
Uses Twitter archive to visualize your Twitter network based on your replies, quote tweets and direct messaging history. Get DM stats with leaderboard based on message count, bar graph of your messaging history with your friends

MIT License


Twitter Circle

A tool to visualize your Twitter network and direct messaging history


  1. Make a Twitter Circle visualization for up to 200 users.
  2. Check leaderboard based on combined weights of all your mentions of other users and all direct messages.
  3. Check DM stats message count per recipient, messages sent/received per user, total messages, last message with them
  4. DM bar graph where you can see messages/month for 5 years data.

Table of Contents

  1. Twitter Circle
  2. Share screenshots and tag your inner circle!
  3. How Twitter Circle Works


If you have already cloned, please do a git pull

  1. Download your Twitter archive.

    • Go to: More (3 dot button) > Settings and Privacy > Your Account > Download an archive of your data.
    • Note: It takes around 1-2 days for Twitter to prepare your archive data.

    Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Copy your Twitter archive (extracted folder, not the zip file) into the project folder and rename the extracted folder to twitter-archive. You have to ensure the archive is on the root folder of the project.

  3. Install Node.js (for Linux and MacOS)

    • Visit the official Node.js website:
    • Download the appropriate version for your operating system.
    • Follow the installation instructions provided on the website.
  4. Install project dependencies

    npm install

    This command will install all the necessary packages listed in the package.json file.

  5. Set up the project


    For Windows, you will require git bash or WSL to run above bash script.

  6. Start the application

    npm start

    This command will start the Twitter Circle application. Share screenshots of your top 100 now! If you liked it, please star the repo.

Troubleshooting :

First step if not working, do a git pull and just re-run the script ./

If still not working, raise an issue or contact me

Known Issues

Update 16th June

Most problems will happen at the scraping stage. I don't directly scrape profile pics from Twitter. I currently scrape from You should be able to scrape once properly. If you try a second scrape immediately, then you may get rate limited.

Earlier I was using which now has cloudfare bot detection. If you could help me get around this, I am open to a PR.

  1. The frontend tweet webviewer website may be down. you can check by In this case, you can try later or try changing line 146 in pfp_fetch_and_id_correction.js. if (isReachablePrimary) to if (false)

  2. Profile pictures not rendering

    a. Browser dependencies are missing - check

    For Linux, WSL etc. check here.

    Error may look like below (it's from WSL)

    UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Failed to launch the browser process!
    /your_username/.cache/puppeteer/chrome-linux-122.0.6261.69/chrome-linux/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    b. Browser launch process fail because chromium path not set (Linux, M1 Macs)

    Find your chromium path and please set it like below example

    around line 211 in pfp_fetch_and_id_correction.js

    const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: true, args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox'], executablePath: 'usr/bin/chromium-browser' })
  3. Chrome or Safari are recommended. Edge has CORS issue.

Share screenshots and tag your inner circle!

Don't forget to share screenshots of your top 50, 100 whatever you feel like

Tag your inner circle in reply

Zoom out browser enough to let the images fit in and please exclude slider for better screenshot.

If you are feeling courageous, I dare you to share your DM stats leaderboard screenshots.

How Twitter Circle Works

Tech stack

  • Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS
  • Puppeteer to get profile pictures
  • D3.js for drawing the twitter circle
  • chart.js for drawing the graphs

Tried to keep complexity and dependencies at minimum

Relevant files used from Twitter archive

  • account.js - Details of your account like accountId and userhandle/screenname
  • tweets.js - All your tweets (normal tweet, replies, quote tweets) with data like reply mentions, quote tweet url, text, media url
  • direct-messages.js - All your personal messages, no group chat messages
graph TD
A[Extract mentions and quote tweets] --> B[Create user ID to screen name mapping]
A --> C[Calculate weighted scores based on frequency and recency]
D[Read direct messaging data] --> E[Extract DM data and calculate basic stats]
D --> F[Compute DM weights]
F --> G[Combine DM weights with mention weights]
G --> H[Take top N users]
H --> I[Fetch profile picture CDN URLs for top N users]
H --> J[Attempt to correct missing user IDs]
J --> K[Update ID-to-username mapping]
K --> L[Create interactive visualization of Twitter circle]
K --> M[Display ranking of friends based on combined weights]
D --> N[Process data to count messages per month for past 5 years]
N --> O[Prepare data for visualizing DM history graph]
O --> P[Display table of DM statistics per recipient]
P --> Q[Display bar graph of monthly message counts for selected recipient]

style A fill:#ff9980
style B fill:#ff9980
style C fill:#ff9980
style D fill:#80b3ff
style E fill:#80b3ff
style F fill:#80b3ff
style G fill:#b3d9ff
style H fill:#cccccc
style I fill:#cccccc
style J fill:#cccccc
style K fill:#e6e6e6
style L fill:#b3ffb3
style M fill:#b3ffb3
style N fill:#ffff99
style O fill:#ffff99
style P fill:#ffcc99
style Q fill:#ffcc99

Flow of execution

graph TD
    A(Read tweets.js) --> B(Extract mentions and quote tweets)
    B --> C(Create user ID to screen name mapping)
    B --> D(Calculate mentions weights)
    D --> E(Save weights to mentionsCountWeighted.json)
    F(Read direct-messages.js) --> G(Extract DM data)
    G --> H(Calculate DM stats)
    H --> I(Calculate DM weights)
    I --> J(Combine DM weights with mentions weights)
    J --> K(Save combined weights to sortedCombinedWeights.json)
    K --> L(Read sortedCombinedWeights.json)
    L --> M(Fetch top N users' profile pictures)
    M --> N(Correct missing user IDs)
    N --> O(Save updated data to final_weights_with_pics.json)
    G --> P(Process DM data for visualization)
    P --> Q(Save DM stats with chart data to dm_final_stats_with_chart.json)
    O --> R(Load data in index.html for D3.js visualization)
    O --> S(Load data in leaderboard.html for ranking display)
    Q --> T(Load data in dm_stats.html for DM stats table)
    T --> U(Click on a row to view DM history)
    U --> V(Load specific recipient's data in chart_draw.html for DM history graph)

    classDef script fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px;
    classDef data fill:#ccf,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    classDef webpage fill:#cfc,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;

    class A,B,F,G script;
    class C,D,E,H,I,J,K,N,O,P,Q data;
    class R,S,T,U,V webpage;
  1. extract_mentions_and_dump.js:

    • Reads tweets.js from the user's Twitter archive.
    • Extracts mentions and quote tweets from the tweet data.
    • Creates a mapping between user IDs and screen names and saves it to user_mentions_screen_name_mapping.json.
    • Calculates weighted scores based on the frequency and recency of interactions and saves them to mentions_count_folder/mentionsCountWeighted.json.

    Scores are based on your replies and quote tweets. I sum up the mentions and apply a weighing mechanism based on time difference to ensure the relevance of interactions. Recent interactions get slightly more weightage. This is because we perceive people we interacted with recently to be closer to us - the time weight heuristic is provided to account for the recency bias

    The mapping between user IDs and screen names is to avoid scraping. This mapping is required as the direct messaging data contains only accountIds (and no usernames)

    The mapping will work if you have replied to the person at least once otherwise their accountId won't be known. There is a scraping workaround but I avoid it as it takes time plus want to keep scraping at minimum. see utils/fetch_user_id_to_user_name.js

  2. preprocess_direct-messages.js:

    • Reads direct-messages.js from the user's Twitter archive.
    • Extracts direct messaging data and processes all of it to calculates basic stats (total messages, messages sent/received per user).
    • Computes DM weights using a weighing mechanism similar to the mentions.
    • Combines the DM weights with the existing weights from mentions_count_folder/mentionsCountWeighted.json and saves the result to sortedCombinedWeights.json.
  3. pfp_fetch_and_id_correction.js:

    • Reads sortedCombinedWeights.json and takes the top N users.
    • Fetches profile pictures CDN urls for the top N users using Puppeteer from or other sources. These sources are twitter webviewers, we do not touch twitter.
    • By default, topN = 200 to avoid overburdening systems
    • Attempts to correct missing user IDs by fetching profile banners and extracting the IDs.
    • Updates the ID-to-username mapping and saves the updated data to final_weights_with_pics.json.
  4. dm_final_stats_processing.js:

    • Reads the direct messaging data from twitter-archive/data/direct-messages.js.
    • Processes the data to count messages per month for the past 5 years.
    • Prepares the data for visualizing the DM history graph and saves it to dm_final_stats_with_chart.json.
  5. index.html:

    • Loads data from final_weights_with_pics.json.
    • Creates an interactive visualization of the user's Twitter circle using D3.js.
    • Displays the top N users' profile pictures in concentric circles, with the user at the center.
    • Allows adjusting the number of displayed users using a slider.
  6. leaderboard.html:

    • Loads data from final_weights_with_pics.json.
    • Displays a ranking of the user's friends based on the combined weights of mentions and DMs.
  7. dm_stats.html:

    • Loads data from dm_final_stats_with_chart.json.
    • Shows a table of direct messaging statistics per recipient.
    • Clicking on a row in the table opens chart_draw.html with the recipient's ID as a URL parameter.
  8. chart_draw.html:

    • Receives the recipient's ID from the URL parameter.
    • Loads data from dm_final_stats_with_chart.json.
    • Finds the data for the specific recipient based on the ID.
    • Displays a bar graph of the monthly message counts for that recipient over the past 5 years using Chart.js.

Solving for username to user id mapping without scraping

Just look at the data like Lain. Stare at it.

We get free mapping between name and id. It took me sometime to realise this. I had already written the scraper.

If you have replied to someone at least once, then you have a valid mapping.

Bugs and Limitations

  • You may see some @notfound_userid in the DM stats table. These are accounts where we couldn't find a mapping between username and id from the reply mentions data. Since there combined weights do not end up in the topN, their pfp and banner is not fetched so they end up as not found.

I can add some code to fetch banners (so i can get the userid) for top 200 dm stats also. It will require less than 200 ofc because most people you talk to in DM you have replied to them at least once on the timeline.

If you really want to find them, you can try going to or try You need to be logged in for this.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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