'batch_escape'. Use stdlib::batch_escape instead. on line 12 (check: stdlib_deprecated_functions)

Notice, there is no output for the chomp(..) function call as there is a direct replacement in core Puppet, meaning the function will continue to work as expected.

  • is_ip_address is flagged as an error, as this will require manual intervention from the user to update this instance to a suitable replacement.
  • size is also flagged as an error was replaced by length() which is shipped with Puppet.
  • batch_escape omits a warning, this is because the function call will continue to work (until later removed from puppetlabs/stdlib), as 'under the hood' puppet will call the namespaced function.

For functions which have a namespaced counterpart (like batch_escape) we can make use of puppet-lint's autocorrect functionality to automate the process of updating these function calls.

class example_module::agent (
  String $ipaddress = ''
) {
  $escaped = batch_escape('echo "hello world"')
puppet-lint --fix path/to/file.pp
FIXED: Deprecated function found: 'batch_escape'. Use stdlib::batch_escape instead. on line 12 (check: stdlib_deprecated_functions)

And the updated code will look like:

class example_module::agent (
  String $ipaddress = ''
) {
  $escaped = stdlib::batch_escape('echo "hello world"')

To disable this check, you can add --no-stdlib_deprecated_functions-check to your puppet-lint command line.

puppet-lint --no-stdlib_deprecated_functions-check path/to/file.pp

Or if you're calling puppet-lint via a Raketask, add this to your Rakefile:



Checks for instances of the removed Stdlib::Compat datatypes in your manifests.

class example_module::agent (
  String $ip = '',
) {
  if ($ip =~ Stdlib::Compat::Ipv4) {
    notice("${ip} is an ip address!")

When running this check, puppet-lint will flag this instance of Stdlib::Compat::Ip_address as an error.

puppet-lint /path/to/file.pp

ERROR: Removed data type found: 'Stdlib::Compat::Ipv4' on line 4 (check: stdlib_deprecated_datatypes)

What you should now use:

class example_module::agent (
  String $ip = '',
) {
  if ($ip =~ Stdlib::IP::Address) {
    notice("${ip} is an ip address!")

Again, to disable this check you can add --no-stdlib_deprecated_datatypes-check to your puppet-lint command line.

puppet-lint  --no-stdlib_deprecated_datatypes-check /path/to/file.pp

Or by adding this line to your Rakefile (if calling the puppet-lint rake task).



This codebase is licensed under Apache 2.0. However, the open source dependencies included in this codebase might be subject to other software licenses such as AGPL, GPL2.0, and MIT.


If you run into an issue with this plugin or would like to request a feature you can raise a PR with your suggested changes. Keep in mind that this gem runs automated testing using GitHub Actions and we generally expect new contributions to pass these tests, as well as add additional testing in case of new features.

Alternatively, you can raise a Github issue with a feature request or bug reports. Every other Tuesday the DevX team holds office hours in the Puppet Community Slack, where you can ask questions about this and any other supported tools. This session runs at 15:00 (GMT) for about an hour.