

30 Days of Code Python

Day 1

  1. Python Keyword

  2. Yield keyword

  3. Python Statement

Day 2

  1. Variables in python

  2. Multiple Assignment

  3. Storage Location in Python

Day 3

  1. Data Types in Python

    • List
    • Tupple
    • Set
    • Dictionary

Day 4

  1. Standard I/O
    • Standard Output
    • Standard Input

Day 5

  1. Operators
    • Arithmetic Operator
    • Comparision Operator
    • Logical Operator
    • Bitwise Operator
    • Assignment Operators

Day 6

  1. Special Operators
    • Identity Operators
    • MemberShip Operators

Day 7

  1. Control Flow: if else
    • if statement
    • if else statement
    • elif statement
    • nested if statement

Day 8

  1. Contriol Flow: loop
    • while loop
    • While loop with else
    • for loop
    • Range function
    • Range function with step size
    • Range function : iterate over the list using index
    • Range function : iterate over elements in the list
    • for loop with else

Day 9

  1. Control Flow: break and continue
    • break
    • continue

Day 10

  1. Data Structures
    • List
      • Creation
      • Length
      • Append
      • Insert
      • Remove

Day 11

  1. Data Structures
    • List
      • Append
      • Extend
      • Delete
      • 'in' keyword

Day 12

  1. Data Structures
    • List
      • Reverse
      • Sorting
      • String Split to create a list
      • Slicing

Day 13

  1. Data Structures
    • List
      • List extend using '+'
      • Count
      • Looping
      • Comprehensions
      • Nested List Comprehensions

Day 14

  1. Data Strctures
    • Tuple
      • Creation
      • Accessing Elements in Tuple
      • Changing a tuple
      • Deletion
      • Count
      • Index
      • Membership
      • Length
      • Sort

Day 15

  1. Data Strctures
    • Tuple
      • Max
      • Min
      • Sum

Day 16

  1. Data Strctures
    • Sets
      • Creation
      • Add element
      • Remove element
        • Discard
        • Remove
        • Pop
        • Clear

Day 17

  1. Data Strctures
    • Sets
      • Sets Operations
        • union
        • intersection
        • difference
        • symmetric difference
        • issinset
      • Frozen Sets

Day 18

  1. Data Strctures
    • Dictionary
      • Creation
      • Access

Day 19

  1. Data Strctures
    • Dictionary
      • Add
      • Modify
      • Delete or Remove Element

Day 20

  1. Data Strctures
    • Dictionary
      • Dictionary Methods
        • copy
        • fromkeys
        • items
        • keys
        • values
      • Dictionary Comprehension

Day 21

  1. Strings
    • Access
    • Change or Delete
    • Concatenation
    • Iterating

Day 22

  1. Strings
    • String methods
      • lower
      • upper
      • split
      • join
      • find
      • replace

Day 23

  1. Function
    • Introduction
      • Function Call
      • Doc String
      • return Statement
      • Scope and LifeTime of a variable

Day 24

  1. Function
    • Types of Function
      • Build-in Function
        • abs
        • all
        • divmod
        • enumerate
        • filter

Day 25

  1. Function
    • Types of Function
      • Build-in Function
        • filter
        • isinstance
        • map
        • reduce

Day 26

  1. Function
    • Types of Function
      • User-defined Function
        • add
        • subtract
        • multiply

Day 27

  1. Function
    • Forms of Argument
      • Normal
      • Default
      • Keyword
      • Arbitary

Day 28

  1. Function
    • Recursive Function
    • Lambda Function

Day 29

  1. Modules
    • import
    • from...import

Day 30

  1. File
    • File Handling
      • Open a file
      • Read or write
      • Close file
      • Rename a file
      • Delete a file
    • Python Directory and file Management
      • Get current directory
      • change directory
      • List files and sub directories
      • Make new directory
      • Remove directory

About Me : https://about.me/itsravishankarsingh

Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUMrRePIS_TOjxxnY1bUydA

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