
Command line utility to compress Anki deck .apkg file size

MIT License


Anki Compressor

Compresses images and audio in Anki .apkg files to reduce the overall file size.


anki-compressor can be installed with Pip, but it requires Pydub and Pillow which have native dependencies that need to be installed. You'll need to include support for libvorbis in the audio library, since all audio is converted to ogg and all images are converted to jpg.

Once you've installed those dependencies, run pip install anki-compressor to install the command line script.


usage: anki-compressor [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-q QUALITY] [-b BITRATE]

Compress Anki .apkg file size

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i INPUT, --input INPUT
                        Input .apkg file to compress
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file to write, defaults to MIN_<INPUT>
  -q QUALITY, --quality QUALITY
                        Quality value for image compression (0-100), defaults to 50
  -b BITRATE, --bitrate BITRATE
                        ffmpeg-compliant bitrate value for audio compression, defaults to 48k
  -t {jpg,jpeg,png,tif,tiff,gif,webp}, --image_type {jpg,jpeg,png,tif,tiff,gif,webp} 
  		        Filetype for image compression, defaults to jpeg	

Here's an example of compressing a file input.apkg and writing the output to output.apkg:

anki-compressor -i input.apkg -o output.apkg -q 50 -b 64k -t jpeg


  • -i: Specifies the input file and is required
  • -o: Output file name, defaults to MIN_<INPUT>
  • -q: Image quality on a scale of 1-100 supplied to Pillow's image processing, defaults to 50
  • -b: Bitrate for audio output, defaults to '48k'
  • -t: Filetype for image compression, defaults to jpeg