
The collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art AI models for ailia SDK


The collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art AI models.

About ailia SDK

ailia SDK is a self-contained, cross-platform, high-speed inference SDK for AI. The ailia SDK provides a consistent C++ API across Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Jetson, and Raspberry Pi platforms. It also supports Unity (C#), Python, Rust, Flutter(Dart) and JNI for efficient AI implementation. The ailia SDK makes extensive use of the GPU through Vulkan and Metal to enable accelerated computing.

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Supported models

358 models as of October 9th, 2024

Latest update

  • 2024.10.09 Add whisper-v3-turbo
  • 2024.10.02 Add florence2
  • 2024.09.15 Add bert-vits2, pytorch_wavenet
  • 2024.09.12 Add gpt-sovits-v2
  • 2024.09.10 Add segment-anything-2 (video mode)
  • 2024.08.27 Add segment-anything-2 (image mode)
  • 2024.08.20 Add bert_ner_japanese
  • 2024.08.16 Add latent-consistency-model-txt2img, fbcnn
  • 2024.08.15 Add volo, elegant, depth_anything, drbn_skf, codeformer, dtln
  • 2024.08.10 Add TripoSR, japanese-reranker-cross-encoder
  • 2024.08.09 Add mahalanobis-ad, t5_base_japanese_ner
  • 2024.08.08 Add sdxl-turbo, sd-turbo
  • 2024.08.05 Migrate to ailia Tokenizer 1.3 from Transformers
  • More information in our Wiki

Action recognition

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
mars MARS: Motion-Augmented RGB Stream for Action Recognition Pytorch 1.2.4 and later EN JP
st-gcn ST-GCN Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
ax_action_recognition Realtime-Action-Recognition Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
va-cnn View Adaptive Neural Networks (VA) for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
driver-action-recognition-adas driver-action-recognition-adas-0002 OpenVINO 1.2.5 and later
action_clip ActionCLIP Pytorch 1.2.7 and later

Anomaly detection

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Date Blog
mahalanobisad MahalanobisAD-pytorch Pytorch 1.2.9 and later May 2020
spade-pytorch Sub-Image Anomaly Detection with Deep Pyramid Correspondences Pytorch 1.2.6 and later May 2020
padim PaDiM-Anomaly-Detection-Localization-master Pytorch 1.2.6 and later Nov 2020 EN JP
patchcore PatchCore_anomaly_detection Pytorch 1.2.6 and later Jun 2021

Audio processing

Audio classification

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
crnn_audio_classification crnn-audio-classification Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
transformer-cnn-emotion-recognition Combining Spatial and Temporal Feature Representions of Speech Emotion by Parallelizing CNNs and Transformer-Encoders Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
audioset_tagging_cnn PANNs: Large-Scale Pretrained Audio Neural Networks for Audio Pattern Recognition Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
clap CLAP Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
microsoft clap CLAP Pytorch 1.2.11 and later

Music enhancement

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
hifigan HiFi-GAN Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
deep music enhancer On Filter Generalization for Music Bandwidth Extension Using Deep Neural Networks Pytorch 1.2.6 and later

Music generation

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pytorch_wavenet pytorch_wavenet Pytorch 1.2.14 and later

Noise reduction

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unet_source_separation source_separation Pytorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP
voicefilter VoiceFilter Pytorch 1.2.7 and later EN JP
rnnoise rnnoise Keras 1.2.15 and later
dtln Dual-signal Transformation LSTM Network Tensorflow 1.3.0 and later

Phoneme alignment

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narabas narabas: Japanese phoneme forced alignment tool Pytorch 1.2.11 and later

Pitch detection

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crepe torchcrepe Pytorch 1.2.10 and later JP

Speaker diarization

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
auto_speech AutoSpeech: Neural Architecture Search for Speaker Recognition Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
wespeaker WeSpeaker Onnxruntime 1.2.9 and later
pyannote-audio Pyannote-audio Pytorch 1.2.15 and later JP

Speech to text

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Date Blog
deepspeech2 deepspeech.pytorch Pytorch 1.2.2 and later Oct 2017 EN JP
whisper Whisper Pytorch 1.2.10 and later Dec 2022 JP
reazon_speech ReazonSpeech Pytorch 1.4.0 and later Jan 2023
distil-whisper Hugging Face - Distil-Whisper Pytorch 1.2.16 and later Nov 2023
reazon_speech2 ReazonSpeech2 Pytorch 1.4.0 and later Feb 2024
kotoba-whisper kotoba-whisper Pytorch 1.2.16 and later Apr 2024

Text to speech

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Date Blog
pytorch-dc-tts Efficiently Trainable Text-to-Speech System Based on Deep Convolutional Networks with Guided Attention Pytorch 1.2.6 and later Oct 2017 EN JP
tacotron2 Tacotron2 Pytorch 1.2.15 and later Feb 2018 JP
vall-e-x VALL-E-X Pytorch 1.2.15 and later Mar 2023 JP
Bert-VITS2 Bert-VITS2 Pytorch 1.2.16 and later Aug 2023
gpt-sovits GPT-SoVITS Pytorch 1.4.0 and later Feb 2024 JP
gpt-sovits-v2 GPT-SoVITS Pytorch 1.4.0 and later Aug 2024

Voice activity detection

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silero-vad Silero VAD Pytorch 1.2.15 and later JP

Voice conversion

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rvc Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI Pytorch 1.2.12 and later JP

Background removal

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
U-2-Net U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP
u2net-portrait-matting U^2-Net - Portrait matting Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
u2net-human-seg U^2-Net - human segmentation Pytorch 1.2.4 and later
deep-image-matting Deep Image Matting Keras 1.2.3 and later EN JP
indexnet Indices Matter: Learning to Index for Deep Image Matting Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
modnet MODNet: Trimap-Free Portrait Matting in Real Time Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
background_matting_v2 Real-Time High-Resolution Background Matting Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
cascade_psp CascadePSP Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
rembg Rembg Pytorch 1.2.4 and later
dis_seg Highly Accurate Dichotomous Image Segmentation Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
gfm Bridging Composite and Real: Towards End-to-end Deep Image Matting Pytorch 1.2.10 and later

Crowd counting

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crowdcount-cascaded-mtl CNN-based Cascaded Multi-task Learning of High-level Prior and Density Estimation for Crowd Counting (Single Image Crowd Counting) Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
c-3-framework Crowd Counting Code Framework(C^3-Framework) Pytorch 1.2.5 and later

Deep fashion

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clothing-detection Clothing-Detection Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
mmfashion MMFashion Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
mmfashion_tryon MMFashion virtual try-on Pytorch 1.2.8 and later
mmfashion_retrieval MMFashion In-Shop Clothes Retrieval Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
fashionai-key-points-detection A Pytorch Implementation of Cascaded Pyramid Network for FashionAI Key Points Detection Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
person-attributes-recognition-crossroad person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0230 Pytorch 1.2.10 and later

Depth estimation

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monodepth2 Monocular depth estimation from a single image Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
midas Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer Pytorch 1.2.4 and later EN JP
fcrn-depthprediction Deeper Depth Prediction with Fully Convolutional Residual Networks TensorFlow 1.2.6 and later
fast-depth ICRA 2019 "FastDepth: Fast Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems" Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
lap-depth LapDepth-release Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
hitnet ONNX-HITNET-Stereo-Depth-estimation Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
crestereo ONNX-CREStereo-Depth-Estimation Pytorch 1.2.13 and later
mobilestereonet MobileStereoNet Pytorch 1.2.13 and later
zoe_depth ZoeDepth Pytorch 1.3.0 and later
DepthAnything DepthAnything Pytorch 1.2.9 and later


Text to image

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latent-diffusion-txt2img Latent Diffusion - txt2img Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
stable-diffusion-txt2img Stable Diffusion Pytorch 1.2.14 and later JP
control_net ControlNet Pytorch 1.2.15 and later
sd-turbo Hugging Face - SD-Turbo Pytorch 1.2.16 and later
sdxl-turbo Hugging Face - SDXL-Turbo Pytorch 1.2.16 and later
latent-consistency-models latent-consistency-models Pytorch 1.2.16 and later

Text to audio

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riffusion Riffusion Pytorch 1.2.16 and later


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latent-diffusion-inpainting Latent Diffusion - inpainting Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
latent-diffusion-superresolution Latent Diffusion - Super-resolution Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
DA-CLIP DA-CLIP Pytorch 1.2.16 and later
marigold Marigold: Repurposing Diffusion-Based Image Generators for Monocular Depth Estimation Pytorch 1.2.16 and later

Face detection

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
yolov1-face YOLO-Face-detection Darknet 1.1.0 and later
yolov3-face Face detection using keras-yolov3 Keras 1.2.1 and later
blazeface BlazeFace-PyTorch Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
face-mask-detection Face detection using keras-yolov3 Keras 1.2.1 and later EN JP
dbface DBFace : real-time, single-stage detector for face detection, with faster speed and higher accuracy Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
retinaface RetinaFace: Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild. Pytorch 1.2.5 and later JP
anime-face-detector Anime Face Detector Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
face-detection-adas face-detection-adas-0001 OpenVINO 1.2.5 and later
mtcnn mtcnn Keras 1.2.10 and later

Face identification

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vggface2 VGGFace2 Dataset for Face Recognition Caffe 1.1.0 and later
arcface pytorch implement of arcface Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
insightface InsightFace: 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
cosface Pytorch implementation of CosFace Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
facenet_pytorch Face Recognition Using Pytorch Pytorch 1.2.6 and later

Face recognition

Age gender estimation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
face_classification Real-time face detection and emotion/gender classification Keras 1.1.0 and later
age-gender-recognition-retail age-gender-recognition-retail-0013 OpenVINO 1.2.5 and later EN JP
mivolo MiVOLO: Multi-input Transformer for Age and Gender Estimation Pytorch 1.2.13 and later

Emotion recognition

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
ferplus FER+ CNTK 1.2.2 and later
hsemotion HSEmotion (High-Speed face Emotion recognition) library Pytorch 1.2.5 and later

Gaze estimation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
gazeml A deep learning framework based on Tensorflow for the training of high performance gaze estimation TensorFlow 1.2.0 and later
mediapipe_iris irislandmarks.pytorch Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP
ax_gaze_estimation ax Gaze Estimation Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP

Head pose estimation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
hopenet deep-head-pose Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP
6d_repnet 6D Rotation Representation for Unconstrained Head Pose Estimation (Pytorch) Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
L2CS_Net L2CS_Net Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Keypoint detection

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facial_feature kaggle-facial-keypoints Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
face_alignment 2D and 3D Face alignment library build using pytorch Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
prnet Joint 3D Face Reconstruction and Dense Alignment with Position Map Regression Network TensorFlow 1.2.2 and later
facemesh facemesh.pytorch Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP
facemesh_v2 MediaPipe Face landmark detection Pytorch 1.2.9 and later JP
3ddfa Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment Pytorch 1.2.10 and later


Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
ax_facial_features ax Facial Features Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN
face-anti-spoofing Lightweight Face Anti Spoofing Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP

Face restoration

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
gfpgan GFP-GAN: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior Pytorch 1.2.10 and later JP
codeformer CodeFormer: Towards Robust Blind Face Restoration with Codebook Lookup Transformer Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Face swapping

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sber-swap SberSwap Pytorch 1.2.12 and later JP
facefusion FaceFusion ONNXRuntime 1.2.10 and later

Frame Interpolation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
flavr FLAVR: Flow-Agnostic Video Representations for Fast Frame Interpolation Pytorch 1.2.7 and later EN JP
cain Channel Attention Is All You Need for Video Frame Interpolation Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
film FILM: Frame Interpolation for Large Motion Tensorflow 1.2.10 and later
rife Real-Time Intermediate Flow Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation Pytorch 1.2.13 and later

Generative adversarial networks

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
pytorch-gan Code repo for the Pytorch GAN Zoo project (used to train this model) Pytorch 1.2.4 and later
council-gan Council-GAN Pytorch 1.2.4 and later
restyle-encoder ReStyle Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
sam Age Transformation Using a Style-Based Regression Model Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
encoder4editing Designing an Encoder for StyleGAN Image Manipulation Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
lipgan LipGAN Keras 1.2.15 and later JP

Hand detection

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
yolov3-hand Hand detection branch of Face detection using keras-yolov3 Keras 1.2.1 and later
hand_detection_pytorch hand-detection.PyTorch Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
blazepalm MediaPipePyTorch Pytorch 1.2.5 and later

Hand recognition

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
blazehand MediaPipePyTorch Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
hand3d ColorHandPose3D network TensorFlow 1.2.5 and later
minimal-hand Minimal Hand TensorFlow 1.2.8 and later
v2v-posenet V2V-PoseNet Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
hands_segmentation_pytorch hands-segmentation-pytorch Pytorch 1.2.10 and later

Image captioning

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
illustration2vec Illustration2Vec Caffe 1.2.2 and later
image_captioning_pytorch Image Captioning pytorch Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
blip2 Hugging Face - BLIP-2 Pytorch 1.2.16 and later

Image classification


Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
alexnet AlexNet PyTorch Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
vgg16 Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition Keras 1.1.0 and later
googlenet Going Deeper with Convolutions Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
resnet18 ResNet18 Pytorch 1.2.8 and later
resnet50 Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition Chainer 1.2.0 and later
wide_resnet50 Wide Resnet Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
inceptionv3 Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision Pytorch 1.2.0 and later JP
inceptionv4 Keras Inception-V4 Keras 1.2.5 and later
mobilenetv2 PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V2 Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
mobilenetv3 PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V3 Pytorch 1.2.1 and later
efficientnet A PyTorch implementation of EfficientNet Pytorch 1.2.3 and later
efficientnetv2 EfficientNetV2 Pytorch 1.2.4 and later
mlp_mixer MLP-Mixer Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
convnext A PyTorch implementation of ConvNeXt Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
mobileone A PyTorch implementation of MobileOne Pytorch 1.2.1 and later
imagenet21k ImageNet21K Pytorch 1.2.11 and later
volo VOLO: Vision Outlooker for Visual Recognition Pytorch 1.2.9 and later


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vit Pytorch reimplementation of the Vision Transformer (An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale) Pytorch 1.2.7 and later EN JP
swin-transformer Swin Transformer Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
clip CLIP Pytorch 1.2.9 and later EN JP
japanese-clip Japanese-CLIP Pytorch 1.2.15 and later
japanese-stable-clip-vit-l-16 japanese-stable-clip-vit-l-16 Pytorch 1.2.11 and later

Specific task

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
partialconv Partial Convolution Layer for Padding and Image Inpainting Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
weather-prediction-from-image Weather Prediction From Image - (Warmth Of Image) Keras 1.2.5 and later

Image inpainting

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inpainting-with-partial-conv pytorch-inpainting-with-partial-conv PyTorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP
inpainting_gmcnn Image Inpainting via Generative Multi-column Convolutional Neural Networks TensorFlow 1.2.6 and later
3d-photo-inpainting 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
deepfillv2 Free-Form Image Inpainting with Gated Convolution Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Image manipulation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
noise2noise Learning Image Restoration without Clean Data Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
dewarpnet DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks Pytorch 1.2.1 and later
illnet Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
colorization Colorful Image Colorization Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP
u2net_portrait U^2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
style2paints Style2Paints TensorFlow 1.2.6 and later
deep_white_balance Deep White-Balance Editing, CVPR 2020 (Oral) PyTorch 1.2.6 and later
deblur_gan DeblurGAN Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
invertible_denoising_network Invertible Image Denoising Pytorch 1.2.8 and later
dfm Deep Feature Matching Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
dfe Deep Fundamental Matrix Estimation Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
dehamer Image Dehazing Transformer with Transmission-Aware 3D Position Embedding Pytorch 1.2.13 and later
pytorch-superpoint pytorch-superpoint : Self-Supervised Interest Point Detection and Description Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
cnngeometric_pytorch CNNGeometric PyTorch implementation Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
lightglue LightGlue-ONNX Pytorch 1.2.15 and later
docshadow DocShadow-ONNX-TensorRT Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
fbcnn Towards Flexible Blind JPEG Artifacts Removal Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Image restoration

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nafnet NAFNet: Nonlinear Activation Free Network for Image Restoration Pytorch 1.2.10 and later

Image segmentation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
deeplabv3 Xception65 for backbone network of DeepLab v3+ Chainer 1.2.0 and later
hrnet_segmentation High-resolution networks (HRNets) for Semantic Segmentation Pytorch 1.2.1 and later
hair_segmentation hair segmentation in mobile device Keras 1.2.1 and later
pspnet-hair-segmentation pytorch-hair-segmentation Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
human_part_segmentation Self Correction for Human Parsing Pytorch 1.2.4 and later EN JP
semantic-segmentation-mobilenet-v3 Semantic segmentation with MobileNetV3 TensorFlow 1.2.5 and later
pytorch-unet Pytorch-Unet Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
pytorch-enet PyTorch-ENet Pytorch 1.2.8 and later
yet-another-anime-segmenter Yet Another Anime Segmenter Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
swiftnet SwiftNet Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
dense_prediction_transformers Vision Transformers for Dense Prediction Pytorch 1.2.7 and later EN JP
paddleseg PaddleSeg Pytorch 1.2.7 and later EN JP
pp_liteseg PP-LiteSeg Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
suim SUIM Keras 1.2.6 and later
group_vit GroupViT Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
anime-segmentation Anime Segmentation Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
segment-anything Segment Anything Pytorch 1.2.16 and later
tusimple-DUC TuSimple-DUC Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
pytorch-fcn pytorch-fcn Pytorch 1.3.0 and later
grounded_sam Grounded-SAM Pytorch 1.2.16 and later
segment-anything-2 Segment Anything 2 Pytorch 1.2.16 and later

Large Language Model

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llava LLaVA Pytorch 1.2.16 and later

Landmark classification

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landmarks_classifier_asia Landmarks classifier_asia_V1.1 TensorFlow Hub 1.2.4 and later EN JP
places365 Release of Places365-CNNs Pytorch 1.2.5 and later

Line segment detection

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mlsd M-LSD: Towards Light-weight and Real-time Line Segment Detection TensorFlow 1.2.8 and later EN JP
dexined DexiNed: Dense Extreme Inception Network for Edge Detection Pytorch 1.2.5 and later

Low Light Image Enhancement

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agllnet AGLLNet: Attention Guided Low-light Image Enhancement (IJCV 2021) Pytorch 1.2.9 and later EN JP
drbn_skf DRBN SKF Pytorch 1.2.14 and later

Natural language processing


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bert pytorch-pretrained-bert Pytorch 1.2.2 and later EN JP
bert_maskedlm huggingface/transformers Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
bert_question_answering huggingface/transformers Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
bert_zero_shot_classification huggingface/transformers Pytorch 1.2.5 and later


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sentence_transformers_japanese sentence transformers Pytorch 1.2.7 and later JP
multilingual-e5 multilingual-e5-base Pytorch 1.2.15 and later JP
glucose GLuCoSE (General Luke-based Contrastive Sentence Embedding)-base-Japanese Pytorch 1.2.15 and later

Error corrector

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bert_insert_punctuation bert-japanese Pytorch 1.2.15 and later
t5_whisper_medical error correction of medical terms using t5 Pytorch 1.2.13 and later
bertjsc bertjsc Pytorch 1.2.15 and later

Grapheme to phoneme

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soundchoice-g2p Hugging Face - speechbrain/soundchoice-g2p Pytorch 1.2.16 and later
g2p_en g2p_en Pytorch 1.2.14 and later

Named entity recognition

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bert_ner huggingface/transformers Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
t5_base_japanese_ner t5-japanese Pytorch 1.2.13 and later
bert_ner_japanese jurabi/bert-ner-japanese Pytorch 1.2.10 and later


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cross_encoder_mmarco jeffwan/mmarco-mMiniLMv2-L12-H384-v Pytorch 1.2.10 and later JP
japanese-reranker-cross-encoder hotchpotch/japanese-reranker-cross-encoder-large-v1 Pytorch 1.2.16 and later

Sentence generation

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gpt2 GPT-2 Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
rinna_gpt2 japanese-pretrained-models Pytorch 1.2.7 and later

Sentiment analysis

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bert_sentiment_analysis huggingface/transformers Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
bert_tweets_sentiment huggingface/transformers Pytorch 1.2.5 and later


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bert_sum_ext BERTSUMEXT Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
presumm PreSumm Pytorch 1.2.8 and later
t5_base_japanese_title_generation t5-japanese Pytorch 1.2.13 and later JP
t5_base_summarization t5-japanese Pytorch 1.2.13 and later


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fugumt-en-ja Fugu-Machine Translator Pytorch 1.2.9 and later JP
fugumt-ja-en Fugu-Machine Translator Pytorch 1.2.10 abd later

Network intrusion detection

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bert-network-packet-flow-header-payload bert-network-packet-flow-header-payload Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
falcon-adapter-network-packet falcon-adapter-network-packet Pytorch 1.2.10 and later

Neural Rendering

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nerf NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields Tensorflow 1.2.10 and later EN JP
TripoSR TripoSR Pytorch 1.2.6 and later

NSFW detector

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clip-based-nsfw-detector CLIP-based-NSFW-Detector Keras 1.2.10 and later JP

Object detection


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yolov1-tiny YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Darknet 1.1.0 and later JP
yolov2 YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
yolov2-tiny YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
yolov3 YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection ONNX Runtime 1.2.1 and later EN JP
yolov3-tiny YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection ONNX Runtime 1.2.1 and later
yolov4 Pytorch-YOLOv4 Pytorch 1.2.4 and later EN JP
yolov4-tiny Pytorch-YOLOv4 Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
yolov5 yolov5 Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
yolov6 YOLOV6 Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
yolov7 YOLOv7 Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
yolov8 YOLOv8 Pytorch and later
yolov8-seg YOLOv8 Pytorch and later
yolov9 YOLOv9 Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
yolor yolor Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
yolox YOLOX Pytorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP
yolox-ti-lite edgeai-yolox Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
yolov YOLOV Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
mobilenet_ssd MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG based SSD/SSD-lite implementation in Pytorch Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
maskrcnn Mask R-CNN: real-time neural network for object instance segmentation Pytorch 1.2.3 and later
m2det M2Det: A Single-Shot Object Detector based on Multi-Level Feature Pyramid Network Pytorch 1.2.3 and later EN JP
centernet CenterNet : Objects as Points Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
pedestrian_detection Pedestrian-Detection-on-YOLOv3_Research-and-APP Keras 1.2.1 and later
efficientdet EfficientDet: Scalable and Efficient Object Detection, in PyTorch Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
nanodet NanoDet Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
picodet PP-PicoDet Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
yolact You Only Look At CoefficienTs Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
fastest-det FastestDet Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
poly_yolo Poly YOLO Keras 1.2.6 and later
crowd_det Detection in Crowded Scenes Pytorch 1.2.13 and later
damo_yolo DAMO-YOLO Pytorch 1.2.9 and later


Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Date Blog
glip GLIP Pytorch 1.2.13 and later Dec 2021
dab-detr DAB-DETR Pytorch 1.2.12 and later Jan 2022
detic Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision Pytorch 1.2.10 and later Jan 2022 EN JP
groundingdino Grounding DINO Pytorch 1.2.16 and later Mar 2023 JP

Specific target

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
mobile_object_localizer mobile_object_localizer_v1 TensorFlow Hub 1.2.6 and later EN JP
sku110k-densedet SKU110K-DenseDet Pytorch 1.2.9 and later EN JP
traffic-sign-detection Traffic Sign Detection Tensorflow 1.2.10 and later EN JP
footandball FootAndBall: Integrated player and ball detector Pytorch 1.2.0 and later
qrcode_wechatqrcode qrcode_wechatqrcode Caffe 1.2.15 and later
layout_parsing unstructured-inference Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Object detection 3d

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
3d_bbox 3D Bounding Box Estimation Using Deep Learning and Geometry Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
3d-object-detection.pytorch 3d-object-detection.pytorch Pytorch 1.2.8 and later EN JP
mediapipe_objectron MediaPipe Objectron TensorFlow Lite 1.2.5 and later
egonet EgoNet Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
d4lcn D4LCN Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
did_m3d DID M3D Pytorch 1.2.11 and later

Object tracking

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
deepsort Deep Sort with PyTorch Pytorch 1.2.3 and later EN JP
person_reid_baseline_pytorch UTS-Person-reID-Practical Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
abd_net Attentive but Diverse Person Re-Identification Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
siam-mot SiamMOT Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
bytetrack ByteTrack Pytorch 1.2.5 and later EN JP
qd-3dt Monocular Quasi-Dense 3D Object Tracking Pytorch 1.2.11 and later
strong_sort StrongSORT Pytorch 1.2.15 and later
centroids-reid On the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Centroids in Image Retrieval Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
deepsort_vehicle Multi-Camera Live Object Tracking Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Optical Flow Estimation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
raft RAFT: Recurrent All Pairs Field Transforms for Optical Flow Pytorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP

Point segmentation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
pointnet_pytorch PointNet.pytorch Pytorch 1.2.6 and later

Pose estimation

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
openpose Code repo for realtime multi-person pose estimation in CVPR'17 (Oral) Caffe 1.2.1 and later
lightweight-human-pose-estimation Fast and accurate human pose estimation in PyTorch.Contains implementation of "Real-time 2D Multi-Person Pose Estimation on CPU: Lightweight OpenPose" paper. Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
pose_resnet Simple Baselines for Human Pose Estimation and Tracking Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
blazepose MediaPipePyTorch Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
efficientpose Code repo for EfficientPose TensorFlow 1.2.6 and later
movenet Code repo for movenet TensorFlow 1.2.8 and later EN JP
animalpose MMPose - 2D animal pose estimation Pytorch 1.2.7 and later EN JP
mediapipe_holistic MediaPipe Holistic TensorFlow 1.2.9 and later
ap-10k AP-10K Pytorch 1.2.4 and later
posenet PoseNet Pytorch Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
e2pose E2Pose Tensorflow 1.2.5 and later

Pose estimation 3d

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
lightweight-human-pose-estimation-3d Real-time 3D multi-person pose estimation demo in PyTorch.OpenVINO backend can be used for fast inference on CPU. Pytorch 1.2.1 and later
3d-pose-baseline A simple baseline for 3d human pose estimation in tensorflow.Presented at ICCV 17. TensorFlow 1.2.3 and later
pose-hg-3d Towards 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild: a Weakly-supervised Approach Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
blazepose-fullbody MediaPipe TensorFlow Lite 1.2.5 and later EN JP
3dmppe_posenet PoseNet of "Camera Distance-aware Top-down Approach for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image" Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
gast A Graph Attention Spatio-temporal Convolutional Networks for 3D Human Pose Estimation in Video (GAST-Net) Pytorch 1.2.7 and later EN JP
mediapipe_pose_world_landmarks MediaPipe Pose real-world 3D coordinates TensorFlow Lite 1.2.10 and later

Road detection

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
codes-for-lane-detection Codes-for-Lane-Detection Pytorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP
roneld RONELD-Lane-Detection Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
road-segmentation-adas road-segmentation-adas-0001 OpenVINO 1.2.5 and later
cdnet CDNet Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
lstr LSTR Pytorch 1.2.8 and later
ultra-fast-lane-detection Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
yolop YOLOP Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
hybridnets HybridNets Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
polylanenet PolyLaneNet Pytorch 1.2.9 and later

Rotation prediction

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
rotnet CNNs for predicting the rotation angle of an image to correct its orientation Keras 1.2.1 and later

Style transfer

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
adain Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization Pytorch 1.2.1 and later EN JP
psgan PSGAN: Pose and Expression Robust Spatial-Aware GAN for Customizable Makeup Transfer Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
beauty_gan BeautyGAN Pytorch 1.2.7 and later
animeganv2 PyTorch Implementation of AnimeGANv2 Pytorch 1.2.5 and later
pix2pixHD pix2pixHD: High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with Conditional GANs Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
EleGANt EleGANt: Exquisite and Locally Editable GAN for Makeup Transfer Pytorch 1.2.15 and later

Super resolution

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
srresnet Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network Pytorch 1.2.0 and later EN JP
edsr Enhanced Deep Residual Networks for Single Image Super-Resolution Pytorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP
han Single Image Super-Resolution via a Holistic Attention Network Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
real-esrgan Real-ESRGAN Pytorch 1.2.9 and later
rcan-it Revisiting RCAN: Improved Training for Image Super-Resolution Pytorch 1.2.10 and later
swinir SwinIR: Image Restoration Using Swin Transformer Pytorch 1.2.12 and later
Hat Hat Pytorch 1.2.6 and later

Text detection

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
craft_pytorch CRAFT: Character-Region Awareness For Text detection Pytorch 1.2.2 and later
pixel_link Pixel-Link TensorFlow 1.2.6 and later
east EAST: An Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Detector TensorFlow 1.2.6 and later

Text recognition

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
etl Japanese Character Classification Keras 1.1.0 and later JP
deep-text-recognition-benchmark deep-text-recognition-benchmark Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
crnn.pytorch Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
paddleocr PaddleOCR : Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle Pytorch 1.2.6 and later EN JP
easyocr Ready-to-use OCR with 80+ supported languages Pytorch 1.2.6 and later
ndlocr_text_recognition NDL OCR Pytorch 1.2.5 and later

Time-Series Forecasting

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
informer2020 Informer: Beyond Efficient Transformer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting (AAAI'21 Best Paper) Pytorch 1.2.10 and later

Vehicle recognition

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier vehicle-attributes-recognition-barrier-0042 OpenVINO 1.2.5 and later EN JP
vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier vehicle-license-plate-detection-barrier-0106 OpenVINO 1.2.5 and later

Vision Language Model

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
florence2 Hugging Face - microsoft/Florence-2-base Pytorch 1.2.16 and later

Commercial model

Model Reference Exported From Supported Ailia Version Blog
acculus-pose Acculus, Inc. Caffe 1.2.3 and later

Other languages