
Python Wrapper for SAP2000. Generate/Analyze/Extract complex structural models using python.

MPL-2.0 License


1. About the Project

2. Getting Started

2.1. Prerequisites

  1. Python 3.11 or above
  2. SAP2000 v24 or higher

2.2. Installation

2.2.1. Production Install directly from repo

Clone repo and Install with flit

git clone https://github.com/rpakishore/ak_sap.git
cd  ak_sap
pip install flit
  • If you want just the base package:

    flit install --deps production
  • Alternatively, if you also want to include the optional streamlit gui:

    flit install --deps production --extras gui Install from Pypi release
pip install ak_sap

Note: The Pypi version does not ship with the optional streamlit gui

2.2.2. Development

Download the git and install via flit

git clone https://github.com/rpakishore/ak_sap.git
cd  ak_sap
pip install flit
flit install --pth-file

Updating Docs:

  • Update the Usage.ipynb.

  • Open cmd.exe to run


3. Usage

Initialize the module as below

from ak_sap import debug, Sap2000Wrapper

sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=True)      #Attach to existing opened model
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False)     #Create new blank model from latest SAP2000

## Create blank model from a custom version of SAP2000
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False, program_path=r'Path\to\SAP2000.exe')

Parent level methods and attributes

sap.hide()                                  #Hide the SAP2000 window
sap.unhide()                                #Unhides SAP2000 window
sap.version                                 #Returns SAP2000 version number
sap.api_version                             #Returns Sap0API version number


3.1. GUI

The repo has an optional streamlit GUI for the wrapper. Checkout GUI.md for installation and usage instructions.

3.2. Layout Documentation

Layout Map


Usage Examples:

from ak_sap import debug, Sap2000Wrapper

sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=True)      #Attach to existing opened model
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False)     #Create new blank model from latest SAP2000
## Create blank model from a custom version of SAP2000
sap = Sap2000Wrapper(attach_to_exist=False, program_path=r'Path\to\SAP2000.exe')

Parent Level

Usage Examples:

sap.hide()                                  #Hide the SAP2000 window
sap.unhide()                                #Unhides SAP2000 window
sap.ishidden                                #Check if window is hidden
sap.version                                 #Returns SAP2000 version number
sap.api_version                             #Returns Sap0API version number
sap.exit(save=False)                        #Exit the application




Collection of methods and attributes that control changes to the model as a whole

Usage Examples:

sap.Model.units                             #Returns current model units
sap.Model.units_database                    #Returns Internal Database units
sap.Model.set_units(value='N_m_C')          #Changes the present units of model

sap.Model.merge_tol                         #retrieves the value of the program auto merge tolerance
sap.Model.set_merge_tol(0.05)               #sets the program auto merge tolerance

sap.Model.filepath                          #Returns filepath of current file

sap.Model.is_locked                         #Returns if the model is locked
sap.Model.lock()                            #Locks the model
sap.Model.unlock()                          #Unlocks the model

sap.Model.project_info                      #Returns a dict of Project Info
##Set project info, use `.project_info` to see available keys
sap.Model.set_project_info({'Design Code': 'BCBC 2018'})

sap.Model.logs                              #Retrieve user comments and logs
sap.Model.set_logs('Add this comment')      #Adds user comments/logs

Collection of methods and attributes that apply changes to elements in the model

Usage Examples:

object = sap.Object
object.move_selected(dx=0.5, dy=0, dz=1.0)  #Move selected object
object.copy(dx=0.5, dy=0, dz=0, num=10)#copy selected object

#Mirror and create object
from ak_sap import Coord
pt1 = Coord(x=10, y=20, z=0)
p2 = Coord(x=10, y=30, z=0)
object.mirror(plane='Z', coord1=pt1, coord2=pt2)    #Mirror replicate selected obj.

Manipulate Point Elements

Usage Examples:

points = sap.Object.Point
len(points)                                 #list number of points in model
points.add_by_coord((1,2,3))                #Add point to model
points.is_selected(name='1')                #Check if point is selected
points.selected()                           #Yields selected points
points.all()                                #Lists all defined points
points.rename(old_name='1', new_name='1_1') #Rename point
points.check_obj_legal(name='1')            #Asserts point's existance
points.delete(name='1')                     #Delete point

points.deselect_all()                       #Deselect all points
points.select(name='1')                     #Select a single point
points.align(axis='Z', ordinate = 100)      #Align selected points
points.deselect(name='1')                   #Deselect a single point

# Extrude point to frame
    dx=0, dy=144, dz=0,
points.merge(tolerance=2)                   #Merge points that are within tol
points.change_coord(name='1', x=0, y=0, z=0)#Change point coordinate

Manipulate Frame Elements

Usage Examples:

frames = sap.Object.Frame
len(frames)                                 #list number of frames in model
frames.is_selected(name='1')                #Check if frame is selected
frames.selected()                           #Yields selected frames
frames.all()                                #Lists all defined frames
frames.rename(old_name='1', new_name='1_1') #Rename frame
frames.check_obj_legal(name='1')            #Asserts frame's existance
frames.get_section(name='1')          #Get the assigned Section name
frames.get_points(name='1')           #Get points connected to frame

frames.delete(name='1')                     #Delete frame
    dist=0.5,Iend=True)                     #Divide frame by distance
frames.divide_by_intersection(name='2')   #Divide at selected intersections
frames.divide_by_ratio(name='3',ratio=0.3)#Divide at selected ratio
frames.join('2','3')                  #Join Colinear frames
frames.change_points(name='1', point1='1', point2='3')  #Change connected points of frame

# Extrude frames to area
    dx=0, dy=144, dz=0,

# Get frame properties
frames.Prop.rename(old_name="FSEC1", new_name="MySection")  #Rename frame property
frames.Prop.total()                         #Total # of defined frame properties

Control the database values

Usage Examples:

tables = sap.Table
tables.list_available()                              #Lists available database tables
tables.list_all()                                    #Lists all database tables
tables.get_table_fields('Analysis Options')          #Get table Field Info
tables.get(TableKey='Load Case Definitions', dataframe=False)     #Get Table data in `list[dict]` format
df = tables.get('Material Properties 01 - General')                 #Get Table data in pandas dataframe

# Update Table
df.iloc[0,0] = 'New Value'
tables.update(TableKey='Material Properties 01 - General', data=df, apply=True)

Usage Examples:

select = sap.Select

select.all()                                    #Select all objects
select.clear()                                  #Deselect all objects

select.constraint(name='Diaph1')                #Select points in constraint
select.constraint(name='Diaph1', reverse=True)  #Deselect points in constraint

select.invert()                 #Invert selections
select.selected                 #Returns list of selected objects
select.previous()               #restores the previous selection

#Selection based on plane
select.in_plane(pointname='1', plane='XY')                  #Select in XY plane
select.in_plane(pointname='2', plane='YZ', reverse=False)   #Deselect

#Select by property
select.property(type='Area', name='ASEC1')
select.property(type='Cable', name='CAB1', reverse=True)
select.property(type='Frame', name='FSEC1')
select.property(type='Link', name='GAP1', reverse=True)
select.property(type='Material', name='A992Fy50')
select.property(type='Solid', name='SOLID1', reverse=True)
select.property(type='Tendon', name='TEN1')

Control the definition and assignments of loads.

Load Patterns

Usage Examples:

pattern = sap.Load.Pattern
len(pattern)                   # List the number of load patterns defined
pattern.list_all()             #List defined load patterns
pattern.rename('Dead', 'Live') #Rename previously defined pattern
pattern.delete(name='Dead')    #Delete a load pattern

pattern.get_selfwt_multiplier('DEAD')           #Get defined self weight multiplier
pattern.set_selfwt_multiplier('DEAD', 1.15)     #Set self weight multiplier

pattern.get_loadtype('DEAD')                        #Get the defined load type
pattern.set_loadtype('DEAD', pattern_type='LIVE')   #Set the defined load type

#Add a Live load case with name "Custom Live", a 1.15x self weight multiplier and also generate an accompanying load case
pattern.add(name='Custom Live', pattern_type='LIVE', 
            selfwt_multiplier=1.15, add_case=True)
Load Cases

Usage Examples:

cases = sap.Load.Case
len(cases)                      #returns total # of defined cases
cases.total(casetype='MODAL')   #Get # of modal load cases
cases.list_all()                #List all load cases
cases.rename('DEAD','WATER')    #Rename existing load case
cases.case_info(name='DEAD')    #Get the Case type information
cases.set_type(name='DEAD', casetype='LINEAR_STATIC')   #Change the case type of existing load case

sap.Load.Modal ####### Eigen

Usage Examples:

eigen = sap.Load.Modal.Eigen
eigen.set_case(case_name="LCASE1")          #Set a Eigen Modal case

eigen.set_initial_case(case_name='LCASE1', initial_case='DEAD')    #Set initial stiffness case
eigen.get_initial_case(case_name="LCASE1")  #Get the Initial Case

eigen.get_loads(case_name='LCASE1')         #Get the load data

#Set Eigen parameters
    EigenShiftFreq=0.05,    #cyc/s
    EigenCutOff=0.0001,     #cyc/s
eigen.get_parameters(case_name='LCASE1')    #Get Parameters

eigen.set_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1', max=10, min=5)   #set number of modes
eigen.get_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1')                  #get number of modes

####### Ritz

Usage Examples:

ritz = sap.Load.Modal.Ritz
ritz.set_case(case_name="LCASE1")          #Set a Eigen Modal case

ritz.set_initial_case(case_name='LCASE1', initial_case='DEAD')    #Set initial stiffness case
ritz.get_initial_case(case_name="LCASE1")  #Get the Initial Case

ritz.get_loads(case_name='LCASE1')         #Get the load data

ritz.set_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1', max=10, min=5)   #set number of modes
ritz.get_number_modes(case_name='LCASE1')                  #get number of modes

Usage Examples:

analyze = sap.Analyze
analyze.create_model()                      #Create analysis model
analyze.run()                               #Runs the analysis
analyze.case_status()                       #retrieves the status for all load cases.
analyze.get_run_flag()                      #retrieves the run flags for all cases
analyze.set_run_flag(case='MODAL', status=True) # Set case to run
analyze.get_solver()                        #Get solver info

#Set solver options

Manipulate Results from SAP2000

Usage Examples:

results = sap.Results

setup = sap.Results.Setup
setup.clear_casecombo()                     #Deselect all Case&Combo for results
setup.select_case(casename='DEAD')          #sets an load case selected for output flag.
setup.is_selected_case(casename='DEAD')     #checks if an load case is selected for output.
setup.select_combo(comboname='DEAD')        #sets an load combo selected for output flag.
setup.is_selected_combo(comboname='COMB1')  #checks if an load combo is selected for output.
setup.set_rxn_loc_get(x=0.5, y=0.5, z=5)    #sets coordinates of the locn at which the base reactions are reported.               
setup.base_rxn_loc_get()                    #retrieves coordinates of the locn at which the base reactions are reported.

results.joint_reactions(jointname='1')      #Get Joint reactions as list of dict
results.joint_displacements(jointname='1')      #Get Joint displacements as list of dict
results.joint_accelerations(jointname='1')  #Get joint accelerations
results.joint_velocities(jointname='1')     #Get joint velocities

results.delete('MODAL')                     #Delete results of `MODAL` case
results.delete('All')                       #Delete results of all cases

Usage Examples:

material = sap.Material
material.rename(old="4000Psi", new="MatConc")   #Rename existing material
material.total()                                #Total # of defined material properties
material.delete(name='4000Psi')                 #Delete existing material property
material.list_all()                             #List all defined Material Properties
material.get_props(name='4000Psi')              #Returns basic material property data
material.add(name='Steel', material_type='Steel')           #Initialze Material Property
material.set_isotropic(name='Steel', E=29500, poisson=0.25, thermal_coeff=6e-06)    #Set isotropic material properties
material.set_density(name='Steel', mass_per_vol=0.00029)    #set density

Usage Examples:

rebar = sap.Material.Rebar
rebar.rename(old='R1', new='MyRebar')           #Rename rebar
rebar.total()                                   #Total # of defined rebar properties
rebar.delete(name='R1')                         #Delete existing rebar property
rebar.list_all()                                #List all defined rebar Properties
rebar.set_prop(name='MyRebar2', area=1.05, dia=1.0) #Define a rebar property
rebar.get_prop(name='MyRebar2')                 #Get rebar property

4. Roadmap

  • Generate Load Patterns
  • Generate Load Cases
  • Apply Loads
    • Points
    • Area
    • Line
  • Export joint reactions to Hilti-Profis file

5. License

See LICENSE for more information.

6. Contact

Arun Kishore - @rpakishore

Project Link: https://github.com/rpakishore/ak_sap

7. Acknowledgements