
Node Website Scraper

MIT License



WIP — Scrape data from a website, pass an object with {key: '#selector'} and receive {key: 'selector value'}

Goals of Project

  • Create SiteModel that will be fed into a new Scraper Class
  • Scraper class will accept a URI and config defining what to scrape
  • An optional pagination selector may be passed into the Scraper Class to enable pagination
  • Scraped data will be passed back to SiteModel where data will be saved


npm i @rebz/scraper

Example usage

// index.js
const Scraper = require('./dist/index').default

const config = {
    uri: '',
    pagination: { // custom pagination handler
        selector: 'div.prev_next', // element/classname selector of target
        // custom handler for determining next page
        handler: async (currentUri, uris) => {
            const url = new URL(currentUri)
            const newPath = uris[Object.keys(uris).filter(k => k.indexOf('Prev') != -1)[0]]
            return url.origin+newPath
    selectors: {
        key1: 'span#key1selector',
        key2: 'span#key2selector',
        key3: 'span#key3selector',

// your custom scrape function
(async () => {

    // Handler to save scraped data
    const saveData = (data) => console.log(data)

    // Handler for errors
    const customErrorHandler = (error) => console.error(error)

    // Setup Scraper
    const scraper = Scraper().setConfig(config);

    // Define a custom Error Handler, returns URI and Error
    await scraper.errors(customErrorHandler)

    // Scrape page and save
    await scraper.scrape()
    await saveData(scraper.getData())

    // ...go to another page, scrape, and save
    await scraper.scrape('')
    await saveData(scraper.getData())

    // ...or listen for scrape and apply handler
    await scraper.listen(saveData)

    // if pagination is set you may auto scrape
    await scraper.autoScrape()

    // close the active browser session when finished
    await scraper.stop()

node index.js will produce:

// scrape
    uri: '',
    scraped: { 
        key1: ' innerHTML from selector',
        key2: ' innerHTML from selector',
        key3: ' innerHTML from selector'
// scrape
    uri: '',
    scraped: { 
        key1: ' innerHTML from selector',
        key2: ' innerHTML from selector',
        key3: ' innerHTML from selector'
// scrape objects after


  1. ScraperJob
    • define frequency number
    • define proxies array
    • ...
  2. ScraperSiteInterface
    • Used for Model
    • save() method to save to "DB"
    • ...
  3. Expand sanitization of retrieved values
  4. Root configs setup (tslint, tsconfig, etc)
  5. Unit Tests (Mocha)