
Stay informed on air quality with this simple bot, which posts real-time updates from a configurable sensor on the network to Twitter and Mastodon. See it in action by following #feinstaub and #cannstatt on or

MIT License

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Tweets air quality measurement results of particulate matter (Feinstaub) (

This source code is for a Mastodon or Twitter bot that monitors particulate matter (Feinstaub) for a single sensor from the network. The bot will automatically publish a tweet when the PM10 particulate matter exceeds a configurable threshold, such as 50 ยตg/mยณ."

A tweet might look like this:

This repository provides a cron job written in python 3. After a tweet submission no further tweets are created for a configurable period.

Deprecation of Twitter Support

โš ๏ธ The Twitter support will be deprecated some time in the future. Please refer to the 'r3.0.0' tag to access the latest functioning code for Twitter.


  • Create a twitter account, obtain an access token, see for further details.

  • Make sure python 3 is installed on your dev machine.

  • Clone this repository

  • Create a virtual environment, you may obtain more information about the steps below here:

    virtualenv venv -p /usr/bin/python3
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt 
  • Copy the file to, adjust the setup. At least you should alter the following values as starting point.

    # database, last tweet timestamp
    conf_storage = "/tmp/.air_tweet"
    # the sensor ids
    conf_particle_sensor_id = 609
    conf_temperature_sensor_id = 610
    # url used to fetch the avg sensor of the last hour
    conf_url_pm_sensor = ""
    conf_url_th_sensor = ""
    # sensor graph to embed in the tweet, provided for example by a graphana image renderer
    conf_luftdaten_graph_url = "{}&to={}&width=800&height=500&tz=UTC%2B02%3A00"
    conf_luftdaten_graph_mime_type = "image/png"
    # PM 10 limit
    conf_limit_pm_10_0 = 50
    # quiet period after a tweet has been published
    conf_quiet_period_in_hours = 6
    # stuff to embed in the tweet
    conf_luftdaten_map_url = ""
    conf_msg_preamble = "#feinstaub in #cannstatt:"
    # twitter credentials 
    twitter_enabled = True
    twitter_consumer_key = 'Abq...'
    twitter_consumer_secret = 'nep...'
    twitter_access_token = '43...'
    twitter_access_token_secret = 'pq...'
    # mastodon credentials
    mastodon_enabled = True
    mastodon_api_base_url = '' 
    mastodon_access_token =  'sE98...'
  • Setup a cron job

    */15 * * * * cd /home/pi/projects/air_tweets && venv/bin/python > /dev/null 2>&1


Please feel free to issue a bug report or submit a PR. Any helping hand is welcome.

Be aware that my primary coding language is Java. So currently some code portions might not follow python best practices.