
BDD test examples with Behave and Appium


Appium Basic Demo for Behave (BDD)

These are sample test cases for Testhive workshop and general usage that can get you familiar with Appium.

BDD framework used is Behave which is an Cucumber clone for Python.

Mobile Test Automation framework is Appium which is most supported right now.

Install Behave and Appium:

pip install appium-python-client
pip install behave

# For SauceLabs remote connection
# !! Make sure your environment variables have: SAUCE_USERNAME
# and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY variables set
pip install sauceclient


# In order to select configuration you need to set tags in execution
behave ios_simple.feature

You may limit the test cases using tags

behave --tags=current android.feature

Jenkins Execution:

# Inside the jenkins shell command
# For Mac
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/behave --junit --tags=current features/android.feature
cp -R reports $WORKSPACE