
Python backend for Annotator (


Reference implementation backend for Annotator web annotation system.

Defines the reference RESTFul API and connects to a database backend to persist annotations created by the frontend, Annotator_.

.. _Annotator:

There is also an experimental CouchDB implementation. See the couchdb branch of the repository.

Getting Started

The following instructions assume you have a working installation of python (2.6 or higher) and sqlite (any recent version). You will also need pip and virtualenv, which can be installed quickly with one command::

easy_install virtualenv

Now, you should be ok to set up annotator-store-py::

git clone git://
cd annotator-store-py
pip install -E pyenv -r requirements.txt -e .

If that worked ok, you should see something like::

Successfully installed annotator HTTPEncode httplib2 Paste PasteDeploy PasteScript routes SQLAlchemy webob wsgifilter
Cleaning up...

You should now be able to run the demo server::

source pyenv/bin/activate
paster serve store.ini

You might a deprecation warning from SQLAlchemy. We're working on removing this but in the mean time you can safely ignore it. You can take a peek at the (little) that the backend is now doing::

curl -i http://localhost:5000/annotations

You'll see that the store responds with "[]": there aren't any annotations in the store at the moment. That's not surprising: you haven't created any. For that, you'll need to go get Annotator_ and hook it up to the backend.

RESTFul Interface

The RESTful interface is provided by the WSGI application in annotator/

It can be mounted anywhere you like and provides a RESTful resource 'annotations'.

For example if you have mounted it at '/store' you would have::

GET    /store/annotations      # list
POST   /store/annotations      # create
GET    /store/annotations/{id} # show
PUT    /store/annotations/{id} # update
DELETE /store/annotations/{id} # delete

Attributes for these methods (in particular annotation values) may be provided either as individual query parameters or as as json payload (encoded in standard way as argument to a parameter named json). Returned data will be JSON encoded. If a "callback" query parameter is supplied, any response will be JSONP encoded using the value of "callback" as the name of the callback function.


  • A create request returns a Location header redirecting to the created


Search API is located at: {mount_point}/annotations/search

Results are returned in JSON format::

    'total': number of results,
    'results': results list

You can search by any annotation attribute (but not "extras"). For example to search for annotation with a particular 'uri' field you'd visit::


In addition to search parameters there are three additional control parameters:

  • limit=val: limit the number of results returned to val (defaults to 100 if
    not set). To have all results returned set to -1.
  • offset=val: return results from val onwards
  • all_fields=1: if absent only return ids of annotations, if present (true)
    return all fields of the annotation

Specification of Annotations

Annotations can have the following attributes:

  • id: unique identifier of the annotation -- usually provided by the store at creation.
  • uri: document identifier
  • user: an identifier for the user who created the annotation. To avoid
    cross-application collision it is recommended that you either:
    • Generate uuids for your users stored as: urn:uuid:{uuid} (or just {uuid})
    • (or) Prefix your usernames with a unique (e.g. uuid) string (e.g. {uuid-identifying-application}::{your-username}
  • text: text of annotation
  • range(s): list of range objects. Each range object has:
    • [optional] format: range format (defines syntax/semantics of start end)
    • start: xpath, offset (for default html format)
    • end: xpath, offset (for default html format)
  • [optional] quote (the quoted text -- or snippet thereof)
  • [optional] created (datetime of creation)

You can also add arbitrary additional key/value pairs to annotations, these are serialized as "extras" in the database in this version of the annotation store.



v0.4 2010-11-10

Beta release: this annotator store has now been successfully used in production deployments.

  • New attributes on Annotation: user, tags
  • Support for jsonp and returning id on annotation create
  • Allow arbitrary attributes on annotations
  • Searching annotations (essential for multi-document annotation!)
  • Improved documentation
  • Support locating annotation RESTFul url within store (e.g.
    {store}/annotations instead {store}/annotation)
  • Preliminary CORS support for cross-domain requests
  • Preliminary CouchDB support

v0.3 2009-10-18

Major release:

  • RESTful interface is JSON-based by default
  • Much improved demo with WSGI middleware
  • Switch from existing marginalia js library to new jsannotate library
  • Rename from annotater to annotator
  • Make model code easily reusable inside another project
  • Simplify and refactor code throughout

v0.2 2009-07-26

  • Significant polishing
  • Convert backend store to use SQLAlchemy
  • Load RESTful interface at an arbitrary url
  • Last version to be based on marginalia

v0.1 2007-04-01

  • Fully functioning web annotation using marginalia
  • SQLObject based backend store
  • WSGI RESTful interface to store
  • WSGI app for mounting marginalia media (js, css etc)
  • Demo app in demo/

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2006-2010 the Open Knowledge Foundation.

Licensed under the MIT license:

Versions earlier than 0.3 used js code derived from Geof Glass' code which are therefore (c) Geoff Glass and collaborators and are licensed under the GPL v2.