
Python library to process Advent-of-Code puzzles in a Jupyter notebook.

MIT License


Module advent_of_code_hhoppe

Python library to process Advent-of-Code puzzles in a Jupyter notebook. See a complete example.

Usage summary:

  • The preamble optionally specifies reference inputs and answers for the puzzles:

      BASE_URL = ''
      INPUT_URL = BASE_URL + '2021_{day:02}_input.txt'
      ANSWER_URL = BASE_URL + '2021_{day:02}{part_letter}_answer.txt'
      advent = advent_of_code_hhoppe.Advent(
          year=2021, input_url=INPUT_URL, answer_url=ANSWER_URL)
  • For each day (numbered 1..25), the first notebook cell defines a puzzle object:

      puzzle = advent.puzzle(day=1)

    The puzzle input string is automatically read into the attribute puzzle.input. This input string is unique to each Advent participant.

    For each of the two puzzle parts, a function (e.g. process1) takes an input string and returns a string or integer answer. Using calls like the following, we time the execution of each function and verify the answers:

      puzzle.verify(part=1, func=process1)
      puzzle.verify(part=2, func=process2)
  • At the end of the notebook, a table summarizes timing results.

Alternative ways to specify puzzle inputs/answers

  • The puzzle inputs and answers can be more efficiently downloaded using a single ZIP file:

      PROFILE = 'google.Hugues_Hoppe.965276'
      ZIP_URL = f'{PROFILE}.zip'
      !if [[ ! -d {PROFILE} ]]; then wget -q {ZIP_URL} && unzip -q {PROFILE}; fi
      INPUT_URL = f'{PROFILE}/{{year}}_{{day:02d}}_input.txt'
      ANSWER_URL = f'{PROFILE}/{{year}}_{{day:02d}}{{part_letter}}_answer.txt'
      advent = advent_of_code_hhoppe.Advent(
          year=2021, input_url=INPUT_URL, answer_url=ANSWER_URL)
  • The puzzle inputs and answers can be obtained directly from using a web-browser session cookie and the advent-of-code-data PyPI package:

      !pip install -q advent-of-code-data
      import aocd
      # Fill-in the session cookie in the following:
      mkdir -p ~/.config/aocd && echo 53616... >~/.config/aocd/token
      advent = advent_of_code_hhoppe.Advent(year=2021)