
Stock-management desktop app for an electronics company, built with Python, Qt and SQLite. First ever project!

MIT License



Stock-management desktop app for an electronics company.

Built with Python, Qt and SQLite. First ever project!


Desktop app for managing a company's stock of electronic componentsstored at local and remote sitesthrough incoming and outgoing operations based on production reports. It relies on a lightweight database, uses modular components and offers various logging and configuration options.


  • Basic CRUD ops for components and product recipes
  • Stock calculation for incoming and outgoing ops
  • Logs for components, movements and configs
  • Storage in SQL and system registry settings
  • Reports exported as Excel spreadsheets
  • Autocompletion, coloring, filtering


  1. Install Python 3.7
  2. Get package manager: pip install pipenv
  3. Clone repo and get dependencies: pipenv install
  4. Run: pipenv run fbs run


The app displays a main table with all components and their four stock levels: total, local at Depsito and three remotes at assemblers. Secondary tables for logs are available at Cuadros secundarios. Data is read from a db at src/main/resources/comp_stock.db and is summarized inside the status bar at the bottom.

Adding components to local stock

Press Ingreso de componentes and select Ingreso a Depsito. Enter the packing list number in Remito, the supplier name in Proveedor and an optional note in Nota. Enter component names and incoming amounts and press Ejecutar.

Issuing a production report

A production report is an Excel spreadsheet containing the products to be manufactured, the components needed, the components to be sent to the assembler considering their stock, and the number of components actually sent.

Press Informe de produccin. Enter an identification code in Cdigo (prefixed by the letter K, B or T based on the assembler's initial). Enter product names and production amounts. Press Calcular to preview the needed components and their total amounts. Press Ejecutar to issue a production report as an Excel spreadsheet into the output directory.

Moving stock from local to assembler

Important: The final column of the production report needs to be filled in by an employee before executing this operation.

Press Egreso de componentes and select Egreso a armador. Press Seleccionar informe... to select a production report (INFORME DE PRODUCCIN) from the output directory. Press Ejecutar.

For each component listed in the report, the outgoing amount is subtracted from local stock and added to assembler's stock (according to the report prefix). Finally, the amounts needed for production are subtracted from the assembler's stock.

Moving stock from local to internal use

Press Egreso de componentes and then Egreso interno. Enter component names and outgoing amounts and press Ejecutar.

For the listed components, the outgoing amounts will be subtracted from local stock. Use this function for taking components out of stock for making experimental prototypes or samples for trade shows.

Creating, editing and deleting a component

To create a component, Press Ingreso de componentes and select Crear componente. Enter the component name and an optional initial amount and press Ejecutar.

To edit a component, Press Ingreso de componentes and select Editar componente. Search for, or double Press, a component. Enter a new name for the component and press Ejecutar.

To delete a component, Press Ingreso de componentes and select Borrar componente. Search for a component and press Ejecutar.

Viewing component details

To view all the details logged for a component, double click on a component name in the main table. Press Exportar detalles to export them as an Excel spreadsheet into the output directory.

Creating, editing and deleting a recipe

A recipe is a collection of components that make up a product.

To create a recipe, Press Recetas de productos and select Crear receta. Enter the component name and an optional initial amount and press Ejecutar.

To edit a recipe, Press Recetas de productos and select Editar receta. Search for, or double Press, a component. Enter a new name for the component and press Ejecutar.

To delete a recipe, Press Recetas de productos and select Borrar receta. Search for a component and press Ejecutar.


Coloring critical components

Critical components are those with total stock below a critical amount set by the user.

Press Cuadro de inventario and select Resaltar crticos. Press Agregar to add component names and amounts and press Guardar to save. Critical components will be colored orange in the main table.

Coloring excluded components

Excluded components are those not included in any product recipe.

Press Cuadro de inventario and select Componentes excluidos. To have them colored in yellow in the main table, tick the checkbox Resaltar excluidos en amarillo.

Exporting the main table

Press Cuadro de inventario and select Exportar datos to export the main table as an Excel spreadsheet into the output directory.

Viewing movement logs

Press Cuadros secundarios and select Movimientos. Filter by time period, movement (incoming or outgoing operation), component name, destination and username. Press Borrar historial to delete the records. Press Exportar historial to export the records as an Excel spreadsheet into the output directory.

Viewing configuration logs

Press Cuadros secundarios and select Configuraciones. Filter by time period, movement (incoming or outgoing operation), component name, destination and username. Press Borrar historial to delete the records. Press Exportar historial to export the records as an Excel spreadsheet into the output directory.

Selecting a database

Press Base de datos and select Cambiar base. Press Examinar... to select a new database and finally Guardar.

If the path to the location becomes broken because the database is moved from the directory or deleted, the user will be prompted to select a new location.

Backup and user renaming

Press Base de datos, select Respaldar base and confirm. The backup database will be named like the original database plus the backup execution date and time.

Press Base de datos, select Editar usuario and enter a new name for the user. This username will be reflected in the status bar and in the secondary tables Movimientos and Configuraciones.


Keys Action
Alt+1 Ingreso de componentes toolbutton on left-hand column
Alt+2 Informe de produccin toolbutton on left-hand column
Alt+3 Egreso de componentes toolbutton on left-hand column
Alt+4 Recetas de productos toolbutton on left-hand column
Alt+5 Base de datos toolbutton on left-hand column
Alt+[initial] Action button in modal dialog, based on initial
Alt+x Export action button in modal dialog


2019 Ivn Ovejero


Distributed under the MIT License. See