
An asyncio text-based panel

MIT License



An asyncio text-based panel system.


  • WM and bar agnostic. By default, lemonbar-like bars that take lines on stdin
    and display them are supported, though there is a generic API that can be
    used to hook the output to anything that takes a string.
  • Uses very little CPU time when running
  • Rich customization through a Python based configuration file
  • Concurrent/asynchronous programming model ensures all widgets are as
    responsive as possible


  • Python 3.6+ (f-strings and asyncio changes)
  • jinja2 (all templating)
  • gbulb + GLib (event loop, will be used for DBus widget subscriptions)
  • aiobspwm (optional, for bspwm widget)

How to use

Config file is at ~/.config/aiopanel/ Log file is at ~/.cache/aiopanel/aiopanel.log

Example config for a bspwm/lemonbar setup:

import aiopanel

# An instance of a PanelAdapter subclass that defines where the panel
# renders to
out_adapter = aiopanel.SubprocessAdapter([
    '-fSource Sans Pro:size=11',

# A jinja2 format template string for the whole panel. Gets the rendered
# output of whatever is in `widgets` as input
out_fmt = '{{ bspwm }}%{r}{{ date }}'

# A string or integer log level for the standard library logging module
# Optional.
log_level = 'DEBUG'

# these are just put here for convenience; they aren't config settings
bspwm_ctx = {
    'active_colour': '#ff4c5399',
    'inactive_colour': '#ff303030'

# same here
bspwm_template = """
{%- for m in wm.monitors.values() -%}
    %{B{{ ctx.active_colour if wm.focused_monitor == m else ctx.inactive_colour }}}
    {{- ' ' }}{{ }}{{ ' ' }}%{B-}
    {%- for d in m.desktops.values() -%}
        %{B{{ ctx.active_colour if m.focused_desktop == d else ctx.inactive_colour }}}
        {{- ' ' }}{{ }}{{ ' ' }}%{B-}
    {%- endfor -%}
{%- endfor -%}

# position: List[Widget] dictionary of widgets.
# Rendered, concatenated (within the lists) output is the context for out_fmt
widgets = {
    'bspwm': [aiopanel.BspwmWidget(bspwm_template, ctx=bspwm_ctx)],
    'date': [aiopanel.DateTimeWidget('%b %-d %H:%M', update=2)]

Writing a widget

A widget is expected to have two async methods on it:

update(), returning a str representing the desired output of the widget. This is called whenever watch() asks for an update.

watch(request_update), returning nothing. This runs in an infinite loop awaiting a given update condition, then calling request_update().


It generally makes more sense to call request_update() before waiting, so that the initial loading of the widget happens immediately.