
A testing framework for WebGL 1 and 2 applications

MIT License



glcheck is a WebGL-focused testing framework. It runs unit and render tests using puppeteer which allows it to run automated tests and generate coverage reports for both WebGL 1 and 2 applications.


To install, simply run:

npm i -D glcheck

Run using:

npx glcheck

By default, glcheck will read configuration from glcheck.config.json in the current directory, from which it will read the following options:

  • unitTests (default: []): List of JavaScript files to run as unit tests.
  • unitTestDir (default: "glcheck-tests/unit-tests/"): Directory to output unit test results into. This includes an HTML page that will be run by puppeteer, but it can also simply be opened in a browser.
  • assetDir (default: null): Directory to load assets from. Contents from this directory will be available to unit tests in the subdirectory assets/.
  • renderTests (default: []): List of HTML files to run as render tests.
  • referenceImageDir (default: "glcheck-tests/reference-images/"): Directory containing render test reference images.
  • renderTestThreshold (default: 0.99): Match threshold between 0 and 1 for render tests.
  • renderTimeout (default: 5000): Timeout for each render test in milliseconds.
  • saveRenderFailures (default: false): Whether to save render failure and diff images for render tests.
  • renderFailureDir (default: "glcheck-tests/render-failures/"): Where to save render failure and diff images for render tests.
  • serverPort (default: 7171): Port to run the local server on for puppeteer.
  • headless (default: true): Whether to run headless.
  • coverage (default: true): Whether to generate coverage results that are consumable by Istanbul.
  • coverageFiles (default: []): Files to include in coverage results.
  • only (default: null): Only run the provided test file (can be a glob pattern to run multiple files).

Full glcheck command line usage is as follows:

glcheck [--help] [--version] [--config PATH] [--unit-test-dir PATH] [--asset-dir PATH] [--reference-image-dir PATH] [--render-test-threshold VAL] [--render-timeout TIME] [--save-render-failures {true/false}] [--render-failure-dir PATH] [--server-port PORT] [--coverage {true/false}] [--headless {true/false}] [--only PATH]

Command line arguments will always override options from the config file:

  • --help: Show a help message and exit.
  • --version: Show version number and exit.
  • --config (default: "glcheck.config.json"): Path to config file.
  • --unit-test-dir (default: "glcheck-results/"): Directory to output unit test results into. This includes an HTML page that will be run by puppeteer, but it can also simply be opened in a browser.
  • --asset-dir (default: null): Directory to load assets from. Contents from this directory will be available to unit tests in the subdirectory assets/.
  • --reference-image-dir (default: "glcheck-tests/reference-images/"): Directory containing render test reference images.
  • --render-test-threshold (default: 0.99): Match threshold between 0 and 1 for render tests.
  • --render-timeout (default: 5000): Timeout for each render test in milliseconds.
  • --save-render-failures (default: false): Whether to save render failure and diff images for render tests.
  • --render-failure-dir (default: "glcheck-tests/render-failures/"): Where to save render failure and diff images for render tests.
  • --server-port (default: 7171): Port to run the local server on for puppeteer.
  • --headless (default: true): Whether to run headless.
  • --coverage (default: true): Whether to generate coverage results that are consumable by Istanbul.
  • --only (default: null): Only run the provided test file (can be a glob pattern to run multiple files).

Unit Tests

A simple unit test suite using glcheck might look like the following:

glcheck("Test myApp", (t, canvas) => {
    const gl = canvas.createContext("webgl2");

    t.parameterEqual(gl, gl.DEPTH_TEST, true, "Depth test enabled");
    t.parameterNotEqual(gl, gl.DEPTH_TEST, false, "Depth test not disabled");

    gl.clearColor(1, 0, 0, 1);
    t.pixelEqual(gl, [255, 0, 0, 255], "Framebuffer is red");
    t.pixelNotEqual(gl, [0, 0, 255, 255], "Framebuffer is not blue");

    // Buffer tests are WebGL 2-only
    const buffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([1, 2, 3, 4]), gl.STATIC_READ);
    t.bufferEqual(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, [1, 2, 3, 4], "Buffer data counts up");
    t.bufferNotEqual(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, [4, 3, 2, 1], "Buffer data does not count down");


Unit tests are defined using the glcheck function. The general structure is as follows:

glcheck("My test", (t, canvas) => {

    // Write some tests


The arguments to the test function are a tester object (described below) and a DOM canvas element. Each test will create a fresh canvas for testing and tear it down afterwards.

Test functions can also be async:

glcheck("My test", async (t, canvas) => {

    const data = await getAsyncData();

    // Write some tests


The tester object's done method indicates that the test has completed and can also be used in async contexts:

  • t.done(): Indicate that a test has completed.
glcheck("Basic", async (t, canvas) => {
    t.ok(true, "ok");

glcheck("Async", async (t, canvas) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        t.ok(true, "ok");
    }, 50);

The tester object exposes the following basic assertions:

  • t.ok(actual, message): Check the truthiness of actual.
  • t.notOk(actual, message): Check the falsiness of actual.
  • t.equal(actual, expected, message): Check that actual and expected are shallowly equal.
  • t.notEqual(actual, expected, message): Check that actual and expected are not shallowly equal.
  • t.deepEqual(actual, expected, message): Check that actual and expected are deeply equal (e.g. for objects and arrays).
  • t.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, message): Check that actual and expected are not deeply equal (e.g. for objects and arrays).
  • t.throws(fn, message): Check that fn throws an exception.
  • t.doesNotThrow(fn, message): Check that fn does not throw an exception.
glcheck("Basic assertions", (t, canvas) => {
    t.ok(true, "ok");
    t.equal(1, 1, "equal");
    t.deepEqual({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 1, b: 2}, "deepEqual");

    // deepEqual considers all array types equivalent
    t.deepEqual([1, 2, 3, 4], new Float32Array([1, 2, 3, 4]), "deepEqual different array types");

    t.throws(() => {throw "Throw";}, "throws");


The tester object also exposes WebGL-specific assertions:

  • t.parameterEqual(gl, parameter, expected, message): Check if the WebGL parameter (passed to gl.getParameter) matches expected.
  • t.parameterNotEqual(gl, parameter, expected, message): Check if the WebGL parameter (passed to gl.getParameter) does not match expected.
  • t.pixelEqual(gl,[ uv=[0.5, 0.5],] expected, message): Check if the currently bound framebuffer has the value expected at the pixel indicated by uv. uv is a two-element array with [0, 0] indicating the bottom-left of the canvas, and [1, 1] indicating the top-right.
  • t.pixelNotEqual(gl,[ uv=[0.5, 0.5],] expected, message): Check if the currently bound framebuffer does not have the value expected at the pixel indicated by uv. uv is a two-element array with [0, 0] indicating the bottom-left of the canvas, and [1, 1] indicating the top-right.
  • t.bufferEqual(gl, binding, expected, message) (WebGL 2-only): Check if the buffer bound to binding contains the values in expected. Matching will be done based on the array type of expected and will default to Float32Array.
  • t.bufferNotEqual(gl, binding, expected, message) (WebGL 2-only): Check if the buffer bound to binding does not contain the values in expected. Matching will be done based on the array type of expected and will default to Float32Array.
glcheck("GL assertions", (t, canvas) => {
    const gl = canvas.getContext("webgl2");

    t.parameterEqual(gl, gl.DEPTH_TEST, true, "parameterEqual");
    t.parameterEqual(gl, gl.VIEWPORT, [10, 20, 30, 40], "parameterEqual array");
    t.pixelEqual(gl, [255, 0, 0, 255], "pixelEqual center");
    t.pixelEqual(gl, [0.25, 0.75], [255, 0, 0, 255], "pixelEqual upper-left");

    // Buffer assertions are WebGL 2-only
    const floatBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, floatBuffer);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([1, 2, 3, 4]), gl.STATIC_READ);
    t.bufferEqual(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, [1, 2, 3, 4], "bufferEqual");

    const byteBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
    gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, byteBuffer);
    gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint8Array([5, 6, 7, 8]), gl.STATIC_READ);

    // bufferEqual will respect the type of the "expected" array passed
    t.bufferEqual(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Uint8Array([5, 6, 7, 8]), "bufferEqual bytes");


Finally, the tester object exposes the async helper loopUntil for tests that require asynchrony:

  • t.loopUntil(fn): Returns a promise that starts a requestAnimationFrame loop, calling fn on each frame and resolving when it returns true.
glcheck("loopUntil helper", async (t, canvas) => {
    const gl = canvas.getContext("webgl2");
    const query = gl.createQuery();

    gl.beginQuery(gl.ANY_SAMPLES_PASSED_CONSERVATIVE, query);
    // ...

    await t.loopUntil(() => gl.getQueryParameter(query, gl.QUERY_RESULT_AVAILABLE));

    t.equal(gl.getQueryParameter(query, GL.QUERY_RESULT), expected, "Query results");


Render Tests

Render tests are run by providing a list of HTML files to render in the configuration file:

    "renderTests": "test/render/*.html"

To be usable as a render test, a page must simply indicate when it has completed rendering by setting the global glcheck_renderDone to true:

window.glcheck_renderDone = true;

NOTE: It recommended to stop animations once glcheck_renderDone is set to ensure consistent results.

glcheck also exposes a helper function glcheck_setRAFCount to pages loaded as render tests to simplify controlling animations and signaling that a render is complete.

  • glcheck_setRAFCount(n): Instrument requestAnimationFrame to only loop n times and set glcheck_renderDone afterwards.

This can be helpful in instrumenting a page to stop rendering when used as a render test, but render normally otherwise.

if (window.glcheck_setRAFCount) {

requestAnimationFrame(function draw() {

    // Will loop 10 times when run by glcheck,
    // normally otherwise.

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