
Machine Learning (Beginners Hub), information(courses, books, cheat sheets, live sessions) related to machine learning, data science and python is available

MIT License


One Stop for machine learning


  1. Papers
  2. Languages
  3. Platforms
  4. Courses
  5. Live Sessions
  6. Books
  7. Cheat sheets
  8. Interview Questions
  9. DataSets
  10. Blogs and Community
  11. Online Competitions
  12. Other Sources
  13. About CNNs
  14. About GANs

Steps in approaching a Machine learning problem: Below are the steps that I follow while approaching a ML problem.

  • Defining and understanding the problem statement
  • Gathering the Data
  • Initial Exploration of Data
  • In-depth EDA
  • Building the model
  • Analyzing the results with different models and shortlisting the ones which gives good performance measures
  • Fine-tuning the selected model
  • Document the code
  • Deployment
  • Monitoring the deployed model performance in real time.

Papers | 2020


Knowing one language couldn't help to work in multidomain,so its good to learn two or more languages like python, c++, java. For machine learning,one should be sound in any of the language with other language basics python, R, matlab, julia.


As we know that machine(deep) learning models need high computational power, it might not be possible for an individual for purchase addtional CPUs or GPUs, so we use cloud platforms.

Note: In general we use Jupyter Notebook to run our models. For Jupyter Notebook we need to install the software on local machine, for windows, linux

Note: Google Products like Colab, Kaggle are free and best platform for an individual.


Most of the courses are available in Python language. kindly re-check before taking the course of you have any language constraints. Note: No organisation can be seen here, kindly pick the course based on your requirement.

Machine Learning



Artificial Intelligence

Natural Language Processing

Commputer Vision


Live Sessions

Note: In the below available sections if the required book/cheatsheet is not present or for more info check the more . Note: Few google links are getting crashing for few files, in such scenario, can direclty check more (folder) .



Cheat Sheets




Interview Questions


Note: These Self prepared Interview Questions will be updated weekly.


Blogs and Community

Online Competitions

Other Resources

About CNNs

About GANs

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