
Requests library with custom functionality and anti-bot detection features

MIT License


1. About the Project

ak_requests is a Python package that provides an interface for automating requests tasks using requests package. It comes with quality of life improvements like retires, custom redirects, spacing out requests and shuffling requests to not trigger anti-bot measures.

1.1. Features

  • Bulk requests handling
  • Retry strategies including exponential back-off
  • Built-in retries and timeouts
  • Can log processes to file
  • Handles downloads of files/videos
  • Implemented default rate-limiting checks and process
  • Session objects are serialized to be able to save/load sessions from file
  • Can choose to handle exceptions or skip it completely with RAISE_EXCEPTIONS attribute
  • Can support both basic .basic_auth() and OAuth .oauth2_auth() authentications.
  • Improve rate-limiting with built-in APIs for dynamically adjusting request frequencies based on feedback (e.g., from Retry-After headers) and automatically spacing requests accordingly.

2. Getting Started

2.1. Installation

pip install ak_requests@git+https://github.com/rpakishore/ak_requests

3. Usage

3.1. Create and use session

from ak_requests import RequestsSession

# Initialize session
session = RequestsSession(log=False, retries=5, log_level='error', timeout=10) 

## Can update session level variables
session.MIN_REQUEST_GAP = 1.5   # seconds, Change min time bet. requests
session.RAISE_ERRORS = False    # raises RequestErrors, else returns None; defaults to True

# Update custom header
session.update_header({'Connection': 'keep-alive'})

# set cookies
session.update_cookies([{'name':'has_recent_activity', 'value':'1'}])

# Get requests
res = session.get('https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2', data={}, proxies = {} ) # Can accept any requests parameters

# Make bulk requests
urls = ['https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2', 'https://reqres.in/api/unknown']
responses = session.bulk_get(urls)

3.2. Beautifulsoup

from ak_requests import soupify
res = session.get('https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2')
soup = soupify(res)

## or 
soup, res = session.soup('https://reqres.in/api/users?page=2')

## Also works for bulk requests
soups, ress = session.bulk_soup(urls)

3.3. Download files

# Check if file is downloadble
session.downloadble('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0')  #False

session.downloadble('http://google.com/favicon.ico') #True

  url = 'http://google.com/favicon.ico',  #URL to download
  fifopath='C:\\', #Can be folderpath, filename or filepath. If existing folder specified - will extract filename from url contents
  confirm_downloadble = False #Will return `None`, if url not downloadble

# Download videos
from pathlib import Path
video_info = session.video(url='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaW_jenozKc', 
              audio_only=False) #Downloads the video to specified path and returns dict of video info

3.4. Other Functionality

# Save/Restore session to/from file
## Save the session state to a file

## Later, you can load the session state back
restored_session = RequestsSession.load_session('session_state.pkl')

# Authentication
session.setup_auth_basic(username="johndoe", password="12345678") ## basic auth
session.setup_auth_oauth2(token='x0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')    ## OAuth authentication

4. Roadmap

  • Proxy Support: Allow support for rotating proxy lists to manage a large volume of requests without hitting rate limits or triggering anti-bot measures. Integrate features like automatic proxy testing and failover in case of a broken proxy.
  • Asynchronous Requests: Implement asynchronous request handling using asyncio or aiohttp. This can significantly enhance performance when dealing with multiple concurrent requests, especially for I/O-bound tasks.
  • Response Caching: Add a caching layer for GET requests to avoid redundant network requests and speed up frequently accessed data retrieval. Allow users to configure the caching mechanism, cache duration, and invalidation strategies.
  • Request Preprocessing and Postprocessing: Introduce hooks for preprocessing and postprocessing of requests and responses. Users could modify request headers, log specific details, or automatically retry certain status codes like 429.
  • File Upload Support: Enable multipart/form-data requests for uploading files, which could expand the functionality to handle file transfers in both directions.
  • Support for Additional Auth Schemes: Beyond basic and OAuth2, consider adding support for other authentication methods, like token-based, bearer tokens, and cookie-based authentication, to broaden compatibility with different APIs.
  • Session Management Enhancements: Improve session handling by introducing automatic session refresh or re-authentication mechanisms, especially for OAuth tokens with limited lifespans.
  • Download Manager with Resumable Downloads: Enhance the file download feature to support resumable downloads for large files. This can improve robustness when downloading large datasets or videos over unreliable networks.
  • Customizable User-Agent Spoofing: Provide built-in options for easily rotating or randomizing User-Agent strings to bypass common anti-bot mechanisms. A customizable header interface might also enhance flexibility.
  • Extended Logging and Monitoring: Introduce more detailed and configurable logging options, such as logging retries, rate limits hit, request/response times, and any exceptions caught. This could help track the performance and reliability of the request handling process.
  • Improved Error Handling: Implement more sophisticated error classification to differentiate between recoverable and non-recoverable errors. Offer users the ability to handle or ignore specific HTTP status codes and exceptions.
  • Interactive Progress Bars: For file downloads or bulk requests, adding progress indicators or real-time updates for long-running tasks could improve the user experience.
  • Built-in CLI Tool: Create a command-line interface for ak_requests, enabling users to perform basic request tasks like GET, POST, or bulk downloads from the terminal without writing Python code.

5. License

See LICENSE for more information.

6. Contact

Arun Kishore - @rpakishore

Project Link: https://github.com/rpakishore/ak_requests