
MIT License


[!WARNING] This repository is outdated

Please find the new repository at the following link

JetBrains web-presentations updated repository

You can find the documentation for the new repository at the following link

JetBrains web-presentations updated repository documentation

What this repository is for

This repository contains a collection of HTML-based slides about JetBrains tools that is used to play back at expo booths whenever JetBrains makes a booth appearance at a sponsored conference.

It is based on reveal.js, a HTML-based presentation framework. For detailed info about reveal.js, see the framework's own README.

How to set up presentation playback at a conference

  1. Download and unpack the latest revision from this repository's master branch (unless you have agreed to use a different revision) to an Intel NUC device or other computer that will be used to display presentations.

  2. If necessary, modify the playlist to match a particular conference type. (See How to select a playlist below)

  3. Double-click jetbrains-tools.html. Presentations will be played back in a loop.

You don't need to connect the device to the Internet: the presentations are self-contained and will work offline.

How to set up presentation playback with general JetBrains videos

  1. Check out the latest revision from this repository's master branch e.g. with git clone (unless you have agreed to use a different revision) to an Intel NUC device or other computer that will be used to display presentations.

  2. If necessary, modify the playlist to match a particular conference type. (See How to select a playlist below)

  3. Double-click jetbrains-general.html. Presentations will be played back in a loop.

You don't need to connect the device to the Internet: the presentations are self-contained and will work offline.

How to select a playlist

By default, no playlist is defined, which means that all available products will be shown.

If necessary, select a playlist that best matches your conference. There are several predefined playlists for different types of conferences, such as a .NET-focused, C++ focused, or JVM-focused conference.

To select a playlist:

  1. Go to js/playlist.js

  2. Change variable currentPlaylist so that one of the playlists defined in the conferenceType object is assigned to it. For example, for a .NET-focused conference, make the following assignment: var currentPlaylist = conferenceType.dotnet;

  3. Save changes to js/playlist.js.

How to add or edit presentation slides

Here's the general procedure for editing slides:

  1. Clone this repository: git clone

  2. Open the project in WebStorm or another editor.

  3. Edit slides contained in jetbrains-tools.html. Use img/screenshots/productname to store images and videos. (See How slides are organized below to get an idea of the types of slides generally used.)

  4. Commit and push your changes to the master branch (unless agreed otherwise).

You will need push permissions for the repository, you can request them in the ADM YouTrack project.

How slides are organized

Slides for all products are stored in a single file, jetbrains-tools.html. Here's a simplified structure of the file:

		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reveal.css">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme/jetbrains.css">
		<div class="reveal">
			<div class="slides">
			<!-- ReSharper slides -->
				<section data-product="resharper">
                    <h2>Enjoy continuous code quality analysis</h2>
                    <p><img src="img/screenshots/resharper-ultimate/resharper/code_analysis.png"></p>
            <!-- More ReSharper slides -->    
            <!-- IntelliJ IDEA slides -->
                <section data-product="intellij">
                    <h2>Smart code completion</h2>
            		<p>Smart completion only suggests types that are expected in the current context</p>
            		<p><img src="img/screenshots/intellij/[email protected]"></p>
            <!-- More IntelliJ IDEA slides -->
            <!-- Your product's slides -->
		<script src="js/reveal.js"></script>

There are a few alternative files used for some other conferences, and you can generally understand from the name what conference is it for, e.g.:

  • jetbrains-general.html is for general conferences (includes more JetBrains-branded slides and corporate videos)
  • jetbrains-alibaba.html is for Alibaba Cloud specific content
  • jetbrains-google-cloud.html is for Google Cloud specific content
  • jetbrains-tools-japanese.html is a jetbrains-tools.html localized to Japanese language
  • jetbrains-websummit.html is for WebSummit conference

As seen in the sample above, each slide is represented with a <section> tag that has a data-product="yourProductName" attribute. The attribute is necessary to make sure that a slide contains product-specific logo and beam, and (if a playlist is defined) to select which slides to play back and which to omit.

Typically, you will use the following types of slides:

Intro slide

This is what you start your product's set of slides with. The slide contains product name, quick description of the product and its logo.


<section data-product="dottrace">
    <p>.NET performance profiler</p>
    <div class="jetbrains-logo _logo-dottrace _size-5"></div>

Image slide

This is your regular slide illustrated with a static image. The header (<h2>) is expected to contain an expressive caption to the image. If you need more space for the caption, avoid long headers: instead, use an additional paragraph (<p>) between the header and the image.


<section data-product="rider">
    <h2>Write .NET code on Windows, Mac, Linux</h2>
    <p>in an IDE similar to WebStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, other JetBrains tools</p>
        <img src="img/screenshots/resharper-ultimate/rider/welcome.png">

Video slide

You can insert part-screen videos in your slides instead of static images: use <video> tags for this purpose. Make sure to insert the data-autoplay attribute to make the video start automatically as soon as its container slide is loaded.

Reveal.js will automatically extend the length of the video slide to accommodate the entire duration of your video.


<section data-product="appcode">
    <h2>Create faster</h2>
    <p>with smarter completion</p>
    <video data-autoplay src="img/screenshots/appcode/completion.mp4"/>

If you want your video to occupy as much screen estate as possible, use class="stretch" on the video: the video will be displayed as large as possible while still keeping a product-specific slide header visible. You might want to remove a slide title for even better stretching.


<section data-product="teamcity">
    <video class="stretch" data-autoplay src="img/screenshots/teamcity/video_easy_setup.mp4" />

GIF slide

GIFs are just another alternative to static images and videos, and you insert GIFs like you would insert a regular static image.

However, note that Reveal.js can't detect the duration of your GIF and alter slide duration accordingly. This means that you need to calculate GIF duration yourself and set the data-autoslide attribute of your slide (<section>) to match the duration of your GIF in milliseconds.


<section data-product="resharper" data-autoslide="25000">
    <h2>Navigate between structural pieces of code</h2>
    <p>like you're tabbing through a web page in a browser</p>
        <img src="img/screenshots/resharper-ultimate/resharper/tab_navigation.gif">

Outro slide

This is what concludes the set of slides about any product.


<section data-product="dotcover">
	<h2>Learn more and download a free 30-day trial</h2>
	<div class="jetbrains-logo _logo-dotcover _size-5"></div>

How to use GIT-LFS for large files

Please refer to GitHub's tutorials.

Right now we have a "tracking" the following files with git-lfs:

  • /img/screenshots/jetbrains/jb_promo-v1.7.mp4
  • /img/screenshots/jetbrains/jb_promo-v1.7-cn-subtitles.mp4
  • /img/screenshots/jetbrains/jb_promo-v1.7-eng-subtitles.mp4
  • /img/screenshots/jetbrains/JetBrains_developer_tools_for_professionals_and_teams.mp4
  • /img/screenshots/jetbrains/JetBrains_TheDrivetoDevelop_Logo.mp4
  • /img/screenshots/jetbrains/wearejb_v4.2.mp4
  • /img/screenshots/jetbrains/DSGN-5489AnnualReport_d10.mp4

If you would like to track more files, add them with git-lfs track FILE_NAME.

You don't need to download GIT-LFS if you need to download the videos, just clone the repository as described above.