
Applied energistics 2 viewer on a website

MPL-2.0 License


Applied Over Internet

The goal of this project is to be able to see the contents of an Applied Energistics 2 (Minecraft mod) inventory through a website.

Installation instructions


  • Minecraft Server that you can access (you will need to modify configs)
  • CC:Tweaked mod (ComputerCraft)
  • Advanced Peripherical mod
  • already usable AE2 setup
  • Actual server to run the python webserver on (Preferably the server hosting the Minecraft server itself)
  • Being able to mess around with stuff, because this tutorial isn't fool-proof


Retrieve the textures

  • Install the mod ( and run the command /iconexporter export (in singleplayer, not on a physical server) to export the icons
  • Find the output folder in your .minecraft directory, move it to the root of this cloned repository and rename it input
  • Run the <path_to_your_minecraft_folder> script, which will organise the textures in the textures folder.
  • Move that textures folder to the server (hint: compress it for faster transfer)

Setup the webserver

  • Create the .env file (see .env.example template) and modify the passwords
  • Setup the python webserver
    • (Easiest + Stats support) Either run docker compose --profile app up
    • (Hardest + No stats support) Or run the script (as a background program, with say tmux or screen) with gunicorn -b server:app (Don't use the flask default development server, for me it caused memory leaks due to creating a thread per request for some reason)
  • (Optional) if you have an already existing nginx server (and/or want to go through to enable SSL), here's a virtual host template. And then do your stuff with Certbot

Setup the Minecraft server

  • Modify the server CC:Tweaked configuration file to enable the HTTP API and restart your server
    • the config can be found at {world}/serverconfig/computercraft-server.toml, set enabled to true in the http section
    • if you are going to run the python webserver on your local machine/network, you also need to remove the rule that disables access to private IPs later in the file. It is the one with host = "$private". Click here for more info

In Minecraft

screenshot from the modpack ATM9

  • Place your computer and your ME bridge next to the AE2 network (the ME bridge must be connected to the AE2 network)
  • Import the following script in the computer as the startup.lua script (either put it through {world}/computercraft/computer/{id} or upload it on pastebin)

Requests graph

flowchart TD
    subgraph Server
        webserver[Python webserver]
        subgraph Minecraft
            CC[CC:Tweaked script]
            CC -->|Requests data| AE
        CC -->|Sends data| webserver
        webserver -->|Sends data| db

        grafana -->|Requests data| db
    user -->|Requests inventory HTML| webserver
    user -->|Requests stats HTML| grafana 

Legend: Arrows going from A to B (A->B) means that A sends a request to B. It sends nothing about which way the data transits, it could go from A to B or B to A

Why ?
