
send a telegram and mail alert on rain tommrrow

LGPL-3.0 License

# alert_on_rain_tomorrow

A simple job designed to run inside a cron wrapper of some sort (pick your poison as each orchestrator/cloud provider has its own way of doing scheduled jobs nowadays) that will alert via telegram & email when it looks like it will rain tomorrow then exit (it's not long-running as again it's designed to run inside a cron scheduler of some kind).

Github actions CI unit tests & auto dockerhub push status:

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The container will run with the following command, check for rain tomorrow and alert if it looks like a rainy day then exit, It's designed to run under some cron scheduler (k8s, metronome/mesos or linux OS cron), below is the example command needed to run the container one off

docker run -e OWM_API_KEY="my_owm_token" -e CITY="Tel Aviv" -e COUNTRY_CODE="IL" -e SMTP_SERVER="" -e SENDER_EMAIL="[email protected]" -e RECEIVER_EMAIL="[email protected]" -e EMAIL_PASSWORD="pass" -e EMAIL_PORT="465" -e TELEGRAM_TOKEN="my_token" -e CHAT_ID="123" naorlivne/alert_on_rain_tomorrow

Configuration options

alert_on_rain_tomorrow uses sane defaults, but they can all be easily changed:

value envvar default value notes
owm_api_key OWM_API_KEY You can get a free one at
city CITY The city you want to be alerted should it rain tomorrow
country_code COUNTRY_CODE The 2 capital letters country code where the city is located at
smtp_server SMTP_SERVER SMTP server address which mail is sent through (SSL/TLS enabled)
sender_email SENDER_EMAIL Email address to send the alert out of
receiver_email RECEIVER_EMAIL Email address to send the alert to
email_password EMAIL_PASSWORD sender_email account password
email_port EMAIL_PORT SMTP server port
telegram_token TELEGRAM_TOKEN Telegram API token
chat_id CHAT_ID Telegram chat_id with the bot which you'll be alerted through

The easiest way to change a default value is to pass the envvar key\value to the docker container with the -e cli arg but if you want you can also create a configuration file with the settings you wish (in whatever of the standard format you desire) & place it in the /www/config folder inside the container.

Most providers also allow setting their configuration access_keys\etc via envvars use -e cli args to configure them is ideal as well but should you wish to configure a file you can also easily mount\copy it into the container as well.