
Auto-Editing ScreenCast system

OTHER License


Aeschylus: Auto-Editing ScreenCasts

Aeschylus is a proof-of-concept Auto-Editing ScreenCast system that removes the need to manually edit screencast videos. As you record a screencast, you tell Aeschylus that you are at a safepoint, or need to rewind to the last safepoint and try again. When you are finished, Aeschylus then automatically edits the video, removing all the rewound scenes, and producing a ready-to-upload file as output. I first saw a version of this idea in this video from Vivek Haldar: relative to Vivek's implementation, Aeschylus uses the time of events to edit the video. Example videos using Aeschylus are Don't Panic! Better, Fewer, Syntax Errors for LR Parsers and Virtual Machine Warmup Blows Hot and Cold.

Aeschylus is extremely rough and ready, held together by strings, low-level, and won't work on your system without at least some customisation. However, it might serve as inspiration for someone to build, or extend, a more robust system in the same vein.

My requirements

To give you a rough idea of what problem Aeschylus solves, I wanted a system which:

  • Records screencasts with minimal CPU overhead.
  • Puts a picture of me yapping in the bottom right, with the background
    removed with the aid of a green screen.
  • Allows the camera to be recorded at a higher framerate than the screen (the
    latter is quite heavyweight).
  • Does not mix on the fly, and keeps all the raw parts around, so that (some)
    mistakes can be rectified after recording if necessary.
  • Auto-edits out retakes.
  • Sets my system up so that I don't have to remember all the things that make a
    screencast nicer or not.

Things I didn't care about:

  • Support for streaming: Aeschylus is meant for producing offline videos.
  • Readability: I didn't know what I wanted, or what I was doing, when I
    started this, so the code is something of a mess.
  • Portability: Aeschylus started out as OpenBSD/XFCE-only, though I have
    loosened those restrictions somewhat (e.g. it at least minimally works on

Setting Aeschylus up

Aeschylus takes as its first argument a configuration file, which is a zsh script. You need to set the following variables in your configuration file:

# In order to prevent audio being continually converted between formats --
# which can downgrade the quality -- the following two settings should match
# whatever your audio interface is set to.
# If you're capturing the camera at a different framerate to X11, make sure the
# two are integer multiples to avoid weird frame duplication in the final
# video.
# If your audio/video are out of sync, use an audio sync test video such as:
#   24fps
#   30fps
# If your camera footage is behind the audio, this variable should be positive;
# if the camera footage is ahead of the audio it should be negative. Time in
# milliseconds. For autodetect, use the string "auto".
# Where to place the camera overlay.
# If you don't have a greenscreen, set this to "null"
# How often to generate a new GOP in seconds
# If you're capturing X11 at a different framerate to the camera, make sure the
# two are integer multiples to avoid weird frame duplication in the final
# video.
# By default we capture the entire screen.

On Unix, you can probably copy most of the above, at least at first, but you'll almost certainly need to change AUDIO_DEVICE and AUDIO_DRIVER at a minimum.

You also need to define the following functions which setup/teardown any setup for the screencast (e.g. I kill/suspend several applications I don't want appearing in the video), though you can leave all of their bodies blank:

setup_screencast() {}
restore_settings() {}
kill_apps() {}
unkill_apps() {}

setup_screencast and kill_apps are started before the screencast recording starts: restore_settings and unkill_apps afterwards. Note that restore_settings can be called more than once in a single session!

You then need some way of setting "markers" while a screencast is ongoing. The epochtime script takes two arguments: <output dir>/markers and <marker name> where <marker name> can be one of:

  • safepoint: the beginning of a new scene.
  • rewind: forget the previous scene and try again.
  • fastforward: the screencast is complete, ignore anything after this point.
  • manual: leave an edit marker for later manual inspection.
  • undo: ignore the previous marker (whatever that marker is).

For example, on XFCE you can set keyboard shortcuts from the command-line:

xfconf-query --channel xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts --property "/commands/custom/<Shift>F1" \
  --create --type string --set "`which epochtime` $markers_dir/markers safepoint"

Note that Aeschylus automatically synchronises screen, camera, and audio if CAMERA_LATENCY="auto". This typically works well enough for "dedicated" webcams but separate capture cards, in particular, tend to introduce extra latency beyond that which can be auto-detected. In such cases, you will need to manually determine the latency between the audio and camera and set CAMERA_LATENCY to an appropriate value.

Running Aeschylus

To quickly test whether Aeschylus will even vaguely run,

$ aeschylus <config> -test

where <config> is a shell file e.g. example_configs/linux_xfce. The -test option captures your X11 screen, your camera, and plays them back (generally with a small, but noticeable, delay).

To run Aeschylus properly:

$ aeschylus <config> <output dir>


$ aeschylus linux_xfce test1

For reasons that I don't understand, the first and last second or so of an ffmpeg recording is often slightly wonky and/or chopped. I therefore suggest waiting a couple of seconds, pressing rewind, and then starting your actual screencast. Talk as long as you want, set safepoints, make rewinds. When you're ready to finish press fastforward, wait at least 1 second and then go to the terminal running aeschylus and press q to stop the ffmpeg recording process. Aeschylus will then start editing the video. The edited-but-not-audio-processed version will be in <output dir>/pre_edit.nut. If you choose to use audio processing, that will be processed further into <output dir>/final.nut and, if you request it, <output dir>/final.mp4. Note that the .nut file is lossless, and a better format for uploading to e.g. YouTube.

Audio processing

I've included my audio processing script podcast_audio_process, which makes audio better sounding -- for me. If you record in a noisy area, it might not sound very good, but feel free to give it a go. You will need to install Steve Harris's LADSPA plugins -- these are often available as a package in Unix distributions.

When Aeschylus comes to process audio, it will ask you for a signal level. You can type audacity in here, which will load the audio track from the combined video into audacity. You then need to play at least a portion of the audio and observe the "typical" peak dB level. Quit Audacity, type that number in, and podcast_audio_process will apply a highpass, a noisegate, a compressor-as-limiter, a "proper" compressor, before running ffmpeg-normalize to produce a consistent audio level. If you're not sure what to do here, type "-18" and see if you prefer the output before or after. If you don't like what's going on, it shouldn't be too difficult to disable podcast_audio_process.

Multiple scene types

Aeschylus has some support for different types of scene (e.g. screen only, screen with camera): this at least partly works, but isn't tested, so is left undocumented for now.

Under the hood

Aeschylus works by associating time stamps with markers and, when recording is complete, using those to edit videos. For example here is a markers file after a recording:

1609515923.285604 rewind
1609515934.217265 safepoint
1609515958.586696 rewind
1609515972.216318 fastforward

The long numbers are times in seconds since the Unix epoch, allowing us to tell when those markers were recorded in "wall-clock time" (in this case, approximately 2021-01-01 15:45) down to a fraction of a second. This will lead to a video which trims the start (the first rewind), then has a retake (editing out the recording between the safepoint and the second rewind) and then trimming the end (the fastforward).

However, by default, most video recording programs (including ffmpeg) record time relative to the beginning of the recording, with no way of associating it with an external clock. In ffmpeg's case we can force it to record wall-clock timestamps instead with -use_wallclock_as_timestamps and -copyts:

ffmpeg \
  -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 \
  -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 \
  -map "0:v" -copyts recording.nut

There are obvious potential problems with clock synchronisation in this setup: ffmpeg's clock(s) is not necessarily the same as that used as epochtime. Indeed, ffmpeg uses more than one clock source internally, depending on your input device(s) and other options. Typically ffmpeg uses the "normal" system clock or a "monotonic" clock (but e.g. on Linux it mostly uses CLOCK_MONOTONIC, which isn't properly monotonic; although you can force the v4l2 backend, although virtually nothing else in ffmpeg, to use CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW). As this suggests, the situation is something of a mess. Although I couldn't find any real documentation for this feature, the option I settled on is to force all recorded streams to synchronise to the clock used to record audio (in my case, that's the non-monotonic system clock) using the , syntax in -map:

ffmpeg \
  -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 \
  -f v4l2 -i /dev/video0 \
  -f sndio -i snd/0 \
  -map "0:v,1:a" -map "1:a" -copyts recording.nut

In my case I believe this works because the OpenBSD sndio backend uses the non-monotonic system clock. If, for example, it used the monotonic system clock, epochtime would need to use that clock to prevent the markers file having inaccurate data.

A better solution would be to get the current recording timestamp from your recording software: this would prevent all the messing around, and possible problems with, the system clock. I have no experience with such software but something like this plugin for OBS might do the trick if you use OBS (though the description does suggest it only records times to the resolution of a second, which, if true, wouldn't be sufficient for me).

markers_to_makefile then takes in the marker information and creates a Makefile which processes each scene individually before merging them altogether. The Makefile tends to have a high degree of parallelism in it, so when it's running it is likely to use your CPU fairly intensively.