
The tinyproxy puppet module handles installing, configuring, and running tinyproxy.

MIT License


tinyproxy Build Status Puppet Forge

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup - The basics of getting started with tinyproxy
  3. Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
  4. Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
  5. Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
  6. Development - Guide for contributing to the module


The tinyproxy module handles installing, configuring, and running tinyproxy.


Setup Requirements

The tinyproxy module requires the following puppet modules:

Both puppetlabs-apt and stahnma-epel are soft dependencies. If you are installing on Debian or RedHat-based systems, you will need to configure appropriate versions of those modules.

Beginning with tinyproxy

To install the tinyproxy with default parameters, declare the tinyproxy class.

include ::tinyproxy


Configuring tinyproxy

class { '::tinyproxy':
  port          => 8080,
  listen        => '',
  allow         => '',
  connect_ports => [],

Configuring modules from Hiera

Listen and allow access from

tinyproxy::port: 8080
tinyproxy::listen: ''
tinyproxy::allow: ''

Configure connections.

tinyproxy::max_clients: 200
tinyproxy::min_spare_servers: 20
tinyproxy::max_spare_servers: 20
tinyproxy::start_servers: 20

No ConnectPort means that all ports are allowed.

tinyproxy::connect_ports: null

Add some headers.

  'X-My-Header': 'Powored by Tinyproxy'
  'Y-My-Header': 'Powored by Tinyproxy'

Turn off the normal proxy (only reverse proxy).

tinyproxy::reverse_only: true
  '/google/': 'http://www.google.com/'
  '/wired/': 'http://www.wired.com/'


Public Classes

  • tinyproxy: Installs, configures, and runs tinyproxy.

Private Classes

  • tinyproxy::install: Installs the tinyproxy package.
  • tinyproxy::config: Configures tinyproxy.conf.
  • tinyproxy::service: Manages service.


Class: tinyproxy

  • use_epel: Whether epel repository should be installed. Type is Boolean. Default: true.
  • package_ensure: What state the tinyproxy package should be in. Type is String. Default: 'installed'.
  • config_ensure: Whether the tinyproxy.conf should exist. Type is Enum['file', 'absent']. Default: 'file'.
  • config_path: The path to the file to manage. Type is String. Default: '/etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf' (RedHat) or '/etc/tinyproxy.conf' (Debian).
  • user: The user to whom the file should belong. Type is String. Default: 'tinyproxy' or 'nogroup' (Debian).
  • gruop: Which group should own the file. Type is String. Default: 'tinyproxy' (RedHat) or 'nogroup' (Debian).
  • port:Specify the port which tinyproxy will listen on. Type is Integer. Default: 8888.
  • listen: Allow you to bind to an interface. Type is Optional[String]. Default: undef.
  • bind: Specify which interface will be used for outgoing connections. Type is Optional[String]. Default: undef.
  • bind_same: Whether tinyproxy will bind the outgoing connection to the ip address of the incoming connection. Type is Optional[Boolean]. Default: undef.
  • timeout: Specify a timeout of a connection. Type is Integer. Default: 600.
  • error_files: Specify the HTML file to send when a given HTTP error occurs. Type is Optional[Hash[Integer, String]]. Default: undef.
  • default_error_file: Specify the default Error HTML file. Type is String. Default: '/usr/share/tinyproxy/default.html'.
  • stat_host: Specify the stat host. Type is Optional[String]. Default: undef.
  • stat_file: Specify the HTML file for the stat host. Type is String. Default: '/usr/share/tinyproxy/stats.html'.
  • log_file: Specify the log file. Type is Optional[String]. Default: '/var/log/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.log'.
  • use_syslog: Whether tinyproxy uses syslog instead of a log file. This parameter and $log_file are mutually exclusive. Type is Boolean. Default: false.
  • pid_file: Specify the pid file. Type is String. Default: '/var/run/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.pid'.
  • use_xtinyproxy: Whether tinyproxy include the 'X-Tinyproxy' header. Type is Boolean. Default: false.
  • default_upstreams: Specify a set of rules for deciding whether the default upstream proxie servers are to be used. Type is Optional[Array[String]]. Default: undef.
  • upstreams: Specify a set of rules for deciding whether upstream proxie servers are to be used. Type is Optional[Hash[String, String]]. Default: undef.
  • no_upstreams: Specify no upstream proxy for internal websites and unqualified hosts. Type is Optional[Array[String]]. Default: undef.
  • max_clients: Specify maximum number of clients can be connected at the same time. Type is Integer. Default: 100.
  • min_spare_servers: Specify the lower limit for the number of spare servers which should be available. Type is Integer. Default: 5.
  • max_spare_servers: Specify the upper limit for the number of spare servers which should be available. Type is Integer. Default: 20.
  • start_servers: Specify the number of servers to start initially. Type is Integer. Default: 10.
  • max_requests_per_child: Specify the number of connections a thread will handle before it's killed. Type is Integer. Default: 0.
  • allow: Specify authorization control which clients are allowed to access Tinyproxy. Type is Optional[String]. Default: ''.
  • deny: Specify authorization control which clients are denied to access Tinyproxy. Type is Optional[String]. Default: undef.
  • add_headers: Specify additional headers. Type is Optional[Hash[String, String]]. Default: undef.
  • via_proxy_name: Specify the "Via" header. Type is String. Default: 'tinyproxy'.
  • disable_via_header: Whether tinyproxy disables the "Via" header. Type is Boolean. Default: false.
  • filter: Specify the location of the filter file. Type is Optional[String]. Default: false.
  • filter_urls: Whether filter is based on urls rather than domains. Type is Optional[Boolean]. Default: undef.
  • filter_extended: Whether filter uses POSIX Extended regexp. Type is Optional[Boolean]. Default: undef.
  • filter_case_sensitive: Whether filter uses case sensitive regexp. Type is Optional[Boolean]. Default: undef.
  • filter_default_deny: Whether filter changes the default policy of the filtering system. Type is Optional[Boolean]. Default: undef.
  • log_level: Set the logging level. Type is Enum['Critical', 'Error', 'Warning', 'Notice', 'Connect', 'Info']. Default: 'Info'.
  • anonymous: Specify anonymous keywords. Type is Optional[Array[String]]. Default: undef.
  • connect_ports: Specify a list of ports allowed by tinyproxy when the CONNECT method is used. Type is Optional[Array[Integer]]. Default: [443, 563].
  • reverse_paths: Specify a mapping from the local path to remote URL. Type is Optional[Hash[String, String]]. Default: undef.
  • reverse_only: Whether the normal(forward) proxy is turned off. Type is Optional[Boolean]. Default: undef.
  • reverse_magic: Whether tinyproxy uses a cookie to track reverse proxy mappings. Type is Optional[Boolean]. Default: undef.
  • reverse_baseurl: Specify URL that's used to access this reverse proxy. Type is Optional[String]. Default: undef.
  • service_ensure: Whether a service should be running. Type is Enum['running', 'stopped']. Default: 'running'.
  • service_enable: Whether a service should be enabled to start at boot. Type is Boolean. Default: true.


This module has been tested on:

  • RedHat Enterprise Linux 7
  • CentOS 7
  • Scientific Linux 7
  • Debian 8
  • Ubuntu 16.04


Running tests

The tinyproxy module contains tests for both rspec-puppet (unit tests) and beaker-rspec (acceptance tests) to verify functionality. For detailed information on using these tools, please see their respective documentation.

Testing quickstart

  • Unit tests:
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rake test
  • Acceptance tests using docker:
# List available beaker nodesets
$ bundle exec rake beaker_nodes

# Run beaker acceptance tests
$ BEAKER_set=centos7 bundle exec rake beaker