
Useful tutorials

MIT License



Welcome to the Collaborative-AI tutorial repository! This repository contains several tutorials. Each tutorial is available in both English and Simplified Chinese. Below you will find links to each tutorial's README file.

Table of Contents

  1. Git
  2. Literature Search
  3. Python
  4. Paper Reading
  5. PyTorch
  6. MongoDB



Learn the basics of Git, including installation, configuration, and essential commands. This tutorial will guide you through everything you need to start using Git for version control.

Literature Search

Discover how to effectively search for academic literature using various tools and databases. This tutorial covers the methods and strategies for conducting a comprehensive literature review.


This tutorial will guide you through setting up a robust Python development environment using PyCharm and Anaconda. We'll cover installation steps for different operating systems, verify your existing Python installations, and configure PyCharm for efficient coding.

Paper Reading

Learn how to effectively read and analyze papers. This tutorial provides strategies for understanding the structure of a paper, taking notes, critically analyzing content, and connecting the paper to your research.


This tutorial introduces the basics of PyTorch, a popular deep learning library in Python. You'll learn how to set up PyTorch, work with tensors, build and train neural networks, and more.


Learn how to install and configure MongoDB locally, set up MongoDB Compass for database management, and use PyMongo for Python-based database operations. This tutorial covers installation on Windows, macOS, and Linux, and includes basic and advanced operations with PyMongo.

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