
Puppet module to install rbenv ruby manager for systemwide use

MIT License




This Puppet module will install and manage rbenv. By default, it installs rbenv for systemwide use, rather than for a user or project. Additionally, you can install different versions of Ruby, rbenv plugins, and Ruby gems.


puppet module install --modulepath /path/to/puppet/modules jdowning-rbenv


To use this module, you must declare it in your manifest like so:

class { 'rbenv': }

If you wish to install rbenv somewhere other than the default (/usr/local/rbenv), you can do so by declaring the install_dir:

class { 'rbenv': install_dir => '/opt/rbenv' }

You can also ensure rbenv is kept up-to-date:

class { 'rbenv':
  install_dir => '/opt/rbenv'
  latest      => true

The class will merely setup rbenv on your host. If you wish to install rubies, plugins, or gems, you will have to add those declarations to your manifests as well.

Installing Ruby using ruby-build

Ruby requires additional packages to operate properly. Fortunately, this module will ensure these dependencies are met before installing Ruby. To install Ruby you will need the ruby-build plugin. Once installed, you can install most any Ruby. Additionally, you can set the Ruby to be the global interpreter.

rbenv::plugin { 'rbenv/ruby-build': }
rbenv::build { '2.0.0-p247': global => true }

Sometimes Ruby needs to be patched prior to being compiled. puppet-rbenv currently supports patching from a single file located either on the Puppet Master or the local filesystem. Therefore, the only accepted paths are those starting with puppet:/// or file:///.

rbenv::build { '2.0.0-p247': patch => 'puppet:///modules/rbenv/patch.patch' }
rbenv::build { '2.0.0-p247': patch => 'file:///path/to/patch.patch' }


Plugins can be installed from GitHub using the following definiton:

rbenv::plugin { 'github_user/github_repo': }

You can ensure a plugin is kept up-to-date. This is helpful for a plugin like ruby-build so that definitions are always available:

rbenv::plugin { 'rbenv/ruby-build': latest => true }


Gems can be installed too! You must specify the ruby_version you want to install for.

rbenv::gem { 'thor': ruby_version => '2.0.0-p247' }

Full Example


class { 'rbenv': }
rbenv::plugin { [ 'rbenv/rbenv-vars', 'rbenv/ruby-build' ]: }
rbenv::build { '2.0.0-p247':
  rubygems_version => '3.2.1',
  bundler_version => '1.17.3',
  global => true,
rbenv::gem { 'thor': ruby_version => '2.0.0-p247' }


You can run specs in this module with rspec:

bundle install
bundle exec rake spec

Or with Docker:

docker build -t puppet-rbenv .


You can also test this module in a Vagrant box. There are two box definitons included in the Vagrant file for CentOS and Ubuntu testing. You will need to use librarian-puppet to setup dependencies:

bundle install
bundle exec librarian-puppet install

To test both boxes:

vagrant up

To test one distribution:

vagrant up [centos|ubuntu]
Extracted from project README
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