
Module to mange IIS with Puppet

MIT License


Deprecation notice

This module has been moved to the care of Puppet, where it is now being maintained and updated. Find new versions at https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/iis .

Details for migrating can be found at: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-iis/blob/master/MIGRATION.md

IIS module for Puppet

Module for puppet that can be used to create sites, application pools and virtual applications with IIS 7 and above.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Requirements
  3. Types


Create and manage IIS websites, application pools, and virtual applications.


  • = Windows 2012

  • IIS installed



Enumerate all IIS websites:

  • puppet resource iis_site

Example output for puppet resource iis_site 'Default Web Site'

iis_site { 'Default Web Site':
  ensure   => 'started',
  app_pool => 'DefaultAppPool',
  ip       => '*',
  path     => 'C:\InetPub\WWWRoot',
  port     => '80',
  protocol => 'http',
  ssl      => 'false',

iis_site attributes

  • ensure Denotes the presence and state of site. { present, absent, started, stopped } Default: started

  • name (namevar) Web site's name.

  • path Web root for the site. This can be left blank, although IIS won't be able to start the site.

  • app_pool The application pool which should contain the site. Default: DefaultAppPool

  • host_header A host header that should apply to the site. Set to false to maintain no host header.

  • protocol The protocol for the site. Default http

  • ip The IP address for the site to listen on. Default: $::ipaddress

  • port The port for the site to listen on. Default: 80

  • ssl If SSL should be enabled. Default: false

  • state Whether the site should be Started or Stopped. Default: Started

Refresh event

Sending a refresh event to an iis_site type will recycle the web site.


Enumerate all IIS application pools:

  • puppet resource iis_pool

Example output for puppet resource iis_site 'DefaultAppPool'

iis_pool { 'DefaultAppPool':
  ensure        => 'started',
  enable_32_bit => 'false',
  pipeline      => 'Integrated',
  runtime       => 'v4.0',

iis_pool attributes

  • ensure Denotes the presence and state of pool. { present, absent, started, stopped } Default: started

  • name (namevar) Application pool's name.

  • enable_32_bit Enable 32-bit applications (boolean). Default: false

  • pipeline The managed pipeline mode for the pool {'Classic', 'Integrated'}.

  • runtime Version of .NET runtime for the pool (float).

  • state Whether the site should be Started or Stopped. Default: Started

Refresh event

Sending a refresh event to an iis_pool type will recycle the application pool.


Enumerate all IIS virtual directories:

  • puppet resource iis_virtualdirectory

Example output for puppet resource iis_virtualdirectory 'default'

iis_virtualdirectory { 'default':
  ensure => 'present',
  path   => 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot',
  site   => 'Default Web Site',

iis_virtualdirectory attributes

  • path Target directory for the virtual directory.

  • site (Read-only) Web site in which the virtual directory resides. To change sites, remove and re-create virtual directory.


Enumerate all IIS applications:

  • puppet resource iis_application

Example output for puppet resource iis_site 'test_app'

iis_application { 'test_app':
  ensure   => 'present',
  app_pool => 'DefaultAppPool',
  path     => 'C:\Temp',
  site     => 'Default Web Site',

iis_application attributes

  • app_pool The application pool which should contain the application. Default: DefaultAppPool

  • path Root for the application. This can be left blank, although IIS won't be able to use it.

  • site (Read-only) Web site in which the application resides. To change sites, remove and re-create application.